Abstract di articoli di paleoantropologia e preistoria (paleolitico - mesolitico)

 Area geografica considerata: Africa, Europa, Europa orientale e Vicino Oriente (preistoria). Africa, Eurasia (paleoantropologia)






Spoglio bibliografico:

Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary

American Anthropologist

American Journal of Archaeology

American Journal of Human Genetics

American Journal of Biological Anthropology


Archeologia e Calcolatori

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

Archeologie sperimentali


Archaeology Magazine



Cambridge Archaeological Journal

Current Anthropology

Eureka Alert

European Journal of Archaeology

Evolutionary Anthropology

Evolutionary Human Sciences



Human ecology

International Journal of Historical Archaeology

Internet Archaeology

Ipotesi di preistoria

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

Journal of Anthropological Sciences (JASS)

Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory

Journal of Archaeological Research

Journal of Archaeological Science

Journal of Biogeography

Journal of Field Archaeology

Journal of Human Evolution

Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology

Journal of Quaternary Science

Journal of World Prehistory


Le Scienze, news

Molecular Biology and Evolution


Nature Communications

Nature Ecology & Evolution

Oxford Journal of Archaeology

PALEO - Revue d'archeologie prehistorique


PLOS ONE - Anthropology

PLOS ONE - Archaeology

PNAS Nexus

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society


Quaternary International

Quaternary Research

Quaternary Science Reviews

Royal Society Open Science


Science Advances

Science Daily - Anthropology News

Science Daily - Archaeology News

Scientific American

Scientific Reports

Stone Pages

Systematic Biology

The Prehistoric Society - Past

The Science of Nature

Traces in time

University of Cambridge, news

World Archaeology



Index di antiqui