Aggiornamento 30 dicembre |
Technological variability
in the Late Palaeolithic lithic industries of
the Egyptian Nile Valley: The case of the
Silsilian and Afian industries,
di A. Leplongeon, December 27, 2017, doi:
- free access -
During the Nubia
Salvage Campaign and the subsequent expeditions
from the 1960’s to the 1980’s, numerous sites
attributed to the Late Palaeolithic (~25–15 ka)
were found in the Nile Valley, particularly in
Nubia and Upper Egypt. This region is one of the
few to have allowed human occupations during the
dry Marine Isotope Stage 2 and is therefore key
to understanding how human populations adapted
to environmental changes at this time. This
paper focuses on two sites located in Upper
Egypt, excavated by the Combined Prehistoric
Expedition: E71K18, attributed to the Afian
industry and E71K20, attributed to the Silsilian
industry. It aims to review the geomorphological
and chronological evidence of the sites, present
a technological analysis of the lithic
assemblages in order to provide data that can be
used in detailed comparative studies, which will
allow discussion of technological variability in
the Late Palaeolithic of the Nile Valley and its
place within the regional context. The lithic
analysis relies on the chaîne opératoire concept
combined with an attribute analysis to allow
quantification. This study casts doubts on the
chronology of E71K18 and related Afian industry,
which could be older or younger than previously
suggested, highlights distinct technological
characteristics for the Afian and the Silsilian,
as well as similar technological characteristics
which allow to group them under a same broad
techno-cultural complex, distinct from those
north or south of the area. (...) |
early Brunhes (<0.78 Ma) age for the Lower
Paleolithic tool-bearing Kozarnika cave
sediments, Bulgaria,
di G. Muttoni et alii, "Quaternary
Science Reviews", Volume 178, 15 December 2017,
Pages 1-13
We present a new
sedimentological profile and a
magnetostratigraphy of the tool-bearing
Kozarnika cave sediments from Bulgaria. Modal
analysis of cave infilling sedimentary texture
indicates that the tool-bearing layers contain a
sizable fraction of sediment interpreted as
loess. We also find evidence for a relatively
thick and well defined normal magnetic polarity
in the upper-middle part of the section
interpreted as a record of the Brunhes Chron,
followed down-section by reverse polarity
directions interpreted as a record of the
Matuyama Chron. The lowermost levels with Lower
Paleolithic tools (Layers 13a–c) lie in the
early Brunhes at a nominal maximum age of ∼0.75
Ma, while the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary (0.78
Ma) falls in Layer 13 Lower immediately below.
This finding represents a conspicuous revision
of previous age estimates for the same
tool-bearing layers. |
migrazioni multiple di Homo sapiens dall'Africa,
11 dicembre 2017
I genomi delle
popolazioni non africane portano i segni di una
grande diaspora degli esseri umani moderni
dall'Africa avvenuta circa 60.000 anni fa, nota
convenzionalmente come Out of Africa. Ma secondo
numerose ricerche genetiche e
paleoantropologiche, a partire da 120.000 anni
fa si susseguirono varie migrazioni, e gli studi
documentano sia la presenza di Homo sapiens in
Asia orientale prima dell'Out of Africa sia
l'incrocio con altre specie, come i Neanderthal
e i Denisova. (...) |
Hominid butchers and biting crocodiles in the
African Plio–Pleistocene,
di Y. Sahle, S. El Zaatari, T. D. White, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences", December 12, 2017,
vol. 114 no. 50, pp. 13164–13169
have long relied on linear traces and pits found
on the surfaces of ancient bones to infer
ancient hominid behaviors such as slicing,
chopping, and percussive actions during butchery
of mammal carcasses. However, such claims about
Plio–Pleistocene hominids rely mostly on very
small assemblages of bony remains. Furthermore,
recent experiments on trampling animals and
biting crocodiles have shown each to be capable
of producing mimics of such marks. This
equifinality—the creation of similar products by
different processes—makes deciphering early
archaeological bone assemblages difficult. Bone
modifications among Ethiopian Plio–Pleistocene
hominid and faunal remains at Asa Issie, Maka,
Hadar, and Bouri were reassessed in light of
these findings. The results show that crocodiles
were important modifiers of these bone
assemblages. The relative roles of hominids,
mammalian carnivores, and crocodiles in the
formation of Oldowan zooarchaeological
assemblages will only be accurately revealed by
better bounding equifinality. Critical analysis
within a consilience-based approach is
identified as the pathway forward. More
experimental studies and increased
archaeological fieldwork aimed at generating
adequate samples are now required. |
critical assessment of the Protoaurignacian
lithic technology at Fumane Cave and its
implications for the definition of the earliest
di A. Falcucci, N. J. Conard, M. Peresani,
December 7, 2017, doi:
- free access -
In the scenario of
the spread of the anatomically modern humans (AMHs)
into Europe, the techno-complex known as
Protoaurignacian is defined by the production of
blades and bladelets within a single and
continuous stone knapping sequence from the same
core as the result of its progressive reduction.
However, the growing re-evaluation of some
assemblages is revealing that bladelets are
frequently obtained from independent reduction
sequences, hence discouraging the direct
application of the model developed in
southwestern France. High-resolution regional
signatures are thus needed to reconstruct a more
accurate portrait of the AMH colonization
dynamic. Northeastern Italy, with the key site
of Fumane Cave, is one among the regions of
Mediterranean Europe worthy of consideration for
reconstructing this colonization process and its
cultural dynamics. Within the framework of a
critical discussion of the technological
definition of the Protoaurignacian and its
relationship with contemporaneous industries on
a regional and supra-regional scale, we present
the results of a detailed analysis of the lithic
technology from units A2-A1 based on reduction
sequence and attribute analyses. Results show
that bladelets are the first goal of production
and they do not originate from reduced blade
cores but from a broad range of independent and
simultaneous core reduction strategies. One
implication is that the most commonly used
technological trait that is said to define the
Protoaurignacian has been over-emphasized and
that the Protoaurignacian is technologically
consistent across its geographical extent.
Additional data based on carinated core
technology imply that this techno-complex shares
a common technological background with the Early
Aurignacian and that no features are restricted
to one of the two facies. Furthermore, the major
difference between the Protoaurignacian and
Early Aurignacian appears to be more typological
in nature, with retouched bladelets being less
common in the Early Aurignacian.
(...) |
Litte Foot takes a bow,
South Africa's status as a major cradle in the
African nursery of humankind has been reinforced
with today's unveiling of "Little Foot", the
country's oldest, virtually complete fossil
human ancestor. Little Foot is the only known
virtually complete Australopithecus fossil
discovered to date. It is by far the most
complete skeleton of a human ancestor older than
1.5 million years ever found. It is also the
oldest fossil hominid in southern Africa, dating
back 3.67 million years. The unveiling will be
the first time that the completely cleaned and
reconstructed skeleton can be viewed by the
national and international media. Discovered by
Professor Ron Clarke from the Evolutionary
Studies Institute at the University of the
Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, the
fossil was given the nickname of "Little Foot"
by Prof. Phillip Tobias, based on Clarke's
initial discovery of four small footbones. Its
discovery is expected to add a wealth of
knowledge about the appearance, full skeletal
anatomy, limb lengths and locomotor abilities of
one of the species of our early ancestral
relatives. (...) |
Forearm pronation
efficiency in A.L. 288-1 (Australopithecus
afarensis) and MH2 (Australopithecus sediba):
Insights into their locomotor and manipulative
di P. Ibáñez-Gimeno, J. Manyosa, I. Galtés, X.
Jordana, S. Moyà-Solà, A. Malgosa, "American
Journal of Physical Anthropology", Volume 164,
Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 788–800
The locomotor and
manipulative abilities of australopithecines are
highly debated in the paleoanthropological
context. Australopithecus afarensis and
Australopithecus sediba likely engaged in
arboreal locomotion and, especially the latter,
in certain activities implying manipulation.
Nevertheless, their degree of arboreality and
the relevance of their manipulative skills
remain unclear. Here we calculate the pronation
efficiency of the forearm (Erot) in these taxa
to explore their arboreal and manipulative
capabilities using a biomechanical approach.
Three-dimensional humeral images and upper limb
measurements of A.L. 288-1 (Au. afarensis) and
MH2 (Au. sediba) were used to calculate Erot
using a previously described biomechanical model.
Maximal Erot in elbow flexion occurs in a rather
supinated position of the forearm in Au.
afarensis, similarly to Pan troglodytes. In
elbow extension, maximal Erot in this fossil
taxon occurs in the same forearm position as in
Pongo spp. In Au. sediba the forearm positions
where Erot is maximal are largely coincident
with those for Hylobatidae.
The pattern in Au. afarensis suggests relevant
arboreal capabilities, which would include
vertical climbing, although it is suggestive of
poorer manipulative skills than in modern humans.
The similarity between Au. sediba and
Hylobatidae is difficult to interpret, but the
differences between Au. sediba and Au. afarensis
suggest that the capacity to rotate the forearm
followed different evolutionary processes in
these australopithecine species. Although
functional inferences from the upper limb are
complex, the observed differences between both
taxa point to the existence of two distinct
anatomical models. |
The Kostënki 18 child burial and the cultural
and funerary landscape of Mid Upper Palaeolithic
European Russia,
di N. Reynolds et alii, "Antiquity",
Volume 91, Issue 360 December 2017, pp.
burials are few and far between, and
establishing their chronology is crucial to
gaining a broader understanding of the period. A
new programme of radiocarbon dating has provided
a revised age estimate for the Palaeolithic
burial at Kostënki 18 in European Russia (west
of the Urals). This study reviews the need for
redating the remains, and contextualises the age
of the burial in relation to other Upper
Palaeolithic funerary sites in Europe and
Russia. The new date, obtained using a method
that avoided the problems associated with
previous samples conditioned with glue or other
preservatives, is older than previous estimates,
confirming Kostënki 18 as the only plausibly
Gravettian burial known in Russia.
Using lithic assemblage
formation to approach Middle Palaeolithic
settlement dynamics: El Salt Stratigraphic Unit
X (Alicante, Spain),
di J. Machado, F. J. Molina, C. M. Hernández, A.
Tarriño, B. Galván, "Archaeological and
Anthropological Sciences", December 2017, Volume
9, Issue 8, pp. 1715–1743
The superposition
of anthropogenic remains usually results in
archaeological palimpsests, hindering an
accurate characterization of the behavior
underlying such remains. Aimed at facing this
methodological constraint in the study of
Palaeolithic contexts, we present a contextual
approach to Neanderthal settlement dynamics
based on an understanding of lithic assemblage
formation processes. We focused on a set of
lithic artifacts from the Middle Palaeolithic
site of El Salt. With the goal of isolating
temporally constrained units of behavioral
analysis, we analyzed the spatial distribution
of lithic, faunal and combustion remains. Then,
the lithic records from each of the resulting
units were analyzed from a genetic and technical
perspective. This goal was achieved by
identifying lithic Raw Material Units (RMU)
through observations on reduction processes,
refits and their spatial distribution. Our
results suggest that El Salt SU X lithic remains
represent several diachronic human occupation
episodes and different site functions. This
study illustrates the benefit of investigating
lithic assemblage formation processes to
alleviate the palimpsest problem in Palaeolithic
contexts. |
Human Colonization of Asia
in the Late Pleistocene,
"Current Anthropology", Editor: Mark Aldenderfer,
University of California, Merced, Volume 58,
Number S17 | December 2017
- free access -
Milky Quartz Bipolar
Reduction and Lithic Miniaturization:
Experimental Results and Archaeological
di J. Pargeter, "Journal of Field Archaeology",
Volume 42, 2017 - Issue 6, Pages 551-565
We present
experimental data examining the energetics and
identification of axial bipolar reduction in
contexts of lithic miniaturization on milky
quartz. These experiments answer two specific
questions. First, does bipolar reduction provide
any benefits over freehand reduction? Second,
can axial bipolar reduction be distinguished
from freehand reduction? Our data show that
bipolar reduction requires significantly less
time to reduce a percentage unit of core mass
and to produce a millimeter of cutting edge on
milky quartz than freehand reduction. Milky
quartz bipolar reduction surpasses even the
cutting edge production efficiency of obsidian
pressure blades. We outline a series of
quantitative criteria for identifying bipolar
cores and flakes. Our results show that bipolar
cores and flakes can be distinguished from those
produced using freehand reduction by quantifying
platform crushing, distal flake rebound scars,
bulb shearing, as well as axial, bipolar, and
splintered flake terminations. Our results
challenge the widely held perceptions about the
wastefulness of bipolar reduction and provide
clear guidelines for identifying this reduction
strategy in archaeological milky quartz
assemblages. |
Is Palaeolithic cave art
consistent with costly signalling theory?
Lascaux as a test case,
di R. Gittins, P. Pettitt, "Journal World
Archaeology", Volume 49, 2017
Several proponents
of costly signalling theory (CST) have noted its
potential for understanding prehistoric art. We
use the Late Upper Palaeolithic art of Lascaux
Cave (Dordogne, France) as a test case as to
whether we may be able to identify an assertive,
individual style in Palaeolithic art. The cave’s
abundant images represent one of the most
stunning examples of European Upper Palaeolithic
cave art and, in terms of the material
provisioning of the cave, demonstrable artistic
skill, and difficulties accessing decorated
areas, it represented a huge cost to its
hunter-gatherer creators. But does it represent
group cost or can any CST element be identified?
We approach this question using several
characteristics we regard as central to costly
signalling, and explore the various ways by
which this occurred within the cave. We conclude
that it is best viewed as a group signal, and
that no CST component can be identified. |
Measuring behavioural and cognitive complexity
in lithic technology throughout human evolution,
di A. Muller, C. Clarkson, C. Shipton, "Journal
of Anthropological Archaeology", Volume 48,
December 2017, Pages 166-180
Stone tool making,
observed archaeologically from 3.3 million years
ago, involves complex problem solving and
forethought, but the relative complexity of
different Palaeolithic technologies remains
unknown. Decision making in replicative knapping
is here used to explore the degree of
behavioural and cognitive complexity involved in
five different types of stone tool manufacture (bipolar,
discoidal, biface, Levallois and prismatic blade)
that represent the evolution of core reduction
strategies from the Oldowan through to the Upper
Palaeolithic. While some hypothesise that each
key transition was marked by an increase in
cognitive complexity, such hypotheses remain
untested assumptions. Determining the level of
behavioural complexity involved in each of these
core reduction strategies using problem-solution
distance modelling offers a means of detecting
significant increases in the level of human
cognitive complexity displayed over time. To
directly test for differences in complexity
among knapping schema, replication experiments
were conducted by two highly skilled knappers.
Experiments were filmed and the duration of
different stages in the sequence was annotated.
Hierarchical diagrams were produced showing the
organisation of the different actions involved
in stone tool knapping. The results show a
pattern of increasingly complex behaviour
through the sequence of bipolar, discoidal,
prismatic blade, biface, and Levallois knapping.
Neanderthals and their contemporaries, Homo
sapiens, employed knapping technologies
exhibiting comparably high levels of complexity. |
Moving things: Comparing
lithic and bone refits from a Middle Paleolithic
di M. Vaquero et alii, "Journal of
Anthropological Archaeology", Volume 48,
December 2017, Pages 262-280
The refitting of
both lithic and faunal remains is a basic field
of research in Paleolithic archeology. In
particular, the spatial dimension of lithic and
faunal refitting is essential for resolving
questions related to site formation processes
and the organization strategies of
hunter-gatherer bands. Unfortunately, although
important insights can be gained by comparing
the spatial patterns of faunal and lithic refits
there are relatively few sites from which both
types are available. Some processes causing the
movement of archeological items are common to
both bone and lithic remains, but others are
specific to each. The similarities and
differences between the lithic and faunal
connections can be particularly informative when
considering the type and timing of the
archeological assemblage formation dynamics.
This comparison may be especially useful for
disentangling the roles of natural and cultural
processes in these formation dynamics. To
illustrate this, we will compare the refitting
patterns of lithic and faunal remains in level M
from Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona, Spain),
a Middle Paleolithic assemblage dated between 51
and 55 kyr BP. The results of such a comparison
provide new insights into various formation
processes, including the intrasite movement of
archeological items and the relationships
between activity areas. |
Technological complexity
and the global dispersal of modern humans,
di J. F. Hoffecker, I. T. Hoffecker, "Evolutionary
Anthropology", Volume 26, Issue 6, November/December
2017, Pages 285–299
modern humans (Homo sapiens) dispersed out of
Africa roughly 120,000 years ago and again after
75,000 years ago. The early dispersal was
geographically restricted to the Arabian
Peninsula, Levant, and possibly parts of
southern Asia. The later dispersal was
ultimately global in scope, including areas not
previously occupied by Homo. One explanation for
the contrast between the two out-of-Africa
dispersals is that the modern humans who
expanded into Eurasia 120,000 years ago lacked
the functionally and structurally complex
technology of recent hunter-gatherers. This
technology, which includes, for example,
mechanical projectiles, snares and traps, and
sewn clothing, provides not only expanded
dietary breadth and increased rates of foraging
efficiency and success in places where plant and
animal productivity is low, but protection from
cold weather in places where winter temperatures
are low. The absence of complex technology
before 75,000 years ago also may explain why
modern humans in the Levant did not develop
sedentary settlements and agriculture 120,000
years ago (i.e., during the Last Interglacial). |
Right-handed fossil humans,
di M. Lozano et alii, "Evolutionary
Anthropology", Volume 26, Issue 6, November/December
2017, Pages 313–324
Fossil hominids
often processed material held between their
upper and lower teeth. Pulling with one hand and
cutting with the other, they occasionally left
impact cut marks on the lip (labial) surface of
their incisors and canines. From these actions,
it possible to determine the dominant hand used.
The frequency of these oblique striations in an
array of fossil hominins documents the typically
modern pattern of 9 right- to 1 left-hander.
This ratio among living Homo sapiens differs
from that among chimpanzees and bonobos and more
distant primate relatives. Together, all studies
of living people affirm that dominant
right-handedness is a uniquely modern human
trait. The same pattern extends deep into our
past. Thus far, the majority of inferred
right-handed fossils come from Europe, but a
single maxilla from a Homo habilis, OH-65, shows
a predominance of right oblique scratches, thus
extending right-handedness into the early
Pleistocene of Africa. Other studies show
right-handedness in more recent African, Chinese,
and Levantine fossils, but the sample compiled
for non-European fossil specimens remains small.
Fossil specimens from Sima del los Huesos and a
variety of European Neandertal sites are
predominately right-handed. We argue the 9:1
handedness ratio in Neandertals and the earlier
inhabitants of Europe constitutes evidence for a
modern pattern of handedness well before the
appearance of modern Homo sapiens. |
Stratégies adaptatives des hominidés et des
carnivores en Europe occidentale dans le
Pléistocène inférieur,
di J. Garcia Garriga, K. Martínez, J. Yravedra,
"L'Anthropologie", Volume 121, Issue 5, November–December
2017, Pages 343-366
Le premier
peuplement de l’Europe a été largement discuté
durant les dernières décennies. Les nombreuses
découvertes faites récemment ont confirmé que l’Europe
était occupée par les hommes au Pléistocène
inférieur pendant plus d’un million d’années.
Cependant, plusieurs questions sont toujours d’actualités
concernant le premier peuplement de l’Europe,
notamment en ce qui concerne la continuité ou la
discontinuité de cet événement. À cet égard,
nous proposons dans cet article une révision des
matériels archéozoologiques européens
disponibles, attribués au Pléistocène inférieur,
et discutons de l’influence de l’acquisition des
ressources carnées sur le comportement humain.
Les fluctuations climatiques qui ont caractérisé
cette période, de même que la diversité des
écosystèmes présents en région méditerranéenne
et sur l’ensemble du continent, font de la
consommation de viande une ressource clé quant
aux possibilités adaptatives des hominidés
locaux. Ainsi, la persistance de l’occupation
humaine en Europe au cours du Pléistocène
inférieur a pu dépendre de la cohésion sociale
des groupes et de leur capacité à s’approvisionner
régulièrement en viande. |
Les petits ongulés de la grotte
acheuléano-moustérienne du Lazaret (Nice,
France) – Origine anthropique ou carnivore?,
di M. Hassani et alii, "L'Anthropologie",
Volume 121, Issue 5, November–December 2017,
Pages 367-393
La grotte du
Lazaret renferme des dépôts archéologiques
contemporains du passage de la culture
acheuléenne au moustérien, rapportés au stade
isotopique marin 6 (MIS 6). Les fouilles
archéologiques ont permis d’individualiser
vingt-neuf unités archéostratigraphiques qui
témoignent d’installations récurrentes, de plus
ou moins longue durée, par des groupes d’Homo
heidelbergensis. Ces hommes chassaient
préférentiellement le cerf et le bouquetin,
retrouvés en abondance dans toutes les unités.
En comparaison, certaines espèces, comme le
chamois et le chevreuil, sont faiblement
représentées. Nous présentons dans cet article
les résultats des analyses archéozoologiques et
taphonomiques conduites sur les ossements de ces
petits ongulés afin de déterminer leur origine
dans la grotte. Dans certaines unités, une
chasse anthropique de type opportuniste est mise
en évidence, expliquant la faible proportion de
ces espèces sur le site qui présentent peu d’apports
nutritifs pour subvenir aux besoins du groupe.
Un approvisionnement par les carnivores est
également observé ; il est effectué
essentiellement par le loup, dont les restes
sont abondants dans les unités supérieures. |
Gentelles-Le Mont de l’Evangile (département de
la Somme, France): un site de plateau occupé de
l’Acheuléen au Micoquien,
di A. Tuffreau, P. Auguste, S. Balescu, J. J.
Bahain, "L'Anthropologie", Volume 121, Issue 5,
November–December 2017, Pages 394-427
Le gisement
paléolithique de Gentelles (Somme) se situe sur
un plateau calcaire contrairement à la plupart
des gisements du Paléolithique inférieur et
moyen du bassin de la Somme dont le contexte
environnemental est fluviatile (dépôts alluviaux
et de versant). Le matériel archéologique
provient du remplissage d’une doline. Il a été
mis au jour lors d’une fouille s’étendant sur
plusieurs milliers de m2. L’attribution de la
séquence archéologique au Pléistocène moyen
récent et au Pléistocène supérieur (MIS 10 à 5)
est confortée par des datations par ESR/U-Th sur
dent et un âge IRSL sur sédiment. Toutes les
séries lithiques comprennent une production
bifaciale et une production d’éclats obtenue à
partir de nucléus présentant une ou plusieurs
surfaces de débitage. Il n’y a pas d’évidence de
la présence de débitage Levallois, méthode de
débitage pourtant fréquente dans beaucoup d’industries
lithiques du Paléolithique moyen de la France
septentrionale. Les premières phases des chaînes
opératoires ne sont pas présentes dans la
plupart des séries lithiques. Quelques restes
osseux ont été découverts dans les dépôts
lœssiques. Dans la plupart des cas, la fonction
du site correspond à des occupations de courte
durée par des groupes de chasseurs se déplaçant
sur le plateau. Par contre, la série CLG (MIS 8)
qui présente des pièces caractéristiques de
beaucoup de phases de la chaîne opératoire
témoigne d’occupations de plus longue durée. |
Prospections systématiques
d’une vallée entre Rhône et Loire (France). Une
cartographie de l’occupation à la fin de l’Acheuléen?
di M. H.
Moncel, M. Arzarello, Y. Boulio, "L'Anthropologie",
Volume 121, Issue 5, November–December 2017,
Pages 428-450
Des prospections
systématiques dans la vallée du Rhins, petit
affluent de la Loire (sud-est de la France), ont
livré depuis plus de vingt ans des séries
lithiques. Le nombre de localités de plein air
s’élève à ce jour à 28. Elles livrent pour la
plupart des bifaces, des nucléus, dont un grand
nombre sont Levallois, et des éclats. Bien que
le nombre de pièces varie selon les localités,
les données accumulées depuis plus de vingt ans
sont suffisantes pour cartographier un
territoire de petite taille et comparer des
assemblages pouvant être rattachés à la fin de
l’Acheuléen. La comparaison des stratégies mises
en œuvre, débitage et façonnage, permet de
proposer des hypothèses sur l’occupation de la
vallée, avec des habitats localisés sur les
gîtes de matières premières et nécessitant très
souvent à la fois grands outillages et produits
de débitage. Quelques grandes catégories de
pièces bifaciales, principalement en silex, sont
présentes. Leur ratio et l’intensité de leur
aménagement semblent départager les gisements.
Le débitage Levallois est présent dans une
grande majorité de séries, associé à divers
autres types de débitage. La présence de ces
gisements localisés sur les plateaux bordant les
deux berges de cette petite vallée offre la
possibilité de visualiser à une échelle
micro-régionale des occupations humaines
partageant des traits communs, ceci située entre
le grand axe Saône-Rhône et les bassins
intérieurs du Massif Central. L’axe rhodanien a
livré à ce jour encore peu d’indices d’occupations
acheuléennes en plein air. L’existence de tels
sites prouve que des recherches systématiques
doivent se poursuivre dans ces secteurs. |
Industries acheuléennes du Pléistocène inférieur
et moyen, Middle Awash, Éthiopie,
di K. Schick, N. Toth, "L'Anthropologie", Volume
121, Issue 5, November–December 2017, Pages
La région du
Middle Awash en Éthiopie contient un riche
enregistrement d’occupations acheuléennes allant
du Pléistocène inférieur jusqu’à une grande
partie du Pléistocène moyen. Nous présentons ici
un aperçu de certaines des principales
caractéristiques attestées de l’enregistrement
archéologique de l’Acheuléen du Middle Awash
(Clark et al., 1994 ; de Heinzelin et al., 2000)
et nous retraçons les comparaisons et les
différences entre les schémas technologiques des
plus anciens et de plus récents bifaces dans
cette importante zone d’étude. Comme une
tendance globale, les bifaces de l’Acheuléen
plus récent, ici ont tendance à différer des
précédents par les caractéristiques suivantes :
la morphologie des bifaces plus archaïques a
tendance à être plus petite, plus ovale, plus
large par rapport à la longueur, plus mince (à
la fois par rapport à la longueur et la largeur
et en termes absolus), plus symétrique, plus
souvent sur éclat, montrent une plus grande
utilisation du percuteur tendre sur les éclats
et de la technique Kombewa, les arrêtes
tranchants peuvent être plus ou moins sinueux et
présentent souvent un degré remarquablement
élevé de standardisation sur un site donné. Ces
changements technologiques au cours d’un
demi-million d’années (entre environ 1 et 0,5
millions d’années) accompagnent la transition de
l’Homo erectus à l’Homo heidelbergensis dans
cette région. Les tendances technologiques plus
récentes, donc en corrélation avec l’émergence
des cerveaux plus développés, des hominidés plus
intelligents qui présentent une plus grande
finesse technologique et semblent également
développer et maintenir des règles plus strictes
et des traditions relatives à leurs
comportements technologiques. Il est probable
que, par rapport aux hominidés plus archaïques,
ces formes évolués d’hominidés (qui évolueront
dans les plus anciennes formes anatomiquement
modernes ou Homo sapiens) ont plus riches
capacités de communication et une complexité
culturelle que nous pensons qu’il se manifeste
dans la finesse technologique et la
standardisation de leur culture matérielle. |
Using multivariate
techniques to assess the effects of raw
material, flaking behavior and tool manufacture
on assemblage variability: An example from the
late Middle Paleolithic of the European Plain,
di M. Weiss, A. Otcherednoy, A. Wiśniewski,
"Journal of Archaeological Science", Volume 87,
November 2017, Pages 73-94
The late Middle
Paleolithic in central and eastern Europe is
defined by the presence or absence of certain
bifacial tools and blank production methods.
Hence, the assemblages between MIS 5a and MIS 3
are classified as Mousterian, Taubachian,
Micoquian, Micoquo-Prondnikien, Prądnik cycle
and Keilmessergruppen, among others. We like to
address here the questions of what do these
assemblages look like when the type fossils (“fossil
directeur”) are set aside and what are the main
drivers of variability within and between these
assemblages. Therefore, we analyzed nine
assemblages of four late Middle Paleolithic
open-air sites of the European Plain: Pouch and
Königsaue for central Germany, Wrocław-Hallera
Av. for southwestern Poland and Khotylevo I-6-2
for western Russia. Our study is based on an
attribute analysis of flakes, as they are the
most numerous artifact type in the lithic
assemblages, bearing traces of the flaking
technology in their morphology. Linear and
nonlinear multivariate statistical analyses of
the flake attributes show similar patterns for
the assemblages and show no distinctions between
Mousterian and Micoquian assemblages aside from
the type fossils. Additionally, assemblage
variability is, except for one case, not site
specific or regional. The analysis of the
factors that drive within and between assemblage
variability revealed that the assemblages are
influenced by site preservation, raw material
size and economy, as well as similar blank
production and tool manufacture methods that are
present in varying degrees in each assemblage.
In other words, taking into account site
preservation, the overall character of these
late Middle Paleolithic assemblages primarily
reflects the flexible application of late
Neanderthal flaking and tool production methods
to the local raw material constraints. Once the
type fossils are removed, these assemblages
represent a range of variability that cannot be
grouped readily into named archaeological
entities that could represent distinct human
groups. |
Adornments told about the culture of prehistoric
Vladislav Zhitenev,
a Russian archaeologist from MSU, studied bone
jewelry found at Sungir Upper Paleolithic site.
A group led by Vladislav Zhitenev found out that
many items were crafted specifically for burial
purposes, while others were worn on a daily
basis. The style of the jewelry was influenced
by many cultures of Europe and the Russian Plain.
The article was published in EPAUL 147. Sungir
Upper Paleolithic site is located in Vladimir
Region and is dated back to 29,000-31,000 years.
Scientist began to study his place over thirty
years ago. The encampment of prehistoric hunters
includes a burial site of a 40-50 year old man
and a grave of two children who died 10-14 years
of age. Archaeological excavation revealed over
80 thousand different objects. "This children's
grave contains more adornments and other burial
items than any other Upper Paleolithic burial
site in Eurasia," - says Vladislav Zhitenev, the
author of the study, doctor of historical
sciences, and assistant professor of the
Archaeology Department of the Faculty of History,
MSU. Currently all findings are kept in the
State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum Reserve. (...) |
The performance of tranchet blows at the Late
Middle Paleolithic site of Grotte de la
Verpillière I (Saône-et-Loire, France),
di J. A. Frick, K. Herkert, C. T. Hoyer, H.
Floss, November 30, 2017, doi:
- free access -
This paper focuses
on the technological characteristics of
Keilmesser with a lateral tranchet blow
modification on the cutting edge. It examines
the underlying technological production of these
bifacial objects: this implies the evaluation of
their working stage succession, as well as
produced forms necessary for the execution of
tranchet blow performance. Furthermore, it
offers a techno-morphological description of
these enigmatic tools. The Keilmesser with
tranchet blow and corresponding blanks of
tranchet blows from Grotte de la Verpillière I
in Germolles (Saône-et-Loire, France) are used
as case study. The collection of Keilmesser with
tranchet blow and corresponding blanks of
tranchet blow has been massively expanded with
new fieldwork and the review of ancient
assemblages. The majority of the pieces were
made on blanks from local raw material. The
evaluation of the underlying production concept
shows that a Keilmesser with tranchet blow,
regardless of the wide range of morphologies and
matrix size, always consists of specific parts
that are necessary for the production sequence
and the assumed function. The production of
these pieces follows highly specific working
stages, some of which can be interchanged in
sequence. However, it is always the goal to
obtain a low-angled cutting edge. The
performance of a tranchet blow is not only an
integral part of production, but it is rather
the aim of the entire production. (...) |
Better support for a small effective population
size of Neandertals and a long shared history of
Neandertals and Denisovans,
di F. Mafessoni, K. Prüfer, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences", November 28, 2017,
vol. 114, no. 48, pp. E10256–E10257
Rogers et al.
compare the sharing of derived alleles among the
genomes of Africans, non-Africans, a Neandertal,
and a Denisovan to infer the demographic history
of archaic humans. They estimate that the
effective population size (Ne) of Neandertals
was ~15,000 individuals and that Neandertals and
Denisovans separated from each other shortly
after their ancestor separated from modern
humans (~300 generations). These estimates are
at odds with previous results that suggested a
smaller Ne for Neandertals [ranging from
1,000–5,000 individuals according to pairwise
sequentially Markovian coalescent (PSMC)
estimates of Ne over time] and a longer common
branch for the Neandertal–Denisovan ancestor
(5,000–10,000 generations). We note that the
difference in assumed mutation rate between the
two publications cannot account for the
differences … |
Scientists have discovered an Upper Paleolithic
cave painting of a camel in the Ural Mountains,
An ancient image
of a two-humped camel has been discovered in the
Kapova cave (Southern Urals). The age of the
painting is preliminarily estimated to be
between 14,500 and 37,700 years, a time when
there were no camels in the Southern Urals. This
discovery confirms researchers' belief that
artists in the Upper Paleolithic could migrate
over long distances. The image of a camel's
shape is painted in red ochre and partially
outlined with charcoal. This unique discovery
was made by Eudald Guillamet, a well-known
restorative specialist from Andorra, who was
invited by the State Office of Protection of
Cultural Heritage of Bashkiria to clean the cave
of graffiti. "This painting, cleared on the
polychrome panel "Horses and Signs," which has
been well-known since the late 1970s, has no
analogues in the art complexes of the caves of
France and Spain, but does have some resemblance
to the camel painting from the Ignatievskaya
cave. Now it will probably become a significant
image in the Upper Paleolithic cave bestiary of
the Southern Urals," comments V.S. Zhitenev,
head of Moscow State University's South Ural
archeological expedition and leading researcher
for the Kapova and Ignatievskaya caves. "The age
of the drawings in this panel cannot be
accurately established yet, but the results of
uranium-thorium dating of the calcite deposits
on which the image is painted, and which cover
it, unambiguously show that the time period
during which the drawing was made was during the
Upper Paleolithic age, which is no earlier than
37,700 years ago and no later than 14,500 years
ago. In the course of excavating the Kapova
cave, only the upper layer of deposits with
traces of activity of Paleolithic artists, about
17,000 - 19,000 years ago, has been dated so
far," concluded the scientist. (...) |
Nasal airflow simulations
suggest convergent adaptation in Neanderthals
and modern humans,
di S. de Azevedo et alii, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences", November 21, 2017,
vol. 114 no. 47, pp. 12442–12447
Both modern humans
(MHs) and Neanderthals successfully settled
across western Eurasian cold-climate landscapes.
Among the many adaptations considered as
essential to survival in such landscapes,
changes in the nasal morphology and/or function
aimed to humidify and warm the air before it
reaches the lungs are of key importance.
Unfortunately, the lack of soft-tissue evidence
in the fossil record turns difficult any
comparative study of respiratory performance.
Here, we reconstruct the internal nasal cavity
of a Neanderthal plus two representatives of
climatically divergent MH populations (southwestern
Europeans and northeastern Asians). The
reconstruction includes mucosa distribution
enabling a realistic simulation of the breathing
cycle in different climatic conditions via
computational fluid dynamics. Striking
across-specimens differences in fluid residence
times affecting humidification and warming
performance at the anterior tract were found
under cold/dry climate simulations. Specifically,
the Asian model achieves a rapid air
conditioning, followed by the Neanderthals,
whereas the European model attains a proper
conditioning only around the medium-posterior
tract. In addition, quantitative-genetic
evolutionary analyses of nasal morphology
provided signals of stabilizing selection for MH
populations, with the removal of Arctic
populations turning covariation patterns
compatible with evolution by genetic drift. Both
results indicate that, departing from important
craniofacial differences existing among
Neanderthals and MHs, an advantageous
species-specific respiratory performance in cold
climates may have occurred in both species.
Fluid dynamics and evolutionary biology
independently provided evidence of nasal
evolution, suggesting that adaptive explanations
regarding complex functional phenotypes require
interdisciplinary approaches aimed to quantify
both performance and evolutionary signals on
covariation patterns. |
Neanderthal hunting strategies inferred from
mortality profiles within the Abric Romaní
di J. Marín, P. Saladié, A. Rodríguez-Hidalgo,
E. Carbonell, November 22, 2017, doi:
- free access -
Ungulate mortality
profiles are commonly used to study Neanderthal
subsistence strategies. To assess the hunting
strategies used by Neanderthals, we studied the
ages at death of the cervids and equids found in
levels E, H, I, Ja, Jb, K, L and M of the Abric
Romaní sequence. These levels date between 43.2
± 1.1 ka BP (14C AMS) and 54.5 ± 1.7 ka BP (U-series).
The degree of eruption and development of the
teeth and their wear stages were used to
determine the ages of these animals at death,
and mortality profiles were constructed using
these data. The equids display prime dominated
profiles in all of the analyzed levels, whereas
the cervids display variable profiles. These
results suggest that the Neanderthals of Abric
Romaní employed both selective and non-selective
hunting strategies. The selective strategy
focused on the hunting of prime adults and
generated prime dominated profiles. On the other
hand, non-selective strategies, involved the
consumption of animals of variable ages,
resulting in catastrophic profiles. It is likely
that in the selective hunting events were
conducted using selective ambushes in which it
was possible to select specific prey animals. On
the other hand, encounter hunting or
non-selective ambush hunting may have also been
used at times, based on the abundances of prey
animals and encounter rates. Specific hunting
strategies would have been developed accordance
with the taxa and the age of the individual to
be hunted. The hunting groups most likely
employed cooperative hunting techniques,
especially in the capture of large animals. Thus,
it is not possible to uniquely associate a
single mortality profile with the predation
tactics of Neanderthals at Abric Romaní.
(...) |
Expert cognition in the production sequence of
Acheulian cleavers at Gesher Benot Ya'aqov,
Israel: A lithic and cognitive analysis,
di G. Herzlinger, T. Wynn, N. Goren-Inbar,
November 16, 2017, doi:
- free access -
Stone cleavers are
one of the most distinctive components of the
Acheulian toolkit. These tools were produced as
part of a long and complex reduction sequence
and they provide indications for planning and
remarkable knapping skill. These aspects hold
implications regarding the cognitive complexity
and abilities of their makers and users. In this
study we have analyzed a cleaver assemblage
originating from the Acheulian site of Gesher
Benot Ya‘aqov, Israel, to provide a
reconstruction of the chaîne opératoire which
structured their production. This reduction
sequence was taken as the basis for a cognitive
analysis which allowed us to draw conclusion
regarding numerous behavioral and cognitive
aspects of the GBY hominins. The results
indicate that the cleavers production
incorporated a highly specific sequence of
decisions and actions which resulted in three
distinct modes of cleavers modification.
Furthermore, the decision to produce a cleaver
must have been taken very early in the sequence,
thus differentiating its production from that of
handaxes. The substantial predetermination and
the specific reduction sequence provide evidence
that the Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov hominins had a
number of cognitive categories such as a general
‘tool concept’ and a more specific ‘cleaver
concept’, setting them apart from earlier
tool-producing hominins and extant tool-using
non-human primates. Furthermore, it appears that
the Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov lithic technology was
governed by expert cognition, which is the kind
of thinking typical of modern human experts in
their various domains. Thus, the results provide
direct indications that important components of
modern cognition have been well established in
the minds of the Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov hominins.
(...) |
Evaluating the intensity of fire at the
Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov—Spatial
and thermoluminescence analyses,
di N. Alperson-Afil, D. Richter, N. Goren-Inbar,
November 16, 2017, doi:
- free access -
This manuscript
presents an attempt to evaluate the intensity of
fire through spatial patterning and
thermoluminescence methodology. Previous studies
of Layer II-6 Level 2 at the Acheulian site of
Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov suggested that hominins
differentiated their activities across space,
including multiple activities around a hearth
reconstructed on the basis of the distribution
of burned flint artifacts. A transect of ~4 m
was extended from the center of the
reconstructed hearth of Level 2 to its periphery
in order to examine the intensity of fire.
Burned and unburned flint microartifacts were
sampled along this transect. The results of
earlier and current thermoluminescence (TL)
analysis demonstrate a general agreement with
the macroscopic determination of burning,
indicating that the possibility of
misinterpretation based on macroscopic
observations is negligible. The TL signal from
flint microartifacts close to the hearth’s
center shows unambiguous signs of strong heating,
whereas with increasing distance from the hearth
the TL signal can be interpreted as a result of
decreasing temperatures and/or shorter durations
of exposure to fire in addition to a decreasing
number of flints showing fire damage. Our study
shows that TL analysis can identify some
variation in fire intensity, which allows a more
precise classification of burned flint
microartifacts with respect to their heating
history. |
Human evolution was uneven and punctuated,
November 16, 2017
Neanderthals survived at least 3,000 years
longer than we thought in Southern Iberia --
what is now Spain -- long after they had died
out everywhere else, according to new research.
(...) |
Aggiornamento 15 novembre |
Experimental Heating of
Moravian Cherts and its Implication for
Palaeolithic Chipped Stone Assemblages,
di M. Moník, Z. Nerudová, P. Schnabl, "Archaeometry",
December 2017, Volume 59, Issue 6, Pages
The applicability
of colour, magnetic susceptibility and remanent
magnetization measurements for the
identification of heated or accidentally burned
Palaeolithic cherts from Moravia (Czech
Republic) is tested in this study. We conclude
that all these methods are usable. Colour
changes are best detectable in materials heated
at between 250–350°C, while magnetic
susceptibility and remanent magnetization change
at higher temperatures, closer to 600°C. This
latter temperature, however, is usually
destructive for cherts and is probably evidenced
by accidentally burned artefacts. With the use
of the three methods, we managed to identify
three probably heated chert artefacts from two
early Upper Palaeolithic assemblages from
Moravia. |
Archaeological Evidence
for Cannibalism in Prehistoric Western Europe:
from Homo antecessor to the Bronze Age,
di P. Saladié, A. Rodríguez-Hidalgo, "Journal of
Archaeological Method and Theory", December
2017, Volume 24, Issue 4, pp 1034–1071
studies of human cannibalism and its causes have
never lacked controversy. The reasons for this
are both the difficulties in identifying
cannibalism and the inherent complexity, by the
many nuances that can have the behaviour of
eating other humans. After Turner’s detailed
studies in the Southwestern USA, reports were
published in the 1990s of cannibalism during
European prehistory. Archaeological sites
identified with cannibalism have been found that
date from the early Pleistocene to the Iron Age.
In this study, we review data from Western
Europe’s prehistoric sites, which allow us to
discuss the various labels that accompany
interpretations of cannibalism. The most common
interpretation is not ritual but is rather
gastronomic, nutritional or dietary. However,
there is no agreement on this interpretation.
Following the data review, we propose dividing
cannibalism into the following broad, objective
and useful categories: exocannibalism,
endocannibalism and survival cannibalism,
although it is not always easy to choose one
option. We also review the taphonomic
characteristics of these assemblages, which
enable us to establish the most common
taphonomic markers of prehistoric cannibalism.
These features include abundant anthropogenic
modifications (on more than of 20 % of human
remains), the intensive processing of bodies,
greater abundance of cut marks related to
defleshing and filleting that dismembering and
the presence of human tooth marks or chewing
marks. |
Relationship between
foramen magnum position and locomotion in extant
and extinct hominoids,
di D. Neaux et alii, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 113, December 2017, Pages 1-9
From the Miocene
Sahelanthropus tchadensis to Pleistocene Homo
sapiens, hominins are characterized by a derived
anterior position of the foramen magnum relative
to basicranial structures. It has been
previously suggested that the anterior position
of the foramen magnum in hominins is related to
bipedal locomotor behavior. Yet, the functional
relationship between foramen magnum position and
bipedal locomotion remains unclear. Recent
studies, using ratios based on cranial linear
measurements, have found a link between the
anterior position of the foramen magnum and
bipedalism in several mammalian clades:
marsupials, rodents, and primates. In the
present study, we compute these ratios in a
sample including a more comprehensive dataset of
extant hominoids and fossil hominins. First, we
verify if the values of ratios can distinguish
extant humans from apes. Then, we test whether
extinct hominins can be distinguished from
non-bipedal extant hominoids. Finally, we assess
if the studied ratios are effective predictors
of bipedal behavior by testing if they mainly
relate to variation in foramen magnum position
rather than changes in other cranial structures.
Our results confirm that the ratios discriminate
between extant bipeds and non-bipeds. However,
the only ratio clearly discriminating between
fossil hominins and other extant apes is that
which only includes basicranial structures. We
show that a large proportion of the
interspecific variation in the other ratios
relates to changes in facial, rather than
basicranial, structures. In this context, we
advocate the use of measurements based only on
basicranial structures when assessing the
relationship between foramen magnum position and
bipedalism in future studies. |
3D enamel thickness in
Neandertal and modern human permanent canines,
di L. Buti et alii, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 113, December 2017, Pages
162-172 - free access -
Enamel thickness
figures prominently in studies of human
evolution, particularly for taxonomy, phylogeny,
and paleodietary reconstruction. Attention has
focused on molar teeth, through the use of
advanced imaging technologies and novel
protocols. Despite the important results
achieved thus far, further work is needed to
investigate all tooth classes. We apply a recent
approach developed for anterior teeth to
investigate the 3D enamel thickness of
Neandertal and modern human (MH) canines. In
terms of crown size, the values obtained for
both upper and lower unworn/slightly worn
canines are significantly greater in Neandertals
than in Upper Paleolithic and recent MH. The 3D
relative enamel thickness (RET) is significantly
lower in Neandertals than in MH. Moreover,
differences in 3D RET values between the two
groups appear to decrease in worn canines
beginning from wear stage 3, suggesting that
both the pattern and the stage of wear may have
important effects on the 3D RET value.
Nevertheless, the 3D average enamel thickness (AET)
does not differ between the two groups. In both
groups, 3D AET and 3D RET indices are greater in
upper canines than in lower canines, and overall
the enamel is thicker on the occlusal half of
the labial aspect of the crown, particularly in
MH. By contrast, the few early modern humans
investigated show the highest volumes of enamel
while for all other components of 3D enamel,
thickness this group holds an intermediate
position between Neandertals and recent MH.
Overall, our study supports the general findings
that Neandertals have relatively thinner enamel
than MH (as also observed in molars), indicating
that unworn/slightly worn canines can be
successfully used to discriminate between the
two groups. Further studies, however, are needed
to understand whether these differences are
functionally related or are the result of
pleiotropic or genetic drift effects. (...) |
Morphological description and morphometric
analyses of the Upper Palaeolithic human remains
from Dzudzuana and Satsurblia caves, western
Georgia, di
C. Margherita et alii, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 113, December 2017, Pages
paleoanthropologists and archaeologists agree
that western Georgia was used as a thoroughfare
of human movements to and from the Caucasus (Pinhasi
et al., 2012, 2014), the paleoanthropological
fossil record of the local Middle and Upper
Palaeolithic in this key region is currently
limited to scant human remains. For the Late
Pleistocene, the Middle Palaeolithic (MP)
Georgian human fossil record consists of a
partial maxilla from the site of Sakajia and
some isolated teeth from the sites of Bronze
Cave, Djruchula, Ortvala and Ortvale Klde, which
were all classified as Neandertals (Pinhasi et
al., 2012). The Upper Palaeolithic (UP) fossil
record consists of a modern human tooth from
Bondi cave (Tushabramishvili et al., 2012),
recently dated between 39,000 and
35,800 cal. BP (calibrated years before present;
Pleurdeau et al., 2016), and cranial fragments
from Sakajia, dated between 12,000 and 10,000
cal. BP (Nioradze and Otte, 2000) (Supplementary
Online Material [SOM] Fig. S1). Therefore, even
though some authors suggest that the Caucasus
represents a sort of cul de sac for Neandertal
survival, and that modern humans arrived in this
area much later compared to other regions (Bar-Yosef
and Pilbeam, 2000) the paucity of human remains
prevents any conclusive assessment. (...) |
Palaeoenvironments of the
last Neanderthals in SW Europe (MIS 3): Cova del
Coll Verdaguer (Barcelona, NE of Iberian
di J. Daura et alii, "Quaternary Science
Reviews", Volume 177, 1 December 2017, Pages
Marine isotope stage 3 (MIS 3) was characterised
by marked oscillations of extreme cold episodes
with very short warm events during the stadial,
and several regional differences have been
recorded in the ice cores and marine deposits.
The aim of this study is to reconstruct this
period by evaluating both terrestrial and
regional responses. Cova del Coll Verdaguer, a
site located on the Iberian Peninsula, preserves
a sedimentary deposit dated to between 34 and 56
ka BP and provides an opportunity for evaluating
the impact of climate changes on the regional
landmass during a period that coincided with the
last Neanderthal population on the Iberian
Peninsula. Several dating methods, including
U-series, electron spin resonance, amino acid
racemization and radiocarbon (14C), were applied
to the site and the ages obtained show good
agreement. The biotic evidence obtained is
substantial, comprising floristic data from
palynology and charcoal analysis, and faunal
data from large and small mammals, birds and
gastropods. Environmental reconstruction points
to an initially open meadow landscape at the
base of the sequence (∼56 ka) that progressively
changes to a woodland environment dominated by
conifers (∼34 ka). The presence of few
thermophilous taxa, in contrast with lower
latitudes of the Iberian Peninsula, is also
detected. The environmental conditions of
mid-altitude, Mediterranean, limestone mountains
for the last Neanderthal populations appear to
have been dominated by a forested landscape
comprising boreal or mixed coniferous forest,
characterised by a low usable biomass with poor
comestible plant resources and dispersed
herbivore populations. |
Hominid butchers and
biting crocodiles in the African Plio–Pleistocene,
di Y. Sahle, S. El Zaatari, T. D. White,
November 6, 2017, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences - Early Edition",
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1716317114
Zooarchaeologists have long relied on linear
traces and pits found on the surfaces of ancient
bones to infer ancient hominid behaviors such as
slicing, chopping, and percussive actions during
butchery of mammal carcasses. However, such
claims about Plio–Pleistocene hominids rely
mostly on very small assemblages of bony remains.
Furthermore, recent experiments on trampling
animals and biting crocodiles have shown each to
be capable of producing mimics of such marks.
This equifinality—the creation of similar
products by different processes—makes
deciphering early archaeological bone
assemblages difficult. Bone modifications among
Ethiopian Plio–Pleistocene hominid and faunal
remains at Asa Issie, Maka, Hadar, and Bouri
were reassessed in light of these findings. The
results show that crocodiles were important
modifiers of these bone assemblages. The
relative roles of hominids, mammalian carnivores,
and crocodiles in the formation of Oldowan
zooarchaeological assemblages will only be
accurately revealed by better bounding
equifinality. Critical analysis within a
consilience-based approach is identified as the
pathway forward. More experimental studies and
increased archaeological fieldwork aimed at
generating adequate samples are now required. |
Ancient genomes show
social and reproductive behavior of early Upper
Paleolithic foragers,
di Martin Sikora et alii, "Science" 03
Nov 2017: Vol. 358, Issue 6363, pp. 659-662
hunter-gatherers (HGs) live in multilevel social
groups essential to sustain a population
structure characterized by limited levels of
within-band relatedness and inbreeding. When
these wider social networks evolved among HGs is
unknown. To investigate whether the contemporary
HG strategy was already present in the Upper
Paleolithic, we used complete genome sequences
from Sunghir, a site dated to ~34,000 years
before the present, containing multiple
anatomically modern human individuals. We show
that individuals at Sunghir derive from a
population of small effective size, with limited
kinship and levels of inbreeding similar to HG
populations. Our findings suggest that Upper
Paleolithic social organization was similar to
that of living HGs, with limited relatedness
within residential groups embedded in a larger
mating network. |
Southern African ancient
genomes estimate modern human divergence to
350,000 to 260,000 years ago,
di C. M. Schlebusch et alii, "Science",
03 Nov 2017: Vol. 358, Issue 6363, pp. 652-655
Southern Africa is
consistently placed as a potential region for
the evolution of Homo sapiens. We present genome
sequences, up to 13x coverage, from seven
ancient individuals from KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa. The remains of three Stone Age
hunter-gatherers (about 2000 years old) were
genetically similar to current-day southern San
groups, and those of four Iron Age farmers (300
to 500 years old) were genetically similar to
present-day Bantu-language speakers. We estimate
that all modern-day Khoe-San groups have been
influenced by 9 to 30% genetic admixture from
East Africans/Eurasians. Using traditional and
new approaches, we estimate the first modern
human population divergence time to between
350,000 and 260,000 years ago. This estimate
increases the deepest divergence among modern
humans, coinciding with anatomical developments
of archaic humans into modern humans, as
represented in the local fossil record. |
A high-coverage Neandertal
genome from Vindija Cave in Croatia,
di K. Prüfer et alii, "Science", 03 Nov
2017: Vol. 358, Issue 6363, pp. 655-658
To date, the only
Neandertal genome that has been sequenced to
high quality is from an individual found in
Southern Siberia. We sequenced the genome of a
female Neandertal from ~50,000 years ago from
Vindija Cave, Croatia, to ~30-fold genomic
coverage. She carried 1.6 differences per 10,000
base pairs between the two copies of her genome,
fewer than present-day humans, suggesting that
Neandertal populations were of small size. Our
analyses indicate that she was more closely
related to the Neandertals that mixed with the
ancestors of present-day humans living outside
of sub-Saharan Africa than the previously
sequenced Neandertal from Siberia, allowing 10
to 20% more Neandertal DNA to be identified in
present-day humans, including variants involved
in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
concentrations, schizophrenia, and other
diseases. |
Firewood and hearths:
Middle Palaeolithic woody taxa distribution from
El Salt, stratigraphic unit Xb (Eastern Iberia),
di P. Vidal-Matutano, "Quaternary
International", Volume 457, 1 November 2017,
Pages 74-84
Spatial analyses
of Palaeolithic sites typically defined by
hearth-related assemblages have been mostly
based on lithic and faunal remains. By using
spatial analysis methods in conjunction with
analytical units with higher temporal resolution
than typical stratigraphic units, synchronic and
diachronic relationships between artifacts
deposited during successive occupation events
have been elucidated. Spatial analyses applied
to archaeobotanical remains are scarce, and when
available, are typically focused on carpological
remains (seeds and fruits). The lack of spatial
indicators among anthracological remains hampers
obtaining significant data linked to the
relationships established between the combustion
features and scattered charcoal fragments
recovered from excavated occupation surfaces. To
address this problem, the charcoal assemblage
from El Salt Stratigraphic Unit (SU) Xb (Archaeosedimentary
Facies Association 2 [AFA 2]) is analyzed using
spatial analysis methods. Results suggest that
the integration of anthracological remains into
a palimpsest dissection analyses is vital to
better understand the relationship between
combustion structures and activity areas. These
results highlight the utility of spatial and
statistical methods as important tools for
future anthracological analyses to provide
meaningful information related to taxa
distribution and the last firewood used in
combustion structures. |
83: A new early modern human fossil cranium from
the Ndutu beds of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania,
di W. B. Reine et alii, "American Journal
of Physical Anthropology", Volume 164, Issue 3,
November 2017, Pages 533–545
Herein we
introduce a newly recovered partial calvaria, OH
83, from the upper Ndutu Beds of Olduvai Gorge,
Tanzania. We present the geological context of
its discovery and a comparative analysis of its
morphology, placing OH 83 within the context of
our current understanding of the origins and
evolution of Homo sapiens.
We comparatively assessed the morphology of OH
83 using quantitative and qualitative data from
penecontemporaneous fossils and the W.W. Howells
modern human craniometric dataset.
OH 83 is geologically dated to ca. 60–32 ka. Its
morphology is indicative of an early modern
human, falling at the low end of the range of
variation for post-orbital cranial breadth, the
high end of the range for bifrontal breadth, and
near average in frontal length.
There have been numerous attempts to use cranial
anatomy to define the species Homo sapiens and
identify it in the fossil record. These efforts
have not met wide agreement by the scientific
community due, in part, to the mosaic patterns
of cranial variation represented by the fossils.
The variable, mosaic pattern of trait expression
in the crania of Middle and Late Pleistocene
fossils implies that morphological modernity did
not occur at once. However, OH 83 demonstrates
that by ca. 60–32 ka modern humans in Africa
included individuals that are at the fairly
small and gracile range of modern human cranial
variation. |
Energetic cost of walking in fossil hominins,
di M. Vidal-Cordasco, A. Mateos, G.
Zorrilla-Revilla, O. Prado-Nóvoa, J. Rodríguez,
"American Journal of Physical Anthropology",
Volume 164, Issue 3, November 2017, Pages
Many biomechanical
studies consistently show that a broader pelvis
increases the reaction forces and bending
moments across the femoral shaft, increasing the
energetic costs of unloaded locomotion. However,
a biomechanical model does not provide the real
amount of metabolic energy expended in walking.
The aim of this study is to test the influence
of pelvis breadth on locomotion cost and to
evaluate the locomotion efficiency of extinct
Pleistocene hominins.
The current study measures in vivo the influence
of pelvis width on the caloric cost of
locomotion, integrating anthropometry, body
composition and indirect calorimetry protocols
in a sample of 46 subjects of both sexes.
We show that a broader false pelvis is
substantially more efficient for locomotion than
a narrower one and that the influence of false
pelvis width on the energetic cost is similar to
the influence of leg length. Two models
integrating body mass, femur length and bi-iliac
breadth are used to estimate the net and gross
energetic costs of locomotion in a number of
extinct hominins. The results presented here
show that the locomotion of Homo was not
energetically more efficient than that of
Australopithecus and that the locomotion of
extinct Homo species was not less efficient than
that of modern Homo sapiens.
The changes in the anatomy of the pelvis and
lower limb observed with the appearance of Homo
ergaster probably did not fully offset the
increased expenditure resulting from a larger
body mass. Moreover, the narrow pelvis in modern
humans does not contribute to greater efficiency
of locomotion. |
Visual Cultures in the
Upper Palaeolithic,
di A. Nowell, "Cambridge Archaeological
Journal", Volume 27, Issue 4, November 2017, pp.
Using examples
drawn from the European Upper Palaeolithic, this
article advocates a visual cultures approach to
studying the art of this period. Visual culture
is defined as the biological, cognitive and
social underpinnings of how we see, while the
term art refers to what we see. A visual
cultures approach to these images allows the
archaeologist to explore how they were
experienced, decoded and innovated upon within
historically situated, overlapping and entangled
communities of practice and further affords
archaeologists the tools and the vocabulary they
need to explore apprenticeship, active teaching,
embodied cognition, situated learning,
scaffolding, enskillment, the existence of
chaînes opératoires and the impact of these
materials on the human brain. European Upper
Palaeolithic finger flutings are presented as a
case study of the visual cultures approach. |
Establishment of occupation chronicles in Grotte
Mandrin using sooted concretions: Rethinking the
Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition,
di S. Vandevelde, J. É. Brochier, C. Petit, L.
Slimak, "Journal of Human Evolution", Volume
112, November 2017, Pages 70-78
Soot marks,
witnesses of past human activities, can
sometimes be noticed in concretions (speleothem,
travertine, carbonated crust, etc.) formed in
cavities. We demonstrate here that these
deposits, generally ignored in archaeological
studies, turned out to be a perfectly suitable
material for micro-chronological study of
hominin activities in a site. At the Grotte
Mandrin (Mediterranean France), thousands of
clastic fragments from the rock walls were found
in every archaeological level of the shelter.
Calcareous crusts containing soot deposits are
recorded on some of their surfaces. They appear
in thin section as thin black laminae.
Microscopic observation of these crusts revealed
that they kept track of many occupations. We
show that is possible to link them with the
archaeological units identified during the
excavation. Minimum Number of Occupations (MNO)
can be built out of these sooted crusts. MNO are
usually high and attest to the cumulative nature
of each archaeological unit. They are witnesses
of each occupation of hominin groups in each
archaeological level of the cave. This study
also shows that, in Grotte Mandrin, a very short
time separates the first Middle/Upper
Paleolithic transitional groups' occupations
from those of the last Mousterians. The research
perspectives on soot deposits are diversified
and raise the possibility of studying multiple
aspects of past human life, and in this case, to
rethink the Middle/Upper Paleolithic transition,
with an unmatched temporal resolution. Sooted
concretion analysis provides high temporal
resolution archaeology. There is a real
possibility of extending this study with
chronological implications to cavities of all
ages and areas. |
Hominin track assemblages from Okote Member
deposits near Ileret, Kenya, and their
implications for understanding fossil hominin
paleobiology at 1.5 Ma,
di K. G. Hatala et alii, "Journal of
Human Evolution", Volume 112, November 2017,
Pages 93-104
Tracks can provide
unique, direct records of behaviors of fossil
organisms moving across their landscapes
millions of years ago. While track discoveries
have been rare in the human fossil record, over
the last decade our team has uncovered multiple
sediment surfaces within the Okote Member of the
Koobi Fora Formation near Ileret, Kenya that
contain large assemblages of ~1.5 Ma fossil
hominin tracks. Here, we provide detailed
information on the context and nature of each of
these discoveries, and we outline the specific
data that are preserved on the Ileret hominin
track surfaces. We analyze previously
unpublished data to refine and expand upon
earlier hypotheses regarding implications for
hominin anatomy and social behavior. While each
of the track surfaces discovered at Ileret
preserves a different amount of data that must
be handled in particular ways, general patterns
are evident. Overall, the analyses presented
here support earlier interpretations of the ~1.5
Ma Ileret track assemblages, providing further
evidence of large, human-like body sizes and
possibly evidence of a group composition that
could support the emergence of certain
human-like patterns of social behavior. These
data, used in concert with other forms of
paleontological and archaeological evidence that
are deposited on different temporal scales,
offer unique windows through which we can
broaden our understanding of the paleobiology of
hominins living in East Africa at ~1.5 Ma. |
Investigating hominin carnivory in the Okote
Member of Koobi Fora, Kenya with an actualistic
model of carcass consumption and traces of
butchery on the elbow,
di S. R. Merritt, "Journal of Human Evolution",
Volume 112, November 2017, Pages 105-133
zooarchaeological analysis at Koobi Fora
indicates that Okote Member hominins were the
primary agents of bone assemblage formation,
gained early access to large and small mammal
flesh, and consumed both high- and low-ranked
carcass parts. The discovery of additional
butchered specimens prompted the re-analysis
presented here of three large and well-preserved
zooarchaeological assemblages from the Okote
member, GaJi14, FwJj14N and FwJj14S, to revisit
paleoecological hypotheses about tool-assisted
carnivory. Cow and goat limb butchery
documenting the skeletal location of cut marks
created by skinning, defleshing, and
disarticulation was used to build an actualistic
model to infer hominin consumption of distinct
carcass resources. Archaeological specimens were
assigned to early (defleshing limbs), middle (defleshing
ribs, viscera, vertebrae, and head) and late (metapodial
tendon removal, element disarticulation, long
bone fragmentation) carcass consumption stages,
and the incidence of these butchery behaviors
was examined for specimens and minimum number of
element and individual aggregates. Elbow
specimens, where traces of defleshing,
disarticulation, and percussion co-occur, offer
a sequential view of carcass consumption
behaviors that is free from fragmentation bias.
Classification trees populated with actualistic
data were used to identify defleshing and
disarticulation cut mark clusters on
archaeological elbow portions by their location,
cut mark count, median length, and median
cross-sectional width. Actualistically-informed
configurational analysis offers high-resolution
behavioral reconstruction of the butchered
sub-assemblage and should be integrated with
assemblage-scale zooarchaeological methods.
These experiments highlight the bias for
detecting butchery traces of early carcass
access, because defleshing cut marks are
abundant and introduced to dense midshaft
portions, whereas disarticulation cut marks are
rare and occur on epiphyseal portions, which are
often deleted by density-mediated destruction.
Butchery trace interpretation across multiple
analytical scales confirms a flexible
carnivorous paleoecological role for Okote
hominins that included primary and secondary
access to carcass resources from large and small
mammals. |
Wood selection for
firesetting: First data from the Neolithic
cinnabar mine of Spaccasasso (South Tuscany,
di F. Poggiali et alii, "Quaternary
International", Volume 458, 15 November 2017,
Pages 134-140
This paper
presents the preliminary results of the analysis
of charcoal remains from the Neolithic cinnabar
mine of Spaccasasso. Cinnabar is a mineral that
was used as a pigment by different cultures
worldwide since the Neolithic period.
Firesetting was one of the most common mining
techniques used for breaking rock to extract
ores and minerals from prehistoric times up to
the invention of explosives. Anatomical
identification of the fuelwood used for mining
provides important information about ancient
mining techniques. The results show a preference
for the use of Erica as a fuelwood, associated
with evergreen and deciduous oaks. These data
are coherent with the pollen records from nearby
sites on the Thyrrenian coast that show the
dominance of a mixed deciduous and evergreen oak
forest with elements of maquis shrubland. These
results are preliminarily discussed considering
the heat values and the physiological state of
the most common Mediterranean fuelwoods. They
suggest a fuelwood selection based on the
empiric knowledge of which woody plants serve as
the best fuel for firesetting by Late Neolithic
Populations. |
parsimonious neutral model suggests Neanderthal
replacement was determined by migration and
random species drift,
di O. Kolodny, M. W. Feldman, "Nature
Communications" 8, 31 October 2017, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01043-z
- free access -
Most hypotheses in
the heated debate about the Neanderthals’
replacement by modern humans highlight the role
of environmental pressures or attribute the
Neanderthals’ demise to competition with modern
humans, who occupied the same ecological niche.
The latter assume that modern humans benefited
from some selective advantage over Neanderthals,
which led to the their extinction. Here we show
that a scenario of migration and selectively
neutral species drift predicts the Neanderthals’
replacement. Our model offers a parsimonious
alternative to those that invoke external
factors or selective advantage, and represents a
null hypothesis for assessing such alternatives.
For a wide range of parameters, this hypothesis
cannot be rejected. Moreover, we suggest that
although selection and environmental factors may
or may not have played a role in the
inter-species dynamics of Neanderthals and
modern humans, the eventual replacement of the
Neanderthals was determined by the repeated
migration of modern humans from Africa into
Eurasia. (...) |
Nasal airflow simulations
suggest convergent adaptation in Neanderthals
and modern humans,
S. de Azevedo et alii, October 30, 2017,
"Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences - Early Edition",
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1703790114
Both modern
humans (MHs) and Neanderthals successfully
settled across western Eurasian cold-climate
landscapes. Among the many adaptations
considered as essential to survival in such
landscapes, changes in the nasal morphology
and/or function aimed to humidify and warm the
air before it reaches the lungs are of key
importance. Unfortunately, the lack of
soft-tissue evidence in the fossil record turns
difficult any comparative study of respiratory
performance. Here, we reconstruct the internal
nasal cavity of a Neanderthal plus two
representatives of climatically divergent MH
populations (southwestern Europeans and
northeastern Asians). The reconstruction
includes mucosa distribution enabling a
realistic simulation of the breathing cycle in
different climatic conditions via computational
fluid dynamics. Striking across-specimens
differences in fluid residence times affecting
humidification and warming performance at the
anterior tract were found under cold/dry climate
simulations. Specifically, the Asian model
achieves a rapid air conditioning, followed by
the Neanderthals, whereas the European model
attains a proper conditioning only around the
medium-posterior tract. In addition,
quantitative-genetic evolutionary analyses of
nasal morphology provided signals of stabilizing
selection for MH populations, with the removal
of Arctic populations turning covariation
patterns compatible with evolution by genetic
drift. Both results indicate that, departing
from important craniofacial differences existing
among Neanderthals and MHs, an advantageous
species-specific respiratory performance in cold
climates may have occurred in both species.
Fluid dynamics and evolutionary biology
independently provided evidence of nasal
evolution, suggesting that adaptive explanations
regarding complex functional phenotypes require
interdisciplinary approaches aimed to quantify
both performance and evolutionary signals on
covariation patterns.
· Il naso "artico" dei Neanderthal, "Le
Scienze", 31 ottobre 2017 |
Neandertals gave ‘lost’
African DNA back to moderns,
di A. Gibbons, "Science", 27 Oct 2017: Vol. 358,
Issue 6362, pp. 431
When Neandertals
mated with modern humans, they shared more than
an intimate moment and their own DNA. They also
gave back thousands of ancient African gene
variants that Eurasians had lost when their
ancestors swept out of Africa in small bands
perhaps 60,000 to 80,000 years ago. Restored to
their lineage, the diversity may have been a
genetic gift to Eurasian ancestors as they
spread around the world and adapted to new
environments. Today, however, some of these
African variants are a burden: They seem to
boost the risk of becoming addicted to nicotine
and having wider waistlines. |
How Neanderthals
influenced human genetics at the crossroads of
Asia and Europe,
October 24, 2017
A new study
explores the genetic legacy of ancient trysts
between Neanderthals and the ancestors of modern
humans, with a focus on Western Asia, the region
where the first relations may have occurred.
denti fossili che dividono i paleontologi,
23 ottobre 2017
La scoperta, fatta in Germania, di due denti
fossili ben conservati offre interessanti indizi
su come alcuni dei nostri lontani parenti
primati siano riusciti a sopravvivere
nell’attuale Europa settentrionale. Ma questi
reperti “riscrivono la storia dell’uomo”,
mettendo in discussione la teoria secondo la
quale gli esseri umani hanno avuto origine
dall’Africa come dichiarato da alcune testate?
In una parola: no. I due denti fossili color
caramello - un canino e un molare superiore -
appartenevano più probabilmente a un primate di
un ramo molto distante dalla nostra linea
evolutiva che visse fra nove e dieci milioni di
anni fa. (...) |
Early Levallois and the
beginning of the Middle Paleolithic in central
di S. Soriano, P. Villa, October 20, 2017,
- free access -
In the second half of the 19th century
Pleistocene faunas were discovered in two sites,
Sedia del Diavolo and Monte delle Gioie,
contained in deposits of the Aniene River in the
area of Rome (Latium, Italy). Fieldwork by A.C.
Blanc in the late 1930’s proved the association
of fauna and lithic industry within fluvial
deposits interbedded with volcanoclastic layers.
A human femoral diaphysis and a metatarsal were
later identified in the faunal assemblage from
Sedia del Diavolo and evaluated as Neandertal.
The lithic assemblages from these two sites were
the basis of the definition of the
Protopontinian by M. Taschini, which she viewed
as a late Middle Pleistocene industry very
similar to the later, Upper Pleistocene
Pontinian industries, thought to be
characteristic of the Latium Mousterian. The
chronostratigraphic framework of the Aniene
river deposits has been recently updated and the
lithic assemblages from these two sites are now
confidently dated between 295 and 290 ka, close
to the transition from MIS 9 to MIS 8. They fit
chronologically between the industries of layers
m and d from Torre in Pietra, a site 26 km
northwest of Rome. The presence of the Levallois
debitage is indisputable yet it occurs within an
original technical context, different from what
is known in other early occurrences of the
Levallois. The date confirms the proposed
chronology for the early Levallois in Europe.
More importantly these two assemblages
demonstrate that this technology can emerge in
more diversified contexts than usually described.
This suggests that its dispersal in Europe may
have been rapid. (...) |
External auditory exostoses and hearing loss in
the Shanidar 1 Neandertal,
di E. Trinkaus, S. Villotte, October 20, 2017,
- free access -
The Late Pleistocene Shanidar 1 older adult male
Neandertal is known for the crushing fracture of
his left orbit with a probable reduction in
vision, the loss of his right forearm and hand,
and evidence of an abnormal gait, as well as
probable diffuse idiopathic skeletal
hyperostosis. He also exhibits advanced external
auditory exostoses in his left auditory meatus
and larger ones with complete bridging across
the porus in the right meatus (both Grade 3).
These growths indicate at least unilateral
conductive hearing (CHL) loss, a serious sensory
deprivation for a Pleistocene hunter-gatherer.
This condition joins the meatal atresia of the
Middle Pleistocene Atapuerca-SH Cr.4 in
providing evidence of survival with conductive
hearing loss (and hence serious sensory
deprivation) among these Pleistocene humans. The
presence of CHL in these fossils thereby
reinforces the paleobiological and archeological
evidence for supporting social matrices among
these Pleistocene foraging peoples. |
L'art de la préhistoire
Sous la
direction de Carole Fritz, Comité éditorial :
Michel Barbaza, Geneviève Pinçon, Gilles Tosello
Avec plus de 600 illustrations, cette vaste
synthèse présente les premiers chefs-d’œuvre de
l’humanité et, à l’aune des nouvelles
technologies (datation, caractérisation des
matières picturales, modélisation 3D…), livre
des clés de compréhension sur les sources, la
matérialité et le sens de la création artistique.
626 pages
Grand format: 25,5 x 32,9 cm
Editions Citadelles & Mazenod
Collection: L'art et les grandes civilisations |
Self-domestication in Homo
sapiens: Insights from comparative genomics,
di C. Theofanopoulou et alii, October 18,
- free access -
This study
identifies and analyzes statistically
significant overlaps between selective sweep
screens in anatomically modern humans and
several domesticated species. The results
obtained suggest that (paleo-)genomic data can
be exploited to complement the fossil record and
support the idea of self-domestication in Homo
sapiens, a process that likely intensified as
our species populated its niche. Our analysis
lends support to attempts to capture the
“domestication syndrome” in terms of alterations
to certain signaling pathways and cell lineages,
such as the neural crest. |
Long-term patterns of body mass and stature
evolution within the hominin lineage,
di M. Will, A. Pablos, J. T. Stock, Royal
Society Open Science, 8 November 2017
- free access -
Body size is a central determinant of a species'
biology and adaptive strategy, but the number of
reliable estimates of hominin body mass and
stature have been insufficient to determine
long-term patterns and subtle interactions in
these size components within our lineage. Here,
we analyse 254 body mass and 204 stature
estimates from a total of 311 hominin specimens
dating from 4.4 Ma to the Holocene using
multi-level chronological and taxonomic
analytical categories. The results demonstrate
complex temporal patterns of body size variation
with phases of relative stasis intermitted by
periods of rapid increases. The observed
trajectories could result from punctuated
increases at speciation events, but also
differential proliferation of large-bodied taxa
or the extinction of small-bodied populations.
Combined taxonomic and temporal analyses show
that in relation to australopithecines, early
Homo is characterized by significantly larger
average body mass and stature but retains
considerable diversity, including small body
sizes. Within later Homo, stature and body mass
evolution follow different trajectories: average
modern stature is maintained from ca 1.6 Ma,
while consistently higher body masses are not
established until the Middle Pleistocene at ca
0.5–0.4 Ma, likely caused by directional
selection related to colonizing higher latitudes.
Selection against small-bodied individuals (less
than 40 kg; less than 140 cm) after 1.4 Ma is
associated with a decrease in relative size
variability in later Homo species compared with
earlier Homo and australopithecines. The
isolated small-bodied individuals of Homo naledi
(ca 0.3 Ma) and Homo floresiensis (ca 100–60 ka)
constitute important exceptions to these general
patterns, adding further layers of complexity to
the evolution of body size within the genus
Homo. At the end of the Late Pleistocene and
Holocene, body size in Homo sapiens declines on
average, but also extends to lower limits not
seen in comparable frequency since early Homo.
(...) |
Un po' più di Neanderthal
nel nostro genoma,
06 ottobre 2017
Nuove analisi sul
genoma dei Neanderthal indicano che il loro
contributo al patrimonio genetico delle
popolazioni umane non africane è superiore a
quanto stimato in precedenza, arrivando fino al
2,6 per cento. I tratti influenzati da queste
varianti riguardano in primo luogo colore della
pelle e dei capelli, ma anche aspetti del
metabolismo e il rischio di alcuni disturbi
psichiatrici (...) |
Is your Neandertal DNA
making your belly fat? Ancient genome offers
di A. Gibbons, "Science News", Oct. 5, 2017
The insult "You're
a Neandertal!" has taken on dramatic new meaning
in the past few years, as researchers have begun
to identify the genes many of us inherited from
our long-extinct relatives. By sequencing a
remarkably complete genome from a
50,000-year-old bone fragment of a female
Neandertal found in Vindija Cave in Croatia,
researchers report online today in Science a new
trove of gene variants that living people
outside of Africa obtained from Neandertals.
Some of this DNA could influence cholesterol
levels, the accumulation of belly fat, and the
risk of schizophrenia and other diseases. The
genome is only the second from a Neandertal
sequenced to such high quality that it can
reliably reveal when, where, and what DNA was
passed from Neandertals to modern humans—and
which diseases it may be causing or preventing
today. "It's really exciting because it's more
than two times better to have two Neandertal
genomes," says evolutionary genomicist Tony
Capra of Vanderbilt University in Nashville.
(...) |
Technological variability at Sibudu Cave: The
end of Howiesons Poort and reduced mobility
strategies after 62,000 years ago,
di P. de la Peña, L. Wadley, October 5, 2017,
- free access -
We evaluate the cultural variation between the
youngest Howiesons Poort layer (GR) and the
oldest post-Howiesons Poort layers (RB-YA) of
Sibudu Cave (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa). We
first conducted a technological analysis,
secondly we performed a cladistic study with all
the technological traits and, finally, we
compare the technological variability with other
data from Sibudu (ochre, micromorphology, fauna
and plant remains). The synapomorphies of the
cladistical analysis show numerous lithic
technological changes between the youngest
Howiesons Poort and the oldest post-Howiesons
Poort layers as previously concluded. However,
some technological strategies that are present,
yet uncommon, in the Howiesons Poort become
abundant in the overlying layers, whereas others
that were fundamental to the Howiesons Poort
continue, but are poorly represented in the
overlying layers. We further show that lithic
technological strategies appear and disappear as
pulses in the post-Howiesons Poort layers
studied. Among the most notable changes in the
post-Howiesons Poort layers is the importance of
flake production from discoidal knapping methods,
the unstandardized retouched pieces and their
infrequent representation, and the higher than
usual frequency of grindstones. We evaluate
various hypotheses to explain the transformation
of a Howiesons Poort formal industry to a more
‘expedient’ assemblage. Since no marked
environmental changes are contemporary with the
technological transformation, a change in
residential mobility patterns seems a plausible
explanation. This hypothesis is supported by the
changes observed in stratigraphy, lithic
technology, site management, ochre and firewood
collection. (...) |
The Contribution of
Neanderthals to Phenotypic Variation in Modern
di M. Dannemann, J. Kelso, "The American Journal
of Human Genetics", Volume 101, Issue 4, October
05, 2017 - free access
Assessing the
genetic contribution of Neanderthals to
non-disease phenotypes in modern humans has been
difficult because of the absence of large
cohorts for which common phenotype information
is available. Using baseline phenotypes
collected for 112,000 individuals by the UK
Biobank, we can now elaborate on previous
findings that identified associations between
signatures of positive selection on Neanderthal
DNA and various modern human traits but not any
specific phenotypic consequences. Here, we show
that Neanderthal DNA affects skin tone and hair
color, height, sleeping patterns, mood, and
smoking status in present-day Europeans.
Interestingly, multiple Neanderthal alleles at
different loci contribute to skin and hair color
in present-day Europeans, and these Neanderthal
alleles contribute to both lighter and darker
skin tones and hair color, suggesting that
Neanderthals themselves were most likely
variable in these traits. (...) |
Ancient humans left Africa
to escape drying climate,
October 4, 2017
Humans migrated
out of Africa as the climate shifted from wet to
dry about 60,000 years ago, according to new
paleoclimate research. What the northeast Africa
climate was like when people migrated from
Africa into Eurasia between 70,000 and 55,000
years ago is still uncertain. The new research
shows around 70,000 years ago, the Horn of
Africa climate shifted from a wet phase called
'Green Sahara' to even drier than the region is
now. |
Direct dating of Neanderthal remains from the
site of Vindija Cave and implications for the
Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition,
di T. Devièse et alii, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences", October 3, 2017, vol.
114 no. 40, pp. 10606–10611
Previous dating of
the Vi-207 and Vi-208 Neanderthal remains from
Vindija Cave (Croatia) led to the suggestion
that Neanderthals survived there as recently as
28,000–29,000 B.P. Subsequent dating yielded
older dates, interpreted as ages of at least
∼32,500 B.P. We have redated these same
specimens using an approach based on the
extraction of the amino acid hydroxyproline,
using preparative high-performance liquid
chromatography (Prep-HPLC). This method is more
efficient in eliminating modern contamination in
the bone collagen. The revised dates are older
than 40,000 B.P., suggesting the Vindija
Neanderthals did not live more recently than
others across Europe, and probably predate the
arrival of anatomically modern humans in Eastern
Europe. We applied zooarchaeology by mass
spectrometry (ZooMS) to find additional hominin
remains. We identified one bone that is
Neanderthal, based on its mitochondrial DNA, and
dated it directly to 46,200 ± 1,500 B.P. We also
attempted to date six early Upper Paleolithic
bone points from stratigraphic units G1, Fd/d+G1
and Fd/d, Fd. One bone artifact gave a date of
29,500 ± 400 B.P., while the remainder yielded
no collagen. We additionally dated animal bone
samples from units G1 and G1–G3. These dates
suggest a co-occurrence of early Upper
Paleolithic osseous artifacts, particularly
split-based points, alongside the remains of
Neanderthals is a result of postdepositional
mixing, rather than an association between the
two groups, although more work is required to
show this definitively. |
The last Neanderthal,
di J. J. Hublin, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences", October 3, 2017, vol.
114 no. 40, pp. 10520–10522
The mechanism of
the Neanderthal extinction and their replacement
by modern humans of African origin is one of the
most discussed issues in paleoanthropology.
Central to this discussion are the questions of
the chronological overlap between Neanderthal
populations and modern humans in Western Eurasia
and the precise geographical circumstances of
this overlap. For a long time, the Vindija (Croatia)
site was considered to provide solid evidence
for a long survival of Neanderthals in Central/Southern
Europe. Not only did directly dated Neanderthal
remains from layer G1 of the site provide
radiocarbon ages postdating the most widely
accepted transition time of 40–35,000
radiocarbon years ago (1), but the same layer
also yielded a type of split-based bone points
commonly assigned to the Aurignacian (2), a
stone artefact industry of the early Upper
Paleolithic that, to date, only yielded human
remains of a modern nature (3). For some, this
situation implied the possibility of a long and
complex interaction between the two groups of
hominins in this region and also falsified the
notion of a systematic association between
defined archaeological assemblages and specific
biological populations at the time of the
replacement. In PNAS, Devièse et al. (4) provide
new radiocarbon dates for the same Vindija
Neanderthal samples, dating them to before
40,000 14C B.P., significantly older than
previous efforts dating this material to
29–28,000 and 33–32,000 radiocarbon years (1).
The bone points of layer G1 could not be dated,
but the range of ages obtained from faunal and
human samples in this layer suggests taphonomic
mixing as a likely mechanism to explain their
stratigraphic association in this part of the
Vindija stratigraphic sequence. The situation in
Vindija is therefore not at all exceptional, and
previous results can be explained by the effect
of sample contamination and layer admixture. |
Meet the hominin species that gave us genital
herpes, di
October 1, 2017
New research uses
innovative data modeling to predict which
species acted as an intermediary between our
ancestors and those of chimpanzees to carry HSV2
-- the genital herpes virus -- across the
species barrier. |
Neandertal talus bones from El Sidrón site (Asturias,
Spain): A 3D geometric morphometrics analysis,
di A. Rosas et alii, "American Journal of
Physical Anthropology", Volume 164, Issue 2,
October 2017, Pages 394–415
The El Sidrón tali
sample is assessed in an evolutionary framework.
We aim to explore the relationship between
Neandertal talus morphology and body size/shape.
We test the hypothesis 1: talar Neandertal
traits are influenced by body size, and the
hypothesis 2: shape variables independent of
body size correspond to inherited primitive
We quantify 35 landmarks through 3D geometric
morphometrics techniques to describe H.
neanderthalensis-H. sapiens shape variation, by
Mean Shape Comparisons, Principal Component,
Phenetic Clusters, Minimum spanning tree
analyses and partial least square and regression
of talus shape on body variables. Shape
variation correlated to body size is compared to
Neandertals-Modern Humans (MH) evolutionary
shape variation. The Neandertal sample is
compared to early hominins.
Neandertal talus presents trochlear hypertrophy,
a larger equality of trochlear rims, a shorter
neck, a more expanded head, curvature and an
anterior location of the medial malleolar facet,
an expanded and projected lateral malleolar
facet and laterally expanded posterior calcaneal
facet compared to MH.
The Neandertal talocrural joint morphology is
influenced by body size. The other Neandertal
talus traits do not co-vary with it or not
follow the same co-variation pattern as MH.
Besides, the trochlear hypertrophy, the
trochlear rims equality and the short neck could
be inherited primitive features; the medial
malleolar facet morphology could be an inherited
primitive feature or a secondarily primitive
trait; and the calcaneal posterior facet would
be an autapomorphic feature of the Neandertal
lineage. |
New research on the Late Pleistocene in the Lim
Channel, Istria,
di I. Janković et alii, "Antiquity
Project Gallery", Issue 359, October 2017
As a part of the
multidisciplinary project entitled
Archaeological Investigations into the Late
Pleistocene and Early Holocene of the Lim
Channel, Istria, archaeological research has
been conducted at four sites: Romuald's Cave,
Abri Kontija 002, Pećina at Rovinjsko Selo and
Lim 001. There is much debate on issues related
to biological and behavioural continuity, to
patterns of changes and adaptations during this
crucial period, and to external factors (e.g.
changes in ecology and climate). For example, a
clearer insight is needed into how climatic
change affects the ecology of specific regions,
including changing sea levels. Additionally,
there continues to be debate centring on who
produced the earliest (Initial) Upper
Palaeolithic industries in Europe. To achieve a
more precise insight into long-term diachronic
changes and cultural relations around the
Adriatic, and to document the presence of Middle
and Upper Palaeolithic humans in Istria, we
concentrated on a single microregion (the Lim
Channel in Istria, Croatia). Here we report work
on the two sites that to date have yielded
Pleistocene material: Romuald's Cave and Abri
Kontija 002 |
Moss': no part of the European Neanderthal diet,
di J. H. Dickson, K. Oeggl, D. Stanton, "Antiquity
Project Gallery", Issue 359, October 2017
In recent years,
the study of Palaeolithic people has been a
vigorous, productive topic, with the increasing
knowledge of diet contributing significantly to
the debate's liveliness (e.g. Richards 2009;
Henry et al. 2010; Hardy et al. 2012, 2016; El
Zaatari et al. 2016). |
The first Middle Palaeolithic site exhibiting
obsidian industry on the northern slopes of the
Central Caucasus,
di E. Doronicheva, L. Golovanova, V. Doronichev,
A. Nedomolkin, S. Shackley, "Antiquity Project
Gallery", Issue 359, October 2017
Modern research in
the Caucasus involving both obsidian artefact
characterisation and sourcing enhances our
knowledge of the early exploitation and exchange
of this raw material (Le Bourdonnec et al. 2012;
Montoya et al. 2013; Chatainger & Gratuze 2014;
Doronicheva & Shackley 2014; Frahm et al. 2014;
Pleurdeau et al. 2016). |
Hafting with beeswax in
the Final Palaeolithic: a barbed point from
di M. Baales, S. Birker, F. Mucha, "Antiquity",
Volume 91, Issue 359, October 2017, pp.
During the Last
Glacial Maximum (LGM), much of the familiar
insect fauna of Northern Europe today was
confined to the warmer areas south of the Alps.
Chemical and microscopic analysis of hafting
residues on a Final Palaeolithic barbed point
from Westphalia in Germany has, for the first
time, yielded evidence for the use of beeswax as
a major component of adhesive during the later
stages of the LGM. Analysis also confirmed that
the beeswax was tempered with crushed charcoal.
AMS dating of the Bergkamen barbed point
suggests direct association with the Final
Pleistocene Federmessergruppen, approximately
13000 years ago. Furthermore, the adhesive
provides the first direct evidence of the
honeybee, Apis mellifera, in Europe following
the LGM. |
Early Stone Tools and Cultural Transmission:
Resetting the Null Hypothesis,
di C. Tennie, L. S. Premo, D. R. Braun, S. P.
McPherron, "Current Anthropology", Volume 58,
Number 5 | October 2017
- free access -
We have learned
much about tool use in nonhumans since the
discovery of Oldowan stone tools. Despite the
ongoing debate over whether tool use in other
animals requires cultural transmission, it seems
clear that, today, humans show a quantitative,
if not qualitative, difference in our ability to
transmit information socially through cultural
transmission. This ability makes cumulative
culture possible. Although comparative studies
provide relevant insights, we must look to the
Paleolithic archaeological record to address
when, where, and ultimately why this shift to
high-fidelity social learning occurred. Yet here
the frequent assumption that even the earliest
stone tools serve as evidence of high-fidelity
cultural transmission hinders investigation more
than it helps. We pragmatically suggest
resetting the null hypothesis for the processes
underlying early stone tool production. The null
hypothesis that we prefer is that early stone
tools might have been so-called latent solutions
rather than cultural material that derived from—and
depended upon—modern human-like high-fidelity
cultural transmission. This simple shift in
perspective prioritizes the systematic
investigation of more parsimonious potential
explanations and forces us to demonstrate,
rather than presume, that stone tools could not
have existed without high-fidelity cultural
transmission. (...) |
Archaic Hominin Introgression in Africa
Contributes to Functional Salivary MUC7 Genetic
di D. Xu et alii, "Molecular Biology and
Evolution", Volume 34, Issue 10, 1 October 2017,
Pages 2704–2715 - free
access -
One of the most
abundant proteins in human saliva, mucin-7, is
encoded by the MUC7 gene, which harbors copy
number variable subexonic repeats (PTS-repeats)
that affect the size and glycosylation potential
of this protein. We recently documented the
adaptive evolution of MUC7 subexonic copy number
variation among primates. Yet, the evolution of
MUC7 genetic variation in humans remained
unexplored. Here, we found that PTS-repeat copy
number variation has evolved recurrently in the
human lineage, thereby generating multiple
haplotypic backgrounds carrying five or six
PTS-repeat copy number alleles. Contrary to
previous studies, we found no associations
between the copy number of PTS-repeats and
protection against asthma. Instead, we revealed
a significant association of MUC7 haplotypic
variation with the composition of the oral
microbiome. Furthermore, based on in-depth
simulations, we conclude that a divergent MUC7
haplotype likely originated in an unknown
African hominin population and introgressed into
ancestors of modern Africans. (...) |
Heat-induced alteration of
glauconitic minerals in the Middle Stone Age
levels of Blombos Cave, South Africa:
Implications for evaluating site structure and
burning events,
di M. M. Haaland et alii, "Journal of
Archaeological Science", Volume 86, October
2017, Pages 81-100 -
free access -
In this paper
we conduct geochemical and colourimetric
measurements of glauconite grains in
micromorphological thin sections from the Middle
Stone Age site of Blombos Cave, South Africa, to
investigate the formation, internal structure
and reworking of heat-exposed cave deposits that
are related to prehistoric burning events.
Controlled heating experiments were first
carried out on glauconite-rich loose sediments
and block samples, both of which were collected
from the Blombos Cave bedrock. The control
samples were then subjected to Fourier transform
infrared spectrometry (FTIR), microscopic
Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (micro-FTIR)
and petrographic-colourimetric analyses. The
control experiment shows that glauconitic
minerals undergo a gradual and systematic colour
change when temperatures reach higher than c.
300–400 °C, primarily due to dehydration and
iron oxidation. They also undergo clear
structural changes when temperatures reach
higher than c. 550 °C due to dehydroxylation and
mineral transformation. By assessing the nature
and degree of heat-induced optical and molecular
alteration in glauconitic minerals, we
demonstrate how glauconite grains in thin
sections can be classified by the temperature to
which they were exposed (20–400 °C, >400 °C,
>600 °C and >800 °C). To assess the
archaeological relevance of our controlled
heating experiment, we applied this glauconite
classification scheme to >200 grains found in
three micromorphological thin sections of a
Middle Stone Age (MSA) combustion feature. These
grains were individually geo-referenced within
the local coordinate system of Blombos Cave,
through a thin-section-based GIS mapping
procedure. With improved spatial control, we
were able to study both the general distribution
of non-altered and heat-altered glauconite
grains in their original sedimentary context, as
well as to calculate heat distribution models
that cover the entire sampled section. This
combined geo-chemical, optical and
spatio-contextual approach provides insights
into more elusive aspects of MSA site structure
and burning events, such as heat intensity,
burning frequency, temperature distribution,
internal hearth structure and post-depositional
reworking. The workflow we propose may easily be
implemented and adapted to other archaeological
contexts and to analogous sedimentary materials
that show comparable heat-induced alteration
patterns. (...) |
Occasional, obligatory,
and habitual stone tool use in hominin evolution,
di J. J. She, "Evolutionary Anthropology",
Volume 26, Issue 5, September/October 2017,
Pages 200–217
Archeologists have
long assumed that earlier hominins were
obligatory stone tool users. This assumption is
deeply embedded in traditional ways of
describing the lithic record. This paper argues
that lithic evidence dating before 1.7 Ma
reflects occasional stone tool use, much like
that practiced by nonhuman primates except that
it involved flaked-stone cutting tools. Evidence
younger than 0.3 Ma is more congruent with
obligatory stone tool use, like that among
recent humans. The onset of habitual stone tool
use at about 1.7 Ma appears correlated with
increased hominin logistical mobility (carrying
things). The onset of obligatory stone tool use
after 0.3 Ma may be linked to the evolution of
spoken language. Viewing the lithic evidence
dating between 0.3-1.7 Ma as habitual stone tool
use explains previously inexplicable aspects of
the Early-Middle Pleistocene lithic record. |
The growth pattern of
Neandertals, reconstructed from a juvenile
skeleton from El Sidrón (Spain),
di A. Rosas, L. Ríos, A. Estalrrich, H.
Liversidge, A. García-Tabernero, R. Huguet,
"Science" 22 Sep 2017: Vol. 357, Issue 6357, pp.
studies help us understand the processes of
evolutionary change. Previous studies on
Neandertals have focused mainly on dental
development and inferred an accelerated pace of
general growth. We report on a juvenile partial
skeleton (El Sidrón J1) preserving cranio-dental
and postcranial remains. We used dental
histology to estimate the age at death to be 7.7
years. Maturation of most elements fell within
the expected range of modern humans at this age.
The exceptions were the atlas and mid-thoracic
vertebrae, which remained at the 5- to 6-year
stage of development. Furthermore, endocranial
features suggest that brain growth was not yet
completed. The vertebral maturation pattern and
extended brain growth most likely reflect
Neandertal physiology and ontogenetic energy
constraints rather than any fundamental
difference in the overall pace of growth in this
extinct human.
· Neandertals, like humans, may have had long
childhoods, di A. Gibbons, "Science", Sep. 21,
· La crescita lenta del giovane Neanderthal, "Le
Scienze", 25 settembre 2017 |
Aggiornamento 20 settembre |
New palaeoenvironmental
and palaeoclimatic reconstructions for the
Middle Palaeolithic site of Cuesta de la Bajada
(Teruel, eastern Spain) inferred from the
amphibian and squamate reptile assemblages,
di H. A. Blain et alii, "Quaternary
Science Reviews", Volume 173, 1 October 2017,
Pages 78-91
In the eastern
Iberian Peninsula, the archaeological site of
Cuesta de la Bajada (Teruel, Spain) has produced
some of the earliest evidence of Middle
Paleolithic stone tool traditions together with
evidence of equid and cervid carcasses defleshed
by hominins. Based on the numerical age of
317-240 ka derived from OSL, ESR and AAR dating
methods for the lower part of the Cuesta de la
Bajada sedimentological sequence (level CB3), as
well as the biochronological inferences for the
small and large mammal associations, the site
can be attributed to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS)
8 or the end of MIS 9. As amphibians and
reptiles have precise environmental and climatic
requirements and do not differ at species level
from the extant herpetofauna of the Iberian
Peninsula, they can contribute to the
reconstruction of the landscape and climate. In
this paper, the fossil amphibians and squamate
reptiles from Cuesta de la Bajada are studied
for the first time. The mutual ecogeographic
range and habitat weighting methods were applied
to the herpetofaunal assemblages to estimate
quantitative data for the landscape and climate
reconstructions. The climate is shown to have
been colder and wetter than today in the
interior of eastern Spain, with mean annual
temperature up to 2.5 °C lower and mean annual
precipitation slightly higher than at present.
The monthly climatic reconstruction shows
differences in the distribution of precipitation
over the course of the year, with more abundant
precipitation from late autumn to spring (i.e.
from October to May), and more or less similar
precipitation to today during the summer months
(July and August). This suggests there was
stronger rainfall seasonality between winter and
summer than currently occurs. The
paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on the
herpetofaunal assemblage depicts a poorly
forested (15–20%) patchy landscape with a large
representation of dry meadows and scrubland
habitats together with well-evidenced aquatic
habitats. These reconstructions are consistent
with other proxies recovered at Cuesta de la
Bajada (pollen, small and large mammals) as well
as other European MIS 8–9 paleoclimatic records.
We can thus correlate levels CB2 and CB3 with
the later part of MIS 8 (265-257 ka) or with a
humid fluctuation within the MIS9b (303-290 ka).
It is also possible to provide a new description
of the environmental and climatic conditions
that occurred in inner Spain during a cold
period of the late Middle Pleistocene. |
Evolutionary processes
shaping diversity across the Homo lineage,
di L. Schroeder, R. Rogers Ackermann, "Journal
of Human Evolution", Volume 111, October 2017,
Pages 1-17
Recent fossil
finds have highlighted extensive morphological
diversity within our genus, Homo, and the
co-existence of a number of species. However,
little is known about the evolutionary processes
responsible for producing this diversity.
Understanding the action of these processes can
provide insight into how and why our lineage
evolved and diversified. Here, we examine
cranial and mandibular variation and
diversification from the earliest emergence of
our genus at 2.8 Ma until the Late Pleistocene
(0.126–0.0117 Ma), using statistical tests
developed from quantitative genetics theory to
evaluate whether stochastic (genetic drift)
versus non-stochastic (selection) processes were
responsible for the observed variation. Results
show that random processes can account for
species diversification for most traits,
including neurocranial diversification, and
across all time periods. Where selection was
found to shape diversification, we show that: 1)
adaptation was important in the earliest
migration of Homo out of Africa; 2) selection
played a role in shaping mandibular and
maxillary diversity among Homo groups, possibly
due to dietary differences; and 3) Homo
rudolfensis is adaptively different from other
early Homo taxa, including the earliest known
Homo specimen. These results show that genetic
drift, and, likely, small population sizes were
important factors shaping the evolution of Homo
and many of its novel traits, but that selection
played an essential role in driving adaptation
to new contexts. |
In pursuit of our
ancestors' hand laterality,
di A. Bargalló, M. Mosquera, S. Lozano, "Journal
of Human Evolution", Volume 111, October 2017,
Pages 18-32
The aim of this
paper is to apply a previously published method
(Bargalló and Mosquera, 2014) to the
archaeological record, allowing us to identify
the hand laterality of our ancestors and
determine when and how this feature, which is
exhibited most strongly in humans, appeared in
our evolutionary history. The method focuses on
identifying handedness by looking at the
technical features of the flakes produced by a
single knapper, and discovering how many flakes
are required to ascertain their hand preference.
This method can potentially be applied to the
majority of archaeological sites, since flakes
are the most abundant stone tools, and stone
tools are the most widespread and
widely-preserved remains from prehistory. For
our study, we selected two Spanish sites: Gran
Dolina-TD10.1 (Atapuerca) and Abric Romaní (Barcelona),
which were occupied by pre-Neanderthal and
Neanderthal populations, respectively. Our
analyses indicate that a minimum number of eight
flakes produced by the same knapper is required
to ascertain their hand preference. Even though
this figure is relatively low, it is quite
difficult to obtain from many archaeological
sites. In addition, there is no single technical
feature that provides information about
handedness, instead there is a combination of
eight technical features, localised on the
striking platforms and ventral surfaces. The raw
material is not relevant where good quality
rocks are used, in this case quartzite and
flint, since most of them retain the technical
features required for the analysis. Expertise is
not an issue either, since the technical
features analysed here only correlate with
handedness (Bargalló and Mosquera, 2014). Our
results allow us to tentatively identify one
right-handed knapper among the pre-Neanderthals
of level TD10.1 at Gran Dolina (Atapuerca),
while four of the five Neanderthals analysed
from Abric Romaní were right-handed. The hand
preference of the fifth knapper from that
location (AR5) remains unclear. |
Early hominin landscape
use in the Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia: Insights
from the taphonomical analysis of Oldowan
occurrences in the Shungura Formation (Member F),
di T. Maurin, P. Bertran, A. Delagnes, J. R.
Boisserie, "Journal of Human Evolution", Volume
111, October 2017, Pages 33-53
The Oldowan
archeological record of the Shungura Formation,
Member F (Lower Omo valley, Ethiopia) comprises
more than one hundred occurrences distributed
within archeological complexes, where multiple
small spots were found in association with one
or two larger occurrences. Such spatial
patterning could reflect hominin spatial
behavior, repeated occupations within a single
sedimentary unit, or taphonomic and/or
collection biases. Here we test these hypotheses
by way of a geoarcheological and taphonomical
analysis using four criteria to assess the
preservation of the lithic assemblages: (1) size
composition, (2) artifact abrasion, (3) bone
abrasion, and (4) orientations of lithic
artifacts and bones (i.e., fabrics). We propose
a new model of taphonomically induced spatial
patterning where the multiple, small, well
circumscribed occurrences result primarily from
post-depositional processes and therefore do not
reflect any underlying behavioral patterns. The
large number of archeological occurrences
documented in Member F, therefore, corresponds
to a limited number of primary occupations
(<10). The archeological occupation is mainly
restricted to the lower part of Member F and may
reflect a single or a small number of occupation
episodes, which were located on previous levees
of the paleo-Omo River, in nearby floodplain
areas, or on the riverbank. This strongly
suggests that most of the knapping activities
originally took place close to the river. This
preference of the Omo toolmakers for riverine
environments could explain the scarcity of
archeological material in the upper part of
Member F that comprises primarily distal
floodplain sedimentary facies. |
Evidence of Neanderthals
in the Balkans: The infant radius from Kozarnika
Cave (Bulgaria),
di A. M. Tillier et alii, "Journal of
Human Evolution", Volume 111, October 2017,
Pages 54-62
conducted by a Bulgarian-French team at
Kozarnika Cave (Balkans, Bulgaria) during
several seasons yielded a long Paleolithic
archaeological sequence and led to the discovery
of important faunal, lithic, and human samples.
This paper aims to describe the unpublished
radius shaft of an infant who died approximately
before the sixth month postnatal that was
recovered from layer 10b, which contained East
Balkan Levallois Mousterian with bifacial leaf
points. The layer was dated between 130 and 200
ka (large mammals biochronology) and between 128
± 13 ka and 183 ± 14 ka (OSL), i.e. OIS6. Here
we show that, given the scarcity of Middle
Pleistocene infant remains in general, and
Middle Paleolithic human remains from this part
of Eastern Europe in particular, the study of
the Kozarnika specimen is of special interest.
We discuss its place in the Middle Pleistocene
European hominine record and substantiate the
hypothesis of early Neanderthal presence in the
eastern Balkans. |
Paleolithic subsistence
strategies and changes in site use at Klissoura
Cave 1 (Peloponnese, Greece),
di B. M. Starkovich, "Journal of Human Evolution",
Volume 111, October 2017, Pages 63-84
Klissoura Cave 1
in southern Greece preserves a long
archaeological sequence that spans roughly
90,000 years and includes Middle Paleolithic,
Uluzzian, Upper Paleolithic, and Mesolithic
deposits. The site provides a unique opportunity
to examine diachronic change and shifts in the
intensity of site use across the Late
Pleistocene. There is an overall picture of the
intensified use of faunal resources at the site,
evidenced by a shift from large to small game,
and to small fast-moving taxa in particular.
This trend is independent of climatic change and
fluctuations in site use, and most likely
reflects a broader, regional growth of hominin
populations. At the same time, multiple lines of
evidence (e.g., input of artifacts and features,
sedimentation mechanisms, and intensification of
faunal resources) indicate that the intensity of
site use changed, with a sharp increase from the
Middle Paleolithic to Aurignacian. This allows
us to address a fundamental issue in the study
of human evolution: differences in population
size and site use between Neandertals and modern
humans. At Klissoura Cave 1, the increase in
occupation intensity might be related to
population growth or larger group size, but it
might also be due to changes in season of site
use, more favorable environmental conditions at
the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, and/or
changes in the composition of people occupying
the site. These explanations are not necessarily
mutually exclusive, and indeed the data support
a combination of factors. Ascribing the increase
in occupation intensity to larger Upper
Paleolithic populations more broadly is
difficult, particularly because there is little
consensus on this topic elsewhere in Eurasia.
The data are complicated and vary greatly
between sites and regions. This makes Klissoura
Cave 1, as the only currently available case
study in southeastern Europe, a critical example
in understanding the range of variation in
demography and site use across the Middle to
Upper Paleolithic transition. |
The costal remains of the
El Sidrón Neanderthal site (Asturias, northern
Spain) and their importance for understanding
Neanderthal thorax morphology,
di D. García-Martínez et alii, "Journal
of Human Evolution", Volume 111, October 2017,
Pages 85-101
The study of the
Neanderthal thorax has attracted the attention
of the scientific community for more than a
century. It is agreed that Neanderthals have a
more capacious thorax than modern humans, but
whether this was caused by a medio-lateral or an
antero-posterior expansion of the thorax is
still debated, and is key to understanding
breathing biomechanics and body shape in
Neanderthals. The fragile nature of ribs, the
metameric structure of the thorax and
difficulties in quantifying thorax morphology
all contribute to uncertainty regarding precise
aspects of Neanderthal thoracic shape. The El
Sidrón site has yielded costal remains from the
upper to the lower thorax, as well as several
proximal rib ends (frequently missing in the
Neanderthal record), which help to shed light on
Neanderthal thorax shape. We compared the El
Sidrón costal elements with ribs from recent
modern humans as well as with fossil modern
humans and other Neanderthals through
traditional morphometric methods and 3D
geometric morphometrics, combined with missing
data estimation and virtual reconstruction (at
the 1st, 5th and 11th costal levels). Our
results show that Neanderthals have larger rib
heads and articular tubercles than their modern
human counterparts. Neanderthal 1st ribs are
smaller than in modern humans, whereas 5th and
11th ribs are considerably larger. When we
articulated mean ribs (size and shape) with
their corresponding vertebral elements, we
observed that compared to modern humans the
Neanderthal thorax is medio-laterally expanded
at every level, especially at T5 and T11.
Therefore, in the light of evidence from the El
Sidrón costal remains, we hypothesize that the
volumetric expansion of the Neanderthal thorax
proposed by previous authors would mainly be
produced by a medio-lateral expansion of the
thorax. |
Newly discovered Neanderthal remains from
Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan, and their
attribution to Shanidar 5,
di E. Pomeroy et alii, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 111, October 2017, Pages
The Neanderthal
remains from Shanidar Cave, excavated between
1951 and 1960, have played a central role in
debates concerning diverse aspects of
Neanderthal morphology and behavior. In 2015 and
2016, renewed excavations at the site uncovered
hominin remains from the immediate area where
the partial skeleton of Shanidar 5 was found in
1960. Shanidar 5 was a robust adult male
estimated to have been aged over 40 years at the
time of death. Comparisons of photographs from
the previous and recent excavations indicate
that the old and new remains were directly
adjacent to one another, while the disturbed
arrangement and partial crushing of the new
fossils is consistent with descriptions and
photographs of the older discoveries. The newly
discovered bones include fragments of several
vertebrae, a left hamate, part of the proximal
left femur, a heavily crushed partial pelvis,
and the distal half of the right tibia and
fibula and associated talus and navicular. All
these elements were previously missing from
Shanidar 5, and morphological and metric data
are consistent with the new elements belonging
to this individual. A newly discovered partial
left pubic symphysis indicates an age at death
of 40–50 years, also consistent with the age of
Shanidar 5 estimated previously. Thus, the
combined evidence strongly suggests that the new
finds can be attributed to Shanidar 5. Ongoing
analyses of associated samples, including for
sediment morphology, palynology, and dating,
will therefore offer new evidence as to how this
individual was deposited in the cave and permit
new analyses of the skeleton itself and broader
discussion of Neanderthal morphology and
variation. |
Body size, brain size, and
sexual dimorphism in Homo naledi from the
Dinaledi Chamber,
di H. M. Garvin et alii, "Journal of
Human Evolution", Volume 111, October 2017,
Pages 119-138
Homo erectus and
later humans have enlarged body sizes, reduced
sexual dimorphism, elongated lower limbs, and
increased encephalization compared to
Australopithecus, together suggesting a distinct
ecological pattern. The mosaic expression of
such features in early Homo, including Homo
habilis, Homo rudolfensis, and some early H.
erectus, suggests that these traits do not
constitute an integrated package. We examined
the evidence for body mass, stature, limb
proportions, body size and dental size
dimorphism, and absolute and relative brain size
in Homo naledi as represented in the Dinaledi
Chamber sample. H. naledi stature and body mass
are low compared to reported values for H.
erectus, with the exception of some of the
smaller bodied Dmanisi H. erectus specimens, and
overlap with larger Australopithecus and early
Homo estimates. H. naledi endocranial volumes
(465–560 cc) and estimates of encephalization
quotient are also similar to Australopithecus
and low compared to all Homo specimens, with the
exception of Homo floresiensis (LB1) and the
smallest Dmanisi H. erectus specimen (D4500).
Unlike Australopithecus, but similar to derived
members of genus Homo, the Dinaledi assemblage
of H. naledi exhibits both low levels of body
mass and dental size variation, with an
estimated body mass index of sexual dimorphism
less than 20%, and appears to have an elongated
lower limb. Thus, the H. naledi bauplan combines
features not typically seen in Homo species
(e.g., small brains and bodies) with those
characteristic of H. erectus and more recent
Homo species (e.g., reduced mass dimorphism,
elongated lower limb). |
Neanderthal and Denisova tooth protein variants
in present-day humans,
di C. Zanolli, M. Hourset, R. Esclassan, C.
Mollereau, September 13, 2017,
- free access -
parameters, diet and genetic factors interact to
shape tooth morphostructure. In the human
lineage, archaic and modern hominins show
differences in dental traits, including enamel
thickness, but variability also exists among
living populations. Several polymorphisms, in
particular in the non-collagenous extracellular
matrix proteins of the tooth hard tissues, like
enamelin, are involved in dental structure
variation and defects and may be associated with
dental disorders or susceptibility to caries. To
gain insights into the relationships between
tooth protein polymorphisms and dental
structural morphology and defects, we searched
for non-synonymous polymorphisms in tooth
proteins from Neanderthal and Denisova hominins.
The objective was to identify archaic-specific
missense variants that may explain the dental
morphostructural variability between extinct and
modern humans, and to explore their putative
impact on present-day dental phenotypes.
Thirteen non-collagenous extracellular matrix
proteins specific to hard dental tissues have
been selected, searched in the publicly
available sequence databases of Neanderthal and
Denisova individuals and compared with modern
human genome data. A total of 16 non-synonymous
polymorphisms were identified in 6 proteins (ameloblastin,
amelotin, cementum protein 1, dentin matrix
acidic phosphoprotein 1, enamelin and matrix Gla
protein). Most of them are encoded by dentin and
enamel genes located on chromosome 4, previously
reported to show signs of archaic introgression
within Africa. Among the variants shared with
modern humans, two are ancestral (common with
apes) and one is the derived enamelin major
variant, T648I (rs7671281), associated with a
thinner enamel and specific to the Homo lineage.
All the others are specific to Neanderthals and
Denisova, and are found at a very low frequency
in modern Africans or East and South Asians,
suggesting that they may be related to
particular dental traits or disease
susceptibility in these populations. This modern
regional distribution of archaic dental
polymorphisms may reflect persistence of archaic
variants in some populations and may contribute
in part to the geographic dental variations
described in modern humans. (...) |
Direct dating of Neanderthal remains from the
site of Vindija Cave and implications for the
Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition,
di T. Devièse et alii, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences - Early Edition",
September 5, 2017, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1709235114
Previous dating of
the Vi-207 and Vi-208 Neanderthal remains from
Vindija Cave (Croatia) led to the suggestion
that Neanderthals survived there as recently as
28,000–29,000 B.P. Subsequent dating yielded
older dates, interpreted as ages of at least
∼32,500 B.P. We have redated these same
specimens using an approach based on the
extraction of the amino acid hydroxyproline,
using preparative high-performance liquid
chromatography (Prep-HPLC). This method is more
efficient in eliminating modern contamination in
the bone collagen. The revised dates are older
than 40,000 B.P., suggesting the Vindija
Neanderthals did not live more recently than
others across Europe, and probably predate the
arrival of anatomically modern humans in Eastern
Europe. We applied zooarchaeology by mass
spectrometry (ZooMS) to find additional hominin
remains. We identified one bone that is
Neanderthal, based on its mitochondrial DNA, and
dated it directly to 46,200 ± 1,500 B.P. We also
attempted to date six early Upper Paleolithic
bone points from stratigraphic units G1, Fd/d+G1
and Fd/d, Fd. One bone artifact gave a date of
29,500 ± 400 B.P., while the remainder yielded
no collagen. We additionally dated animal bone
samples from units G1 and G1–G3. These dates
suggest a co-occurrence of early Upper
Paleolithic osseous artifacts, particularly
split-based points, alongside the remains of
Neanderthals is a result of postdepositional
mixing, rather than an association between the
two groups, although more work is required to
show this definitively. |
hunter-gatherers and farmers in the Adriatic and
neighboring regions,
"Quaternary International", volume 450, pages
1-242 (2 September 2017). Edited by Nikola
Vukosavljević and Ivor Karavanić
· Prehistoric
hunter-gatherers and farmers in the Adriatic and
neighboring regions, di Ivor Karavanić, Nikola
· Between
“vintage” and “avant-guard”, the Lower
Palaeolithic settlements in Molise region
(Italy), di Julie Arnaud, Marta Arzarello,
Giuseppe Lembo, Brunella Muttillo, Carlo Peretto,
Ettore Rufo
· Late
Neandertals in Dalmatia: Site formation
processes, chronology, climate change and human
activity at Mujina Pećina, Croatia, di Giovanni
Boschian, Katarina Gerometta, Brooks B. Ellwood,
Ivor Karavanić
· Crvena
Stijena revisited: The Late Mousterian
assemblages, di Dušan Mihailović, Robert Whallon
Micro-Mousterian in Northern Dalmatia, di Dario
Vujević, Zlatko Perhoč, Tomislav Ivančić
· Lithic
production strategies in the Middle Paleolithic
of the southern Balkans, di Tamara Dogandžić,
Ljiljana Đuričić
· Mousterian
osseous artefacts? The case of Divje babe I,
Slovenia, di Matija Turk, Adrijan Košir
· Middle to
Upper Paleolithic transition in Moravia: New
sites, new dates, new ideas, di Petr Škrdla
· The
Assimilation Model of modern human origins in
light of current genetic and genomic knowledge,
di Fred H. Smith, James C.M. Ahern, Ivor
Janković, Ivor Karavanić
· Lithics,
landscapes & la Longue-durée – Curation &
expediency as expressions of forager mobility,
di G.A. Clark, C. Michael Barton
· After the
cold: Epigravettian hunter-gatherers in Blazi
Cave (Albania), di Thomas C. Hauck, Nadine Nolde,
Rudenc Ruka, Ilir Gjipali, Johanna Dreier,
Nathalie Mayer
· Lithic raw
material procurement of the Late Epigravettian
hunter-gatherers from Kopačina Cave (island of
Brač, Dalmatia, Croatia), di Nikola
Vukosavljević, Zlatko Perhoč
· Change fast
or change slow? Late Glacial and Early Holocene
cultures in a changing environment at Grotta
Continenza, Central Italy, di Giovanni Boschian,
Marco Serradimigni, Marta Colombo, Sabina
Ghislandi, Renata Grifoni Cremonesi
· Antler
exploitation and management in the Vinča
culture: An overview of evidence from Serbia, di
Selena Vitezović
· The method of
debitage by bipartition in the exploitation of
bone: An overview of its application in
Neolithic groups of Sardinia, di Laura Manca |
Experimental methods for the Palaeolithic dry
distillation of birch bark: implications for the
origin and development of Neandertal adhesive
di P. R. B. Kozowyk, M. Soressi, D. Pomstra, G.
H. J. Langejans, Scientific Reports 7, Article
number: 8033 (2017), doi:10.1038/s41598-017-08106-7
- free access -
The destructive distillation of birch bark to
produce tar has recently featured in debates
about the technological and cognitive abilities
of Neandertals and modern humans. The abilities
to precisely control fire temperatures and to
manipulate adhesive properties are believed to
require advanced mental traits. However, the
significance given to adhesive technology in
these debates has quickly outgrown our
understanding of birch bark tar and its
manufacture using aceramic techniques. In this
paper, we detail three experimental methods of
Palaeolithic tar production ranging from simple
to complex. We recorded the fuel, time,
materials, temperatures, and tar yield for each
method and compared them with the tar known from
the Palaeolithic. Our results indicate that it
is possible to obtain useful amounts of tar by
combining materials and technology already in
use by Neandertals. A ceramic container is not
required, and temperature control need not be
as precise as previously thought. However,
Neandertals must have been able to recognize
certain material properties, such as adhesive
tack and viscosity. In this way, they could
develop the technology from producing small
traces of tar on partially burned bark to
techniques capable of manufacturing quantities
of tar equal to those found in the Middle
Palaeolithic archaeological record. (...) |
Evolution des hominidés,
Septembre 2017
Nouveau schéma
Présenter l'arbre généalogique de notre espèce
et des autres hominidés n'est pas d'une grande
simplicité ! L'évolution de l'homme est assez
souvent comparée visuellement à un buisson. Une
fois notre lignée séparée des grands singes il y
a 7-8 millions d'années, plusieurs branches avec
de nouvelles espèces d'hominidés s'écartent, se
rapprochent, s'arrêtent brusquement... pour
finir (?) avec une seule espèce depuis quelques
milliers d'années: Homo sapiens... |
The Late Neandertal
permanent lower left third premolar from Walou
Cave (Trooz, Belgium) and its context,
di M. Toussaint et alii, "American
Journal of Physical Anthropology", Volume 164,
Issue 1, September 2017, Pages 193–202
We describe a
hominin permanent lower left third premolar
unearthed in 1997 at Walou Cave (Belgium), found
in direct association with a Mousterian lithic
industry, in a layer directly dated to 40–38,000
years BP.
The taxonomical attribution of the tooth is
addressed through comparative morphometric
analyses, and stable isotope analyses aimed at
determining the diet of the individual.
The Walou P3 plots within the Neandertal range
of variation and is significantly different from
recent modern humans in all morphometric
assessments. The isotope data showed that like
other Neandertals, the Walou individual acquired
its dietary proteins primarily from terrestrial
food sources.
We discuss the implications of the existence of
a clearly Neandertal premolar dating to the
period of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic
transition in the Meuse river basin. |
Behavioral inferences from
the high levels of dental chipping in Homo
di I. Towle, J. D. Irish, I. De Groote,
"American Journal of Physical Anthropology",
Volume 164, Issue 1, September 2017, Pages
A variety of
mechanical processes can result in antemortem
dental chipping. In this study, chipping data in
the teeth of Homo naledi are compared with those
of other pertinent dental samples to give
insight into their etiology.
Permanent teeth with complete crowns evidencing
occlusal wear were examined macroscopically. The
location, number, and severity of fractures were
recorded and compared to those found in samples
of two other South African fossil hominin
species and in samples of nonhuman primates (n =
3) and recent humans (n = 7).
With 44% of teeth affected, H. naledi exhibits
far higher rates of chipping than the other
fossil hominin samples. Specifically, 50% of
posterior teeth and 31% of anterior teeth
display at least one chip. The maxillary teeth
are more affected than the mandibular teeth (45%
vs 43%, respectively), 73% of molar chipping
occurs on interproximal surfaces, and right
teeth are more often affected than left teeth
(50% vs 38%).
Results indicate that the teeth of H. naledi
were exposed to acute trauma on a regular basis.
Because interproximal areas are more affected
than buccal and posterior teeth more than
anterior, it is unlikely that nonmasticatory
cultural behavior was the cause. A diet
containing hard and resistant food, or
contaminants such as grit, is more likely. The
small chip size, and steep occlusal wear and
cupped dentine on some molars are supportive of
the latter possibility. This pattern of chipping
suggests that H. naledi differed considerably—in
terms of diet, environment, and/or specialized
masticatory processing—relative to other African
fossil hominins. |
Testing the Roc de Marsal
Neandertal “Burial” with Geoarchaeology,
di P. Goldberg, V. Aldeias, H. Dibble, S.
McPherron, D. Sandgathe, A. Turq, "Archaeological
and Anthropological Sciences", September 2017,
Volume 9, Issue 6, pp 1005–1015
The question of
intentional Neanderthal interment continues to
be debated in paleoanthropology. Among the
criteria that can be used to investigate the
intentionality of a burial, many of them rely on
geoarchaeological data that speak to the context
of the human remains. In this paper, we revisit
the original attribution of the Roc de Marsal
Neandertal infant as an intentional burial by
evaluating the sedimentary context, pit
structure, and taphonomical aspects of the
remains and their integration with data from the
most recent excavations at the site. From a
geoarchaeological point of view, no clear
anthropogenic ritual signature was found. On the
contrary, all the available evidence points
towards natural formation processes associated
with the initial deposition and subsequent
burial of the Roc de Marsal Neandertal infant. |
New evidence of bones used
as fuel in the Gravettian level at Coímbre cave,
northern Iberian Peninsula,
di J. Yravedra et alii, "Archaeological
and Anthropological Sciences", September 2017,
Volume 9, Issue 6, pp 1153–1168
The use of bone as
fuel has been already documented in some sites
dated to the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. They
contribute to a longer combustion time due to
their durability; consequently, they are useful
to reduce the need for firewood, a good
advantage in open palaeoenvironmental contexts
with limited arboreal vegetation. The use of
bones as fuel can be identified by several lines
of evidence. The main one is a large number of
burned bones, with an intense cremation–charring
or calcination, together with high fragmentation
resulting from the long contact with the fire.
Other features may be present, although they can
also result from individual circumstances. They
include either the presence of complete skeletal
profiles–which implies using all the bones of
the animal–or a selection of the anatomical
parts which contribute better to combustion,
i.e. epiphyses and axial elements. In this
article, we argue that the faunal assemblage of
level Co.B.6 of Coímbre cave fully corresponds
to this model. Moreover, this level coincides
with a cold palaeoclimatic event, which was
correlative to the climatic deterioration that
occurred at the end of MIS 3, and an open
environment. Thus, we propose that this level
contains the first known use of bones as fuel in
the Cantabrian Gravettian. |
Multi-purpose fossils? The
reappraisal of an Elephas antiquus molar from El
Pirulejo (Magdalenian; Córdoba, Spain),
di M. Cortés-Sánchez et alii, "Archaeological
and Anthropological Sciences", September 2017,
Volume 9, Issue 6, pp 1287–1303
Fossil gathering
by humans has been rarely documented in the
Iberian Peninsula. In the present paper, a
multidisciplinary approach has been taken to
analyze a straight-tusked elephant (Elephas
antiquus) molar retrieved in a Magdalenian
deposit at the rock shelter of El Pirulejo in
southern Spain. The taphonomical analyses
revealed a multifarious use of a tooth that had
not only been worked into an anvil-sort-of-tool
but also used as a core and partly tainted with
a composite pigment. The dating and geochemical
analyses further evidenced that the molar
derived from an animal that had lived in a
rather arid landscape with a temperature range
between 12.3 and 14.3 °C coincident with a cold
episode within marine isotope stage (MIS) 6.6
and probably fed on herbaceous plants. These
analyses evidence the potential fossils from
archaeological sites bear for addressing a wide
range of issues that include both the cultural
and paleoenvironmental realms. |
When and where do dogs improve hunting
productivity? The empirical record and some
implications for early Upper Paleolithic prey
di K. D. Lupo, "Journal of Anthropological
Archaeology", Volume 47, September 2017, Pages
archeological finds of protodogs dating to
35,000 years ago have ignited controversy over
the function of canids in early Upper
Paleolithic societies. Reconstructions nominate
the use of proto and early dogs in hunting and
hauling as underwriting changes in subsistence
technology, catalyzing human population growth
and supporting the spread of modern humans at
the expense of Neanderthals. These
reconstructions assume that the use of canids in
hunting will always have profound impacts on
human subsistence. In this paper, I summarize
existing quantitative data derived from the
ethnographic record to evaluate productivity
gains derived from the use of dogs in hunting.
To augment this sparse information, I present
some of the only data on the deployment of
unspecialized Central African dogs (basenji’s)
by hunter-gatherers. These data show that while
dogs can enhance hunting returns in certain
circumstance, their overall impact on hunting
productivity is highly variable and often
restricted to specific prey types. Furthermore,
the complex circumstances surrounding the
emergence and spread of dogs globally precludes
simple applications of these data to the
archaeological record. These data invite a
reexamination of when and how we expect dogs to
have a significant impact on human subsistence
and the circumstances that supported the
emergence and spread of canids as effective
hunting aids. |
Rabbits in the grave!
Consequences of bioturbation on the Neandertal
“burial” at Regourdou (Montignac-sur-Vézère,
di M. Pelletier et alii, "Journal of
Human Evolution", Volume 110, September 2017,
Pages 1-17
The understanding
of Neanderthal societies, both with regard to
their funerary behaviors and their subsistence
activities, is hotly debated. Old excavations
and a lack of taphonomic context are often
factors that limit our ability to address these
questions. To better appreciate the exact nature
of what is potentially the oldest burial in
Western Europe, Regourdou (Montignac-sur-Vézère,
Dordogne), and to better understand the
taphonomy of this site excavated more than 50
years ago, we report in this contribution a
study of the most abundant animals throughout
its stratigraphy: the European rabbit (Oryctolagus
cuniculus). In addition to questions surrounding
the potential bioturbation of the site's
stratigraphy, analysis of the Regourdou rabbits
could provide new information on Neandertal
subsistence behavior. The mortality profile,
skeletal-part representation, breakage patterns,
surface modification, and comparison with modern
reference collections supports the hypothesis
that the Regourdou rabbit remains were primarily
accumulated due to natural (attritional)
mortality. Radiocarbon dates performed directly
on the rabbit remains give ages ranging within
the second half of Marine Isotope Stage 3,
notably younger than the regional Mousterian
period. We posit that rabbits dug their burrows
within Regourdou's sedimentological filling,
likely inhabiting the site after it was filled.
The impact of rabbit activity now brings into
question both the reliability of the
archaeostratigraphy of the site and the
paleoenvironmental reconstructions previously
proposed for it, and suggests rabbits may have
played a role in the distribution of the
Neandertal skeletal remains. |
The evolution of vertebral formulae in
di N. E. Thompson, S. Almécija, "Journal of
Human Evolution", Volume 110, September 2017,
Pages 18-36
Primate vertebral
formulae have long been investigated because of
their link to locomotor behavior and overall
body plan. Knowledge of the ancestral vertebral
formulae in the hominoid tree of life is
necessary to interpret the pattern of evolution
among apes, and to critically evaluate the
morphological adaptations involved in the
transition to hominin bipedalism. Though many
evolutionary hypotheses have been proposed based
on living and fossil species, the application of
quantitative phylogenetic methods for thoroughly
reconstructing ancestral vertebral formulae and
formally testing patterns of vertebral evolution
is lacking. To estimate the most probable
scenarios of hominoid vertebral evolution, we
utilized an iterative ancestral state
reconstruction approach to determine likely
ancestral vertebral counts in apes, humans, and
other anthropoid out-groups. All available ape
and hominin fossil taxa with an inferred
regional vertebral count were included in the
analysis. Sensitivity iterations were performed
both by changing the phylogenetic position of
fossil taxa with a contentious placement, and by
changing the inferred number of vertebrae in
taxa with uncertain morphology. Our ancestral
state reconstruction results generally support a
short-backed hypothesis of human evolution, with
a Pan-Homo last common ancestor possessing a
vertebral formulae of 7:13:4:6 (cervical:thoracic:lumbar:sacral).
Our results indicate that an initial reduction
in lumbar vertebral count and increase in sacral
count is a synapomorphy of crown hominoids (supporting
an intermediate-backed hypothesis for the
origins of the great ape-human clade). Further
reduction in lumbar count occurs independently
in orangutans and African apes. Our results
highlight the complexity and homoplastic nature
of vertebral count evolution, and give little
support to the long-backed hypothesis of human
evolution. |
The earliest evidence for Upper Paleolithic
occupation in the Armenian Highlands at Aghitu-3
Cave, di A.
W.Kandel et alii, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 110, September 2017, Pages
With its
well-preserved archaeological and environmental
records, Aghitu-3 Cave permits us to examine the
settlement patterns of the Upper Paleolithic
(UP) people who inhabited the Armenian Highlands.
We also test whether settlement of the region
between ~39–24,000 cal BP relates to
environmental variability. The earliest evidence
occurs in archaeological horizon (AH) VII from
~39–36,000 cal BP during a mild, moist climatic
phase. AH VI shows periodic occupation as warm,
humid conditions prevailed from ~36–32,000 cal
BP. As the climate becomes cooler and drier at
~32–29,000 cal BP (AH V-IV), evidence for
occupation is minimal. However, as cooling
continues, the deposits of AH III demonstrate
that people used the site more intensively from
~29–24,000 cal BP, leaving behind numerous stone
artifacts, faunal remains, and complex
combustion features. Despite the climatic
fluctuations seen across this 15,000-year
sequence, lithic technology remains attuned to
one pattern: unidirectional reduction of small
cores geared towards the production of bladelets
for tool manufacture. Subsistence patterns also
remain stable, focused on medium-sized prey such
as ovids and caprids, as well as equids. AH III
demonstrates an expansion of social networks to
the northwest and southwest, as the transport
distance of obsidian used to make stone
artifacts increases. We also observe the
addition of bone tools, including an eyed needle,
and shell beads brought from the east,
suggesting that these people manufactured
complex clothing and wore ornaments. Remains of
micromammals, birds, charcoal, pollen, and
tephra relate the story of environmental
variability. We hypothesize that UP behavior was
linked to shifts in demographic pressures and
climatic changes. Thus, by combining
archaeological and environmental data, we gain a
clearer picture about the first UP inhabitants
of the Armenian Highlands. |
New infant cranium from
the African Miocene sheds light on ape evolution,
di I. Nengo et alii, "Nature" 548, pp.
169–174 (10 August 2017)
The evolutionary
history of extant hominoids (humans and apes)
remains poorly understood. The African fossil
record during the crucial time period, the
Miocene epoch, largely comprises isolated jaws
and teeth, and little is known about ape cranial
evolution. Here we report on the, to our
knowledge, most complete fossil ape cranium yet
described, recovered from the 13 million-year-old
Middle Miocene site of Napudet, Kenya. The
infant specimen, KNM-NP 59050, is assigned to a
new species of Nyanzapithecus on the basis of
its unerupted permanent teeth, visualized by
synchrotron imaging. Its ear canal has a fully
ossified tubular ectotympanic, a derived feature
linking the species with crown catarrhines.
Although it resembles some hylobatids in aspects
of its morphology and dental development, it
possesses no definitive hylobatid synapomorphies.
The combined evidence suggests that
nyanzapithecines were stem hominoids close to
the origin of extant apes, and that
hylobatid-like facial features evolved multiple
times during catarrhine evolution.
Ancient infant ape skull sheds light on the
ancestor of all humans and living apes, "Science
News", Aug. 9, 2017
· Un antenato comune fra grandi scimmie ed
esseri umani, "Le Scienze", 10 agosto 2017 |
Upper Palaeolithic engraved human bone
associated with ritualistic cannibalism,
di S. M. Bello, R. Wallduck, S. A. Parfitt, C.
B. Stringer, August 9, 2017, doi:
- free access -
Cut-marked and
broken human bones are a recurrent feature of
Magdalenian (~17–12,000 years BP, uncalibrated
dates) European sites. Human remains at Gough’s
Cave (UK) have been modified as part of a
Magdalenian mortuary ritual that combined the
intensive processing of entire corpses to
extract edible tissues and the modification of
skulls to produce skull-cups. A human radius
from Gough’s Cave shows evidence of cut marks,
percussion damage and human tooth marks,
indicative of cannibalism, as well as a set of
unusual zig-zagging incisions on the lateral
side of the diaphysis. These latter incisions
cannot be unambiguously associated with
filleting of muscles. We compared the macro- and
micro-morphological characteristics of these
marks to over 300 filleting marks on human and
non-human remains and to approximately 120
engraved incisions observed on two artefacts
from Gough’s Cave. The new macro- and
micro-morphometric analyses of the marks, as
well as further comparisons with French Middle
Magdalenian engraved artefacts, suggest that
these modifications are the result of
intentional engraving. The engraved motif
comfortably fits within a Magdalenian pattern of
design; what is exceptional in this case,
however, is the choice of raw material (human
bone) and the cannibalistic context in which it
was produced. The sequence of the manipulations
suggests that the engraving was a purposeful
component of the cannibalistic practice,
implying a complex ritualistic funerary
behaviour that has never before been recognized
for the Palaeolithic period. (...) |
Early history of Neanderthals and Denisovans,
di A. R. Rogers, R. J. Bohlender, C. D. Huff,
August 7, 2017, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1706426114
Extensive DNA
sequence data have made it possible to
reconstruct human evolutionary history in
unprecedented detail. We introduce a method to
study the past several hundred thousand years.
Our results show that the Neanderthal–Denisovan
lineage declined to a small size just after
separating from the modern lineage, Neanderthals
and Denisovans separated soon thereafter, and
the subsequent Neanderthal population was large
and deeply subdivided. They also support
previous estimates of gene flow from
Neanderthals into modern Eurasians. These
results suggest an archaic human diaspora early
in the Middle Pleistocene.
· Nuove analisi del DNA ricostruiscono la storia
evolutiva degli umani arcaici, "Le Scienza", 08
agosto 2017
· Early history of Neanderthals and Denisovans,
di A. R. Rogers, R. J. Bohlender, C. D. Huff,
September 12, 2017, vol. 114 no. 37, pp.
9859–9863 |
Origin of human genus may have occurred by
"Science Daily-Anthropology News", August 4,
An often cited
claim that humans, who are smarter and more
technologically advanced than their ancestors,
originated in response to climate change is
challenged in a new report. (...) |
the early human's menu: Mammoth and plenty of
raw vegetables,
"Science Daily-Human Evolution News", August 4,
Scientists have
studied the diet of anatomically modern humans,
and are able to refute the theory that the diet
of early representatives of Homo sapiens was
more flexible than that of Neanderthals. Just
like the Neanderthals, our ancestors had mainly
mammoth and plants on their plates. The
researchers were unable to document fish as part
of their diet. Therefore, the international team
assumes that the displacement of the
Neanderthals was the result of direct
competition. (...) |
The origin of the
Acheulean. Techno-functional study of the FLK W
lithic record (Olduvai, Tanzania),
di P. Sánchez-Yustos et alii, August 2,
2017, DOI:
- free access -
The Acheulean
materials documented in FLK West dated c. 1.7
Ma. are the focus of the present work. An
original techno-functional approach is applied
here to analyze the origin of Acheulean tools.
According to the results, these tools were
employed in different functional contexts in
which tasks of different durations that
transformed resources with different resistances
were carried out. The exploitation of large and
resistant resources suggests that the economic
mechanism governing the manufacture of these
tools was an increase in the demand of the work
load. The decision processes underlying the
production of these tools have thus an evident
functional motivation. However, the presence of
a refined handaxe in the studied sample
indicates that the design form and production
principles of handaxe manufacture were the
result of an abrupt emergence rather than a long
gradual development. The integration of
mechanical and ergonomic investigation in our
research has been crucial to explain how a
core-and-flake industry gave way to a technology
based on the production of large and heavy
shaped tools. (...) |
Cross-scale adaptive
behaviors during the Upper Paleolithic in Iberia:
The example of Vale Boi (Southwestern Portugal),
di J. Cascalheira, N. Bicho, T. Manne, P. Horta,
"Quaternary International", Volume 446, 2 August
2017, Pages 17-30
It is now rather
evident that, concomitant with the advent,
growth and disappearance of the traditionally
defined Western European Upper Paleolithic
techno-complexes, a series of discrete
eco-cultural niches would have existed within
Iberia. Vale Boi, and its surroundings, may
represent one of these niches, since its lengthy
and fairly complete archaeological record
clearly attests that the region was an
attractive location for hunter-gatherer
communities for over 10,000 years. From the
first Modern Human occupations, c. 32 ka cal BP
ago, a set of very specific cultural adaptive
markers seem to have been developed in response
to the particularities of the regional
ecological background. Some of these strategies,
such as intensive subsistence practices,
raw-material specialized use, among others, were
resilient through time and apparently
impermeable to the major shifts in the
techno-typological novelties brought about with
the advent of each Upper Paleolithic phase. Even
with the appearance of quite unique and
broad-scale technologies, e.g. Solutrean,
regional markers and identity have been kept,
clearly showing that each level of the adaptive
system seem to have operate at its own pace.
This paper focus on long-term adaptive choices
and on how and why hunter-gatherers inhabiting
Vale Boi manage to absorb change and re-organize
their system under new techno-complex cultural
patterns while still retaining, efficiently, the
same regional adaptive idiosyncrasies. Within
the theoretical framework of Panarchy and the
cross-scale resilience model we argue that
cross-scale interactions between creative and
conserving niche-specific behavioral adaptations
were the keystone for the sustainability of
hunter-gatherer cultural systems across the Late
Pleistocene. |
Altamira 1937: Grotta
Aperta—Conflict Archaeology of a World Heritage
di Xurxo M. Ayán Vila, "Archaeologies", August
2017, Volume 13, Issue 2, pp 250–277
This article
addresses the dark and barely known side of one
of the most iconic symbols of Spanish heritage:
the Palaeolithic cave of Altamira (region of
Cantabria). The cave is a benchmark of European
rock art and was declared a World Heritage Site
by UNESCO in 1985. Access to the cave’s
guestbook (inaugurated on 18 August 1928 with
King Alfonso XIII’s signature) has granted us
the opportunity to deconstruct the hegemonic
discourse therein, and to approach a time, the
Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), which had been
left almost without discussion in historical
literature on the archaeological site. Conflict
Archaeology can cast light on this unknown
reality and raise controversial and contentious
issues about the Altamira cave and its role as a
wartime cultural asset during the war. |
Fire and the Genus Homo,
"Current Anthropology", Volume 58, Number S16 |
August 2017
· Fire and the
Genus Homo: Wenner-Gren Symposium Supplement 16,
di Leslie C. Aiello
· Fire and the
Genus Homo: An Introduction to Supplement 16, di
Dennis M. Sandgathe, Francesco Berna
· Recognizing Fire
in the Paleolithic Archaeological Record, Paul
Goldberg, Christopher E. Miller, Susan M.
· Experimental
Approaches to Archaeological Fire Features and
Their Behavioral Relevance, Vera Aldeias
· Evidence of
Burning from Bushfires in Southern and East
Africa and Its Relevance to Hominin Evolution,
J. A. J. Gowlett, J. S. Brink, Adam Caris, Sally
Hoare, S. M. Rucina
· Ethnoarchaeology
of Paleolithic Fire: Methodological
Considerations, Carolina Mallol, Auréade Henry
· Aboriginal Use
of Fire in a Landscape Context: Investigating
Presence and Absence of Heat-Retainer Hearths in
Western New South Wales, Australia, di Simon J.
Holdaway, Benjamin Davies, Patricia C. Fanning
· Researching the
Nature of Fire at 1.5 Mya on the Site of FxJj20
AB, Koobi Fora, Kenya, Using High-Resolution
Spatial Analysis and FTIR Spectrometry, di Sarah
Hlubik, Francesco Berna, Craig Feibel, David
Braun, John W. K. Harris
· Spatial Analysis
of Fire: Archaeological Approach to Recognizing
Early Fire, di Nira Alperson-Afil
· Evidence of
Hominin Use and Maintenance of Fire at
Zhoukoudian, di Xing Gao, Shuangquan Zhang, Yue
Zhang, Fuyou Chen
· How Did Hominins
Adapt to Ice Age Europe without Fire?, di Harold
L. Dibble, Aylar Abodolahzadeh, Vera Aldeias,
Paul Goldberg, Shannon P. McPherron, Dennis M.
· Technologies for
the Control of Heat and Light in the Vézère
Valley Aurignacian, di Randall White, Romain
Mensan, Amy E. Clark, Elise Tartar, Laurent
Marquer, Raphaëlle Bourrillon, Paul Goldberg,
Laurent Chiotti, Catherine Cretin, William Rendu,
Anne Pike-Tay, Sarah Ranlett
· Control of Fire
in the Paleolithic: Evaluating the Cooking
Hypothesis, di Richard Wrangham
· Fire for a
Reason: Barbecue at Middle Pleistocene Qesem
Cave, Israel, di Ran Barkai, Jordi Rosell, Ruth
Blasco, Avi Gopher
· Neanderthal
Cooking and the Costs of Fire, di Amanda G.
· Savanna
Chimpanzees at Fongoli, Senegal, Navigate a Fire
Landscape, di Jill D. Pruetz, Nicole M. Herzog
· Toward a Long
Prehistory of Fire, di Michael Chazan
· Identifying and
Describing Pattern and Process in the Evolution
of Hominin Use of Fire, di Dennis M. Sandgathe |
Twentieth anniversary of Homo antecessor
(1997-2017): a review,
di J. M. Bermúdez de Castro, M. Martinón-Torres,
J. L. Arsuaga, E. Carbonell, "Evolutionary,
Anthropology", Volume 26, Issue 4, July/August
2017, Pages 157–171
It has been twenty
years since diagnosis and publication of the
species Homo antecessor.1 Since then, new human
fossils recovered from the TD6 level of the Gran
Dolina site (Sierra de Atapuerca, northern Spain)
have helped to refine its taxonomic and
phylogenetic position. In this paper, we present
a synthesis of the most characteristic features
of this species, as well as our interpretation
derived from the latest investigations. We focus
on the phylogenetic interpretation of Homo
antecessor, taking into account the most recent
paleogenetic analyses and a reassessment of the
European Middle Pleistocene hominin record. We
try to show that, twenty years after its
publication, H. antecessor provides a good
opportunity to address the morphology of the
last common ancestor of Neandertals and modern
humans. |
Cognitive Fluidity and
Acheulean Over-imitation,
di M. J. Rossano, "Cambridge Archaeological
Journal", Volume 27, Issue 3, August 2017, pp.
This paper
analyses recently discussed evidence of
over-imitation in Acheulean biface construction.
First, it evaluates the argument for
over-imitation using the available
archaeological and cognitive science evidence.
Next, it applies the four major theories of
over-imitation, Copy and Correct (C&C),
Automatic Causal Encoding (ACE), social
affiliation and normative theory, as potential
explanations for Acheulean over-imitation. ACE
theory is the most likely explanation for early
biface over-imitation (before 500,000 years bp),
with social affiliation becoming increasingly
likely after that. Normative over-imitation
probably did not occur until around 300,000
years bp, when both the necessary hominin
cognitive capacities and social conditions were
present. An important conclusion emerging from
this analysis is that over-imitation requires an
integration of social and technical
intelligence. Thus, the origins of cognitive
fluidity may date back to as early as a million
years ago, well before material evidence of
fluidity is present. |
Reviewing the upper
Pleistocene human footprints from the ‘Sala dei
Misteri’ in the Grotta della Bàsura (Toirano,
northern Italy) cave: An integrated morphometric
and morpho-classificatory approach,
di P. Citton, M. Romano, I. Salvador, M.
Avanzini, "Quaternary Science Reviews", Volume
169, 1 August 2017, Pages 50-64
About thirty human
footprints made approximately 12,000 years B.P.
inside the ‘Sala dei Misteri’ Cave of Básura
near Toirano, Liguria, northern Italy, were
studied by standard ichnological analysis.
Eleven of the best-preserved tracks were
examined further using morpho-classificatory and
morphometric approaches, in order to estimate
the minimum number of trackmakers; biometric
measurements were also used to tentatively
determine their physical characteristics (e.g.,
height and age). Results indicate at least three
different producers, two youths and the third of
tender age. Analysis of the data demonstrate the
power of 3D, of landmark-based morphometrics,
and the utility of methods of forensic
anthropology in the determination of human
footprints. The study of the number of
trackmakers using the principal component
analysis (PCA) on 'multi-trampling' surfaces
could represent a model in the ichnological
study of cave sites. |
Sourcing and processing of
ochre during the late upper Palaeolithic at
Tagliente rock-shelter (NE Italy) based on
conventional X-ray powder diffraction analysis,
di G. Cavallo, F. Fontana, F. Gonzato, A.
Guerreschi, M. P. Riccardi, G. Sardelli, R.
Zorzin, "Archaeological and Anthropological
Sciences", August 2017, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp
Upper Palaeolithic
yellow and red ochre samples recovered in the
last 40 years at Tagliente rock-shelter in the
Lessini Mountains (Verona, NE Italy) were
analysed by means of conventional X-Ray Powder
Diffraction (XRPD) and compared with goethite-
and hematite-based natural geomaterials coming
from geological deposits within a distance of
approximately 20 km from the archaeological
site. XRPD allowed the yellow ochre sourcing
area to be focused on the basis of
characteristic and distinctive mineral
assemblages. In addition, several samples
clearly demonstrated that archaeological red
ochre was obtained by thermal treatment of
yellow ochre as shown by characteristic peak
intensities, shape and the presence of maghemite
(γ-Fe2O3). XRPD was a very powerful tool for a
preliminary discrimination and grouping of a
large quantity of archaeological ochre, in order
to outline a preliminary hypothesis on the
provenance area and to narrow down the number of
samples to be studied in the next future through
geochemical and structural analysis in order to
confirm the proposed interpretation. |
The social organization of Homo ergaster:
Inferences from anti-predator responses in
extant primates,
di E. P. Willems, C. P. van Schaik, "Journal of
Human Evolution", Volume 109, August 2017, Pages
Patterns of
primate socioecology have been used to suggest
that the first truly savanna-dwelling hominin,
Homo ergaster, lived in sizeable groups. Here,
we revisit these estimates and infer additional
features of the social organization of these
early hominins based on anti-predator responses
observed across the primate taxon. We first show
that the effect of habitat on primate group size,
composition, and sexual dimorphism is negligible
after controlling for substrate use and
phylogeny: terrestrial species live in larger
groups with more and bigger males than arboreal
taxa. We next hypothesize that groups can only
survive in open habitats if males are able to
engage in joint counter-attacks against the
large carnivorans typical of such environments.
To test this, we analyze reports on primate
counter-attacks against known predators and find
these are indeed disproportionately frequent in
terrestrial taxa living in open habitats,
sometimes even involving the use of tentative
weapons. If we subsequently only examine the
taxa that are particularly adept at this (chimpanzees
and baboons), we find an effect of habitat type
on group size: groups on the savanna are larger
than those in the forest. We thus infer that H.
ergaster lived in very large groups with many
males that jointly defended the group against
carnivorans, and argue that these
counter-attacks will readily have turned into
confrontational scavenging and cooperative
hunting, allowing Homo to move into the niche of
social carnivore. These two features (life in
very large multi-male groups and a switch to
persistent carnivory) shaped the evolution of
our lineage to such an extent that the social
organization of H. ergaster may already have
contained many key elements characterizing
modern day foragers: male bonding, incipient
male–female friendships with food sharing, a
tendency toward endogamy, and the presence of
large communities that eventually turned into
the ethno-linguistic units we can still
recognize today. |
U-series dating and
classification of the Apidima 2 hominin from
Mani Peninsula, Southern Greece,
di A. Bartsiokas, J. L. Arsuaga, M. Aubert, R.
Grün, "Journal of Human Evolution", Volume 109,
August 2017, Pages 22-29
Laser ablation
U-series dating results on a human cranial bone
fragment from Apidima, on the western cost of
the Mani Peninsula, Southern Greece, indicate a
minimum age of 160,000 years. The dated cranial
fragment belongs to Apidima 2, which preserves
the facial skeleton and a large part of the
braincase, lacking the occipital bone. The
morphology of the preserved regions of the
cranium, and especially that of the facial
skeleton, indicates that the fossil belongs to
the Neanderthal clade. The dating of the fossil
at a minimum age of 160,000 years shows that
most of the Neanderthal traits were already
present in the MIS 6 and perhaps earlier. This
makes Apidima 2 the earliest known fossil with a
clear Neanderthal facial morphology. Together
with the nearby younger Neanderthal specimens
from Lakonis and Kalamakia, the Apidima crania
are of crucial importance for the evolution of
Neanderthals in the area during the Middle to
Late Pleistocene. It can be expected that
systematic direct dating of the other human
fossils from this area will elucidate our
understanding of Neanderthal evolution and
demise. |
Dating the Middle Paleolithic deposits of La
Quina Amont (Charente, France) using
luminescence methods,
di M. Frouin et alii, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 109, August 2017, Pages 30-45
The site of La
Quina Amont, located in the Charente region, is
one of the most important sites in southwestern
France for studying major changes in human
behaviors from the Middle Paleolithic (MP) to
the Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP). Extensively
excavated over the past 50 years, numerous
dating studies have been focused on the Upper
Paleolithic deposits using radiocarbon on bone
collagen and thermoluminescence (TL) on heated
flints; however, the Mousterian levels remain
undated due to the scarcity of suitable
materials. Our investigations aimed to provide
for the first time a chronological framework for
the site using luminescence dating methods on
different minerals contained in the sediments.
Coarse grains of quartz were dated using the
optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)
technique, and polymineral fine grains were
dated using both infrared (IRSL) and
post-infrared (pIR-IRSL) stimulated luminescence
signals. OSL, IRSL and pIR-IRSL results were
combined with available TL and radiocarbon data
sets to propose a chronology for the site. The
agreement between these methods provides key
insights into the sedimentological processes
involved in the site formation and into the
chronology of the human occupations. In
particular, it shows that the sequence spans
almost ~20,000 years (20 ka). Moreover, the new
chronological framework suggests that the makers
of the Quina lithic technocomplex (LTC), who
were reindeer hunters, inhabited the site from
the end of marine isotope stage (MIS) 4 to the
beginning of MIS 3. We also show that Levallois
and Discoidal industries occurred successively
under temperate paleoclimatic conditions, during
MIS 3 but not after ~40 ka. Finally, we compare
the Quina LTC dataset with other sites in
southern France in order to shed light upon the
variability in Mousterian industries of this
region. |
Chronometric investigations of the Middle to
Upper Paleolithic transition in the Zagros
Mountains using AMS radiocarbon dating and
Bayesian age modelling,
di L. Becerra-Valdivia et alii, "Journal
of Human Evolution", Volume 109, August 2017,
Pages 57-69
The Middle to
Upper Paleolithic transition is often linked
with a bio-cultural shift involving the
dispersal of modern humans outside of Africa,
the concomitant replacement of Neanderthals
across Eurasia, and the emergence of new
technological traditions. The Zagros Mountains
region assumes importance in discussions
concerning this period as its geographic
location is central to all pertinent hominin
migration areas, pointing to both east and west.
As such, establishing a reliable chronology in
the Zagros Mountains is crucial to our
understanding of these biological and cultural
developments. Political circumstance, coupled
with the poor preservation of organic material,
has meant that a clear chronological definition
of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition
for the Zagros Mountains region has not yet been
achieved. To improve this situation, we have
obtained new archaeological samples for AMS
radiocarbon dating from three sites: Kobeh Cave,
Kaldar Cave, and Ghār-e Boof (Iran). In addition,
we have statistically modelled previously
published radiocarbon determinations for Yafteh
Cave (Iran) and Shanidar Cave (Iraqi Kurdistan),
to improve their chronological resolution and
enable us to compare the results with the new
dataset. Bayesian modelling results suggest that
the onset of the Upper Paleolithic in the Zagros
Mountains dates to 45,000–40,250 cal BP (68.2%
probability). Further chronometric data are
required to improve the precision of this age
range. |
Late Paleolithic Masterpieces,
di E. A. Powell, "Archaeology", July/August 2017
The people of the
Paleolithic Magdalenian period in Spain and
France created great works of figurative art
such as the Lascaux cave paintings, which
realistically depict a rich variety of wildlife.
But scholars have long believed that around
14,000 years ago, that dramatic artistic
tradition came to a sudden end. People of the
succeeding Azilian period were thought to have
completely stopped making animal figures, and
instead focused their creative energies on
etching and painting abstract designs on pebbles.
But the recent discovery of 45 engraved stone
tablets along with Early Azilian tools at a rock
shelter in Brittany has shown that, in fact,
some Azilian people carried on the artistic
tradition of their Magdalenian ancestors.
University of Nice archaeologist Nicolas
Naudinot led the team that unearthed the
engravings and says they resemble elaborate
Magdalenian depictions of horses and a kind of
wild cattle known as an aurochs. One bull is
even shown with rays emanating from its head,
the only such example of a “shining” animal
known in prehistoric European art. Naudinot says
the rays were added some time after the original
head was carved, because the bull’s horns were
reengraved over the lines. “The prehistoric
people wanted the rays to be in the background,”
says Naudinot, who speculates they could be a
rendering of the sun, or perhaps they were
simply symbolic abstractions, similar to the
ones later Azilian people would carve on pebbles. |
Textural, microstructural,
and compositional characteristics of Fe-based
geomaterials and Upper Paleolithic ocher in the
Lessini Mountains, Northeast Italy: Implications
for provenance studies,
di G. Cavallo, F. Fontana, F. Gonzato, M.
Peresani, M. P. Riccardi, R. Zorzin, "Geoarchaeology",
July/August 2017, Volume 32, Issue 4, Pages
research of archaeological ocher contributes to
understanding the capabilities of prehistoric
humans to select, process, and treat suitable
raw materials for symbolic and utilitarian
purposes. The western part of the Lessini
Mountains in the Veneto region of northeast
Italy is an ideal location for this type of
study as it features several different Fe-rich
deposits, and many examples of archaeological
ocher have been found in the nearby Fumane Cave
and Tagliente Rockshelter Upper Paleolithic
sites. Sourcing areas are often identified
through the use of geochemical studies; however,
microscopic techniques can also be used with the
benefit of providing more detailed information
about accessory minerals and textural
characteristics of the material. One of the
goals of our study was to demonstrate the
potential in using polarizing light microscopy
supported by scanning electron microscopy
coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray
spectrometer in research of this type. We
studied geological source samples and
archaeological materials from the sites, the
results of which are very promising in terms of
shedding light on the sourcing of prehistoric
ocher in this region. |
Identifying early modern
human ecological niche expansions and associated
cultural dynamics in the South African Middle
Stone Age,
di F. d’Errico et alii, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences", July 25, 2017 , vol.
114 no. 30, pp. 7869–7876
The archaeological
record shows that typically human cultural
traits emerged at different times, in different
parts of the world, and among different hominin
taxa. This pattern suggests that their emergence
is the outcome of complex and nonlinear
evolutionary trajectories, influenced by
environmental, demographic, and social factors,
that need to be understood and traced at
regional scales. The application of predictive
algorithms using archaeological and
paleoenvironmental data allows one to estimate
the ecological niches occupied by past human
populations and identify niche changes through
time, thus providing the possibility of
investigating relationships between cultural
innovations and possible niche shifts. By using
such methods to examine two key southern Africa
archaeological cultures, the Still Bay [76–71
thousand years before present (ka)] and the
Howiesons Poort (HP; 66–59 ka), we identify a
niche shift characterized by a significant
expansion in the breadth of the HP ecological
niche. This expansion is coincident with
aridification occurring across Marine Isotope
Stage 4 (ca. 72–60 ka) and especially pronounced
at 60 ka. We argue that this niche shift was
made possible by the development of a flexible
technological system, reliant on composite tools
and cultural transmission strategies based more
on “product copying” rather than “process
copying.” These results counter the one niche/one
human taxon equation. They indicate that what
makes our cultures, and probably the cultures of
other members of our lineage, unique is their
flexibility and ability to produce innovations
that allow a population to shift its ecological
niche. |
A context for the last
Neandertals of interior Iberia: Los Casares cave
di M. Alcaraz-Castaño et alii, July 19,
2017, doi:
- free access -
Although the
Iberian Peninsula is a key area for
understanding the Middle to Upper Paleolithic
transition and the demise of the Neandertals,
valuable evidence for these debates remains
scarce and problematic in its interior regions.
Sparse data supporting a late Neandertal
persistence in the Iberian interior have been
recently refuted and hence new evidence is
needed to build new models on the timing and
causes of Neandertal disappearance in inland
Iberia and the whole peninsula. In this study we
provide new evidence from Los Casares, a cave
located in the highlands of the Spanish Meseta,
where a Neandertal-associated Middle Paleolithic
site was discovered and first excavated in the
1960’s. Our main objective is twofold: (1)
provide an updated geoarcheological,
paleoenvironmental and chronological framework
for this site, and (2) discuss obtained results
in the context of the time and nature of the
last Neandertal presence in Iberia.
We conducted new fieldwork in an interior
chamber of Los Casares cave named ‘Seno A’. Our
methods included micromorphology, sedimentology,
radiocarbon dating, Uranium/Thorium dating,
palinology, microfaunal analysis, anthracology,
phytolith analysis, archeozoology and lithic
technology. Here we present results on site
formation processes, paleoenvironment and the
chronological setting of the Neandertal
occupation at Los Casares cave-Seno A.
The sediment sequence reveals a mostly in situ
archeological deposit containing evidence of
both Neandertal activity and carnivore action in
level c, dated to 44,899–42,175 calendar years
ago. This occupation occurred during a warm and
humid interval of Marine Isotopic Stage 3,
probably correlating with Greenland Interstadial
11, representing one of the latest occurrences
of Neandertals in the Iberian interior. However,
overlying layer b records a deterioration of
local environments, thus providing a plausible
explanation for the abandonment of the site, and
perhaps for the total disappearance of
Neandertals of the highlands of inland Iberia
during subsequent Greenland Stadials 11 or 10,
or even Heinrich Stadial 4. Since layer b
provided very few signs of human activity and no
reliable chronometric results, and given the
scarce chronostratigrapic evidence recorded so
far for this period in interior Iberia, this can
only be taken as a working hypothesis to be
tested with future research. Meanwhile, 42,000
calendar years ago remains the most plausible
date for the abandonment of interior Iberia by
Neandertals, possibly due to climate
deterioration. Currently, a later survival of
this human species in Iberia is limited to the
southern coasts. (...) |
Paleoenvironmental and
paleoclimatic context during the Upper
Palaeolithic (late Upper Pleistocene) in the
Italian Peninsula. The small mammal record from
Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, Foggia,
Southern Italy),
di C. Berto, P. Boscato, F. Boschin, E. Luzi, A.
Ronchitelli, "Quaternary Science Reviews",
Volume 168, 15 July 2017, Pages 30-41
Changes in large
mammal population and biotic regionalism of the
Italian Peninsula during Upper Pleistocene have
been well documented over the last twenty years.
On the other hand, only few studies have focused
on the changes in small mammal fossil
assemblages. Grotta Paglicci is a key
archaeological site for Italian prehistory. It
is well dated and it shows an uninterrupted
chronological sequence of Upper Palaeolithic
lithic industries, ranging from the Aurignacian
to the Late Epigravettian. Small mammal remains
from the Upper Palaeolithic layers of this cave
have been identified and the assemblage has been
analysed through the application of Simpson
diversity index, Habitat Weighting and
Bioclimatic model methods. The results show
remarkable differences through the record: major
climatic changes (GS2 is particularly well
defined) are visible and a clear turning point
is observable at the Bølling-Allerød
interstadial transition. This is in line with
environmental and climatic oscillations already
detected in the Italian Peninsula. These data
also suggest that a strong regionalism
characterized the south-eastern Italian
Peninsula during the Late Pleistocene. |
Middle to Late Pleistocene
environmental and climatic reconstruction of the
human occurrence at Grotta Maggiore di San
Bernardino (Vicenza, Italy) through the
small-mammal assemblage,
di J. M. López-García, E. Luzi, M. Peresani, "Quaternary
Science Reviews", Volume 168, 15 July 2017,
Pages 42-54
Grotta Maggiore di
San Bernardino, located at an altitude of 135 m
a.s.l. in the Berici Hills in northeastern
Italy, is an archaeological site with a
discontinuous sedimentary sequence dating from
Marine Isotope Stage 7 (MIS 7) to MIS 3. In this
paper we present for the first time a
palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic
reconstruction of the sequence based on
small-mammal (insectivore, bat and rodent)
assemblages. Coupled with biochronological data
and absolute dating together with previous
studies on large mammals, birds and other
studies on small mammals and pollen from
comparable time-spans in Italy, the results
enable us clearly to identify distinct climatic
periods: the end of MIS 7 (7c to 7a) in units
VIII-VII, MIS 5d in unit V, and probably MIS 5b
in unit IV and an indeterminate MIS 3
interstadial in units III-II. Finally, the study
shows that the early Middle Palaeolithic human
occupation in Italy occurs during mild and
temperate sub-stages of MIS 7 and that human
groups with the same techno-cultural background
(Mousterian) were well adapted to the changing
environmental and climatic conditions of the
Middle to Late Pleistocene in this part of
southern Europe. |
Aridity and hominin
di Scott A. Blumenthal et alii, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences", July 11, 2017, vol.
114 no. 28, pp. 7331–7336
Aridification is
often considered a major driver of long-term
ecological change and hominin evolution in
eastern Africa during the Plio-Pleistocene;
however, this hypothesis remains inadequately
tested owing to difficulties in reconstructing
terrestrial paleoclimate. We present a revised
aridity index for quantifying water deficit (WD)
in terrestrial environments using tooth enamel
δ18O values, and use this approach to address
paleoaridity over the past 4.4 million years in
eastern Africa. We find no long-term trend in
WD, consistent with other terrestrial climate
indicators in the Omo-Turkana Basin, and no
relationship between paleoaridity and herbivore
paleodiet structure among fossil collections
meeting the criteria for WD estimation. Thus, we
suggest that changes in the abundance of C4
grass and grazing herbivores in eastern Africa
during the Pliocene and Pleistocene may have
been decoupled from aridity. As in modern
African ecosystems, other factors, such as
rainfall seasonality or ecological interactions
among plants and mammals, may be important for
understanding the evolution of C4 grass- and
grazer-dominated biomes. |
First big efforts to
sequence ancient African DNA reveal how early
humans swept across the continent,
di E. Pennisi, "Science News", Jul. 6, 2017
he study of
ancient human DNA has not been an equal
opportunity endeavor. Early Europeans and Asians
have had portions of their genomes sequenced by
the hundreds over the past decade, rewriting
Eurasian history in the process. But because
genetic material decays rapidly in warm, moist
climates, scientists had sequenced the DNA of
just one ancient African. Until now. This week,
at the annual meeting of the Society for
Molecular Biology & Evolution here, scientists
announced that they had partially sequenced 15
ancient African genomes, with representatives
from all over sub-Saharan Africa. And another
group—whose work is still unpublished—has
sequenced seven more ancient humans from South
Africa. “[Finding] ancient genomes from Africa
is pretty amazing,” says Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas,
a population geneticist at the University of
Bern, who was not involved in either project.
Africa has long been called the “cradle of
humanity,” from which our earliest human
ancestors spread across the rest of the world
some 50,000 years ago. Africa is also where
people—ancient and modern—are most genetically
diverse. But how such groups, from the Hadza of
East Africa to the Khoe-San of Southern Africa,
came to be is a mystery. That’s in part because
some 2000 years ago, early adopters of
agriculture known as the Bantu spread across the
continent, erasing the genetic footprint of
other Africans. The one ancient African genome
that has been sequenced—an Ethiopian who lived
some 4500 years ago—has shed little light on
this mystery. (...) |
fourth Denisovan individual,
di V. Slon et alii, "Science Advances",
07 Jul 2017, Vol. 3, no. 7
- free access -
The presence of
Neandertals in Europe and Western Eurasia before
the arrival of anatomically modern humans is
well supported by archaeological and
paleontological data. In contrast, fossil
evidence for Denisovans, a sister group of
Neandertals recently identified on the basis of
DNA sequences, is limited to three specimens,
all of which originate from Denisova Cave in the
Altai Mountains (Siberia, Russia). We report the
retrieval of DNA from a deciduous lower second
molar (Denisova 2), discovered in a deep
stratigraphic layer in Denisova Cave, and show
that this tooth comes from a female Denisovan
individual. On the basis of the number of
“missing substitutions” in the mitochondrial DNA
determined from the specimen, we find that
Denisova 2 is substantially older than two of
the other Denisovans, reinforcing the view that
Denisovans were likely to have been present in
the vicinity of Denisova Cave over an extended
time period. We show that the level of nuclear
DNA sequence diversity found among Denisovans is
within the lower range of that of present-day
human populations. (...) |
Neandertals and modern
humans started mating early,
di A. Gibbons, "Science News", Jul. 4, 2017
For almost a
century, Neandertals were considered the
ancestors of modern humans. But in a new plot
twist in the unfolding mystery of how
Neandertals were related to modern humans, it
now seems that members of our lineage were among
the ancestors of Neandertals. Researchers
sequenced ancient DNA from the mitochondria—tiny
energy factories inside cells—from a Neandertal
who lived about 100,000 years ago in southwest
Germany. They found that this DNA, which is
inherited only from the mother, resembled that
of early modern humans. After comparing the
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with that of other
archaic and modern humans, the researchers
reached a startling conclusion: A female member
of the lineage that gave rise to Homo sapiens in
Africa mated with a Neandertal male more than
220,000 years ago—much earlier than other known
encounters between the two groups. Her children
spread her genetic legacy through the Neandertal
lineage, and in time her African mtDNA
completely replaced the ancestral Neandertal
mtDNA. Other researchers are enthusiastic about
the hypothesis, described in Nature
Communications this week, but caution that it
will take more than one genome to prove. “It’s a
nice story that solves a cool mystery—how did
Neandertals end up with mtDNA more like that of
modern humans,” says population geneticist Ilan
Gronau of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
in Israel. But “they have not nailed it yet.”
(...) |
Deeply divergent archaic mitochondrial genome
provides lower time boundary for African gene
flow into Neanderthals,
di C. Posth et alii, "Nature
Communications" 8, 04 July 2017, doi:10.1038/ncomms16046
- free access -
Ancient DNA is
revealing new insights into the genetic
relationship between Pleistocene hominins and
modern humans. Nuclear DNA indicated
Neanderthals as a sister group of Denisovans
after diverging from modern humans. However, the
closer affinity of the Neanderthal mitochondrial
DNA (mtDNA) to modern humans than Denisovans has
recently been suggested as the result of gene
flow from an African source into Neanderthals
before 100,000 years ago. Here we report the
complete mtDNA of an archaic femur from the
Hohlenstein–Stadel (HST) cave in southwestern
Germany. HST carries the deepest divergent mtDNA
lineage that splits from other Neanderthals
∼270,000 years ago, providing a lower boundary
for the time of the putative mtDNA introgression
event. We demonstrate that a complete
Neanderthal mtDNA replacement is feasible over
this time interval even with minimal hominin
introgression. The highly divergent HST branch
is indicative of greater mtDNA diversity during
the Middle Pleistocene than in later periods.
(...) |
Denisoviens...Un groupe
humain fantôme ou une réalité biologique?
di J. L. Voisin, 01/07/17
La grotte de
Denisova, dans le massif de l’Altaï (Russie),
est un site majeur pour l’histoire de l’humanité
et a toujours été fréquentée par l’homme. En
effet, au 18ème siècle, la grotte était habitée
par un hermite, Dionisij (Denis), qui lui a
laissé son nom, bien que les populations locales
la nomment Ayu-Tash. Dans les années 1970, des
artéfacts y ont été découverts ce qui a entraîné
des fouilles régulières. Aujourd’hui, 22 strates
y ont été définies contenant des pièces
archéologiques allant de l’époque de Denis jusqu’à
280 000 ans. Le matériel archéologique est
important et comprend une industrie moustérienne
associée à des objets décoratifs (réalisés en
ivoire de mammouth, en os, à partir de dents
voir même en coquille d’autruche), des bracelets
et des pendentifs. Une aiguille à chas datant de
45 000 ans y a même été découverte, ce qui en
fait la plus ancienne connue. (...) |
The dawn of dentistry in the late upper
Paleolithic: An early case of pathological
intervention at Riparo Fredian,
di G. Oxilia et alii, "American Journal
of Physical Anthropology", Volume 163, Issue 3,
July 2017, Pages 446–461
Early evidence for
the treatment of dental pathology is found
primarily among food-producing societies
associated with high levels of oral pathology.
However, some Late Pleistocene hunter-gatherers
show extensive oral pathology, suggesting that
experimentation with therapeutic dental
interventions may have greater antiquity. Here,
we report the second earliest probable evidence
for dentistry in a Late Upper Paleolithic
hunter-gatherer recovered from Riparo Fredian (Tuscany,
The Fredian 5 human consists of an associated
maxillary anterior dentition with antemortem
exposure of both upper first incisor (I1) pulp
chambers. The pulp chambers present probable
antemortem modifications that warrant in-depth
analyses and direct dating. Scanning electron
microscopy, microCT and residue analyses were
used to investigate the purported modifications
of external and internal surfaces of each.
The direct date places Fredian 5 between 13,000
and 12,740 calendar years ago. Both pulp
chambers were circumferentially enlarged prior
to the death of this individual. Occlusal
dentine flaking on the margin of the cavities
and striations on their internal aspects suggest
anthropic manipulation. Residue analyses
revealed a conglomerate of bitumen, vegetal
fibers, and probable hairs adherent to the
internal walls of the cavities.
The results are consistent with tool-assisted
manipulation to remove necrotic or infected pulp
in vivo and the subsequent use of a composite,
organic filling. Fredian 5 confirms the practice
of dentistry—specifically, a pathology-induced
intervention—among Late Pleistocene
hunter-gatherers. As such, it appears that
fundamental perceptions of biomedical knowledge
and practice were in place long before the
socioeconomic changes associated with the
transition to food production in the Neolithic. |
analysis of dental development in Pleistocene
Homo using skeletal growth and chronological age,
di M. Šešelj, "American Journal of Physical
Anthropology", Volume 163, Issue 3, July 2017,
Pages 531–541
This study takes a
new approach to interpreting dental development
in Pleistocene Homo in comparison with recent
modern humans. As rates of dental development
and skeletal growth are correlated given age in
modern humans, using age and skeletal growth in
tandem yields more accurate dental development
estimates. Here, I apply these models to fossil
Homo to obtain more individualized predictions
and interpretations of their dental development
relative to recent modern humans.
Proportional odds logistic regression models
based on three recent modern human samples
(N = 181) were used to predict permanent
mandibular tooth development scores in five
Pleistocene subadults: Homo erectus/ergaster,
Neanderthals, and anatomically modern humans (AMHs).
Explanatory variables include a skeletal growth
indicator (i.e., diaphyseal femoral length), and
chronological age.
AMHs Lagar Velho 1 and Qafzeh 10 share delayed
incisor development, but exhibit considerable
idiosyncratic variation within and across tooth
types, relative to each other and to the
reference samples. Neanderthals Dederiyeh 1 and
Le Moustier 1 exhibit delayed incisor coupled
with advanced molar development, but differences
are reduced when femoral diaphysis length is
considered. Dental development in KNM-WT 15,000
Homo erectus/ergaster, while advanced for his
age, almost exactly matches the predictions once
femoral length is included in the models.
This study provides a new interpretation of
dental development in KNM-WT 15000 as primarily
reflecting his faster rates of skeletal growth.
While the two AMH specimens exhibit considerable
individual variation, the Neanderthals exhibit
delayed incisor development early and advanced
molar development later in ontogeny. |
Early Pleistocene hominin deciduous teeth from
the Homo antecessor Gran Dolina-TD6 bearing
level (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain),
di J. M. Bermúdez de Castro et alii, "American
Journal of Physical Anthropology", Volume 163,
Issue 3, July 2017, Pages 602–615
During the last 13
years, the late Early Pleistocene Gran
Dolina-TD6-2 level (Sierra de Atapuerca,
northern Spain) has yielded an additional sample
of 26 dental specimens attributed to Homo
antecessor. In this report, we present a
descriptive and comparative study of the six
deciduous teeth.
We provide external and internal morphological
descriptions following classical terminology, as
well as the mesiodistal and buccolingual
measurements of the teeth. The internal
morphology was described by means of micro-CT
The TD6 deciduous teeth preserve primitive
features regarding the Homo clade, such as the
presence of styles in lower and upper canines
and developed anterior and posterior foveae in
the dm2. However, other features related to the
complexity of the crown morphology (e.g.,
cingulum) are not present in this sample.
Furthermore, the great reduction of the talonid
of the dm1s is also noteworthy. Despite the
limited comparative evidence, the presence of a
remarkably well-developed tuberculum molare in
the dm1 and dm1s from TD6 can be also considered
a derived feature in the genus Homo. The TD6
hominins exhibit dental dimensions similar to
those of other Pleistocene hominins. The dm1s
are buccolingually elongated and the
buccolingual diameter of ATD6-93 is the largest
recorded so far in the Homo fossil record.
This study expands the list of plesiomorphic
features of H. antecessor, and provides some
information on the evolutionary status of this
species. However, the identification of some
advanced traits evinces a step towards the
derived morphology of European Pleistocene teeth.
The study of the deciduous dentition confirms
the mosaic pattern of H. antecessor morphology
revealed in previous studies of this hominin
sample. |
The postcranial skeletal maturation of
Australopithecus sediba,
di N. Cameron, B. Bogin, D. Bolter, L. R.
Berger, "American Journal of Physical
Anthropology", Volume 163, Issue 3, July 2017,
Pages 633–640
In 2008, an
immature hominin defined as the holotype of the
new species Australopithecus sediba was
discovered at the 1.9 million year old Malapa
site in South Africa. The specimen (MH1)
includes substantial post-cranial skeletal
material, and provides a unique opportunity to
assess its skeletal maturation.
Skeletal maturity indicators observed on the
proximal and distal humerus, proximal ulna,
distal radius, third metacarpal, ilium and
ischium, proximal femur and calcaneus were used
to assess the maturity of each bone in
comparison to references for modern humans and
for wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
In comparison to humans the skeletal
maturational ages for Au. sediba correspond to
between 12.0 years and 15.0 years with a mean
(SD) age of 13.1 (1.1) years. In comparison to
the maturational pattern of chimpanzees the Au.
sediba indicators suggest a skeletal
maturational age of 9–11 years. Based on either
of these skeletal maturity estimates and the
body length at death of MH1, an adult height of
150–156 cm is predicted.
We conclude that the skeletal remains of MH1 are
consistent with an ape-like pattern of maturity
when dental age estimates are also taken into
consideration. This maturity schedule in
australopiths is consistent with ape-like
estimates of age at death for the Nariokotome
Homo erectus remains (KMN-WT 15000), which are
of similar postcranial immaturity to MH1. The
findings suggest that humans may have
distinctive and delayed post-cranial schedules
from australopiths and H. erectus, implicating a
recent evolution of somatic and possibly life
history strategies in human evolution. |
morphometrics of thoracic vertebrae in
Neandertals and the fossil evidence from El
Sidrón (Asturias, Northern Spain),
di M. Bastir et alii, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 108, July 2017, Pages 47-61
Well preserved
thoracic vertebrae of Neandertals are rare.
However, such fossils are important as their
three-dimensional (3D) spatial configuration can
contribute to the understanding of the size and
shape of the thoracic spine and the entire
thorax. This is because the vertebral body and
transverse processes provide the articulation
and attachment sites for the ribs. Dorsal
orientation of the transverse processes relative
to the vertebral body also rotates the attached
ribs in a way that could affect thorax width.
Previous research indicates possible evidence
for greater dorsal orientation of the transverse
processes and small vertebral body heights in
Neandertals, but their 3D vertebral structure
has not yet been addressed. Here we present 15
new vertebral remains from the El Sidrón
Neandertals (Asturias, Northern Spain) and used
3D geometric morphometrics to address the above
issues by comparing two particularly well
preserved El Sidrón remains (SD-1619, SD-1641)
with thoracic vertebrae from other Neandertals
and a sample of anatomically modern humans.
Centroid sizes of El Sidrón vertebrae are within
the human range. Neandertals have larger T1 and
probably also T2. The El Sidrón vertebrae are
similar in 3D shape to those of other
Neandertals, which differ from Homo sapiens
particularly in central-lower regions (T6–T10)
of the thoracic spine. Differences include more
dorsally and cranially oriented transverse
processes, less caudally oriented spinous
processes, and vertebral bodies that are
anteroposteriorly and craniocaudally short. The
results fit with current reconstructions of
Neandertal thorax morphology. |
evolutionary medicine perspective on Neandertal
di A. P. Sullivan, M. de Manuel, T.
Marques-Bonet, G. H. Perrya, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 108, July 2017, Pages 62-71
The Eurasian
sympatry of Neandertals and anatomically modern
humans – beginning at least 45,000 years ago and
possibly lasting for more than 5000 years – has
sparked immense anthropological interest into
the factors that potentially contributed to
Neandertal extinction. Among many different
hypotheses, the “differential pathogen
resistance” extinction model posits that
Neandertals were disproportionately affected by
exposure to novel infectious diseases that were
transmitted during the period of spatiotemporal
sympatry with modern humans. Comparisons of new
archaic hominin paleogenome sequences with
modern human genomes have confirmed a history of
genetic admixture – and thus direct contact –
between humans and Neandertals. Analyses of
these data have also shown that Neandertal
nuclear genome genetic diversity was likely
considerably lower than that of the Eurasian
anatomically modern humans with whom they came
into contact, perhaps leaving Neandertal innate
immune systems relatively more susceptible to
novel pathogens. In this study, we compared
levels of genetic diversity in genes for which
genetic variation is hypothesized to benefit
pathogen defense among Neandertals and African,
European, and Asian modern humans, using
available exome sequencing data (three
individuals, or six chromosomes, per population).
We observed that Neandertals had only 31–39% as
many nonsynonymous (amino acid changing)
polymorphisms across 73 innate immune system
genes compared to modern human populations. We
also found that Neandertal genetic diversity was
relatively low in an unbiased set of balancing
selection candidate genes for primates, those
genes with the highest 1% genetic diversity
genome-wide in non-human hominoids (apes). In
contrast, Neandertals had similar or higher
levels of genetic diversity than humans in 12
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes.
Thus, while Neandertals may have been relatively
more susceptible to some novel pathogens and
differential pathogen resistance could be
considered as one potential contributing factor
in their extinction, the expectations of this
model are not universally met. |
Hominid visitation of the Moravian Karst during
the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition: New
results from Pod Hradem Cave (Czech Republic),
di L. Nejman, R. Wood, D. Wrightc, L. Lisá, Z.
Nerudová, P. Nerudae, A. Přichystalf, J.Svobodag,
"Journal of Human Evolution", Volume 108, July
2017, Pages 131-146
In 1956–1958,
excavations of Pod Hradem Cave in Moravia (eastern
Czech Republic) revealed evidence for human
activity during the Middle-Upper Paleolithic
transition. This spanned 25,050–44,800 cal BP
and contained artefacts attributed to the
Aurignacian and Szeletian cultures, including
those made from porcelanite (rarely used at
Moravian Paleolithic sites). Coarse grained
excavation techniques and major inversions in
radiocarbon dates meant that site chronology
could not be established adequately. This paper
documents re-excavation of Pod Hradem in
2011–2012. A comprehensive AMS dating program
using ultrafiltration and ABOx-SC pre-treatments
provides new insights into human occupation at
Pod Hradem Cave. Fine-grained excavation reveals
sedimentary units spanning approximately 20,000
years of the Early Upper Paleolithic and late
Middle Paleolithic periods, thus making it the
first archaeological cave site in the Czech
Republic with such a sedimentary and
archaeological record. Recent excavation
confirms infrequent human visitation, including
during the Early Aurignacian by people who
brought with them portable art objects that have
no parallel in the Czech Republic. Raw material
diversity of lithics suggests long-distance
imports and ephemeral visits by highly mobile
populations throughout the EUP period. |
Evolution of the hominin
knee and ankle,
di M. A. Frelat, C. N. Shaw S. Sukhdeo, J. J.
Hublin, S. Benazzi, T. M.Ryan, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 108, July 2017, Pages 147-160
The dispersal of
the genus Homo out of Africa approximately 1.8
million years ago (Ma) has been understood
within the context of changes in diet, behavior,
and bipedal locomotor efficiency. While various
morphological characteristics of the knee and
ankle joints are considered part of a suite of
traits indicative of, and functionally related
to, habitual bipedal walking, the timing and
phylogenetic details of these morphological
changes remain unclear. To evaluate the timing
of knee and ankle joint evolution, we apply
geometric morphometric methods to
three-dimensional digital models of the proximal
and distal tibiae of fossil hominins, Holocene
Homo sapiens, and extant great apes. Two sets of
landmarks and curve semilandmarks were defined
on each specimen. Because some fossils were
incomplete, digital reconstructions were carried
out independently to estimate missing landmarks
and semilandmarks. Group shape variation was
evaluated through shape–and form-space principal
component analysis and fossil specimens were
projected to assess variation in the
morphological space computed from the extant
comparative sample. We show that a derived
proximal tibia (knee) similar to that seen in
living H. sapiens evolved with early Homo at ∼2
Ma. In contrast, derived characteristics in the
distal tibia appear later, probably with the
arrival of Homo erectus. These results suggest a
dissociation of the morphologies of the proximal
and distal tibia, perhaps indicative of
divergent functional demands and, consequently,
selective pressures at these joints. It appears
that longer distance dispersals that delivered
the Dmanisi hominins to Georgia by 1.8 Ma and H.
erectus to east–southeast Asia by 1.6 Ma were
facilitated by the evolution of a
morphologically derived knee complex comparable
to that of recent humans and an ankle that was
morphologically primitive. This research sets
the foundation for additional paleontological,
developmental, and functional research to better
understand the mechanisms underlying the
evolution of bipedalism. |
Visualising scales of process: Multi-scalar
geoarchaeological investigations of
microstratigraphy and diagenesis at hominin
bearing sites in South African karst,
di T. Edwards et alii, "Journal of
Archaeological Science", Volume 83, July 2017,
Pages 1-11
geoarchaeological investigations were conducted
on several samples of sediment (dolomite cave
sediments, ferricrete ridge, speleothem, tufa
and tufa cave sediments) from four early hominin
fossil-bearing sites (Taung Type Site, Haasgat,
Drimolen Main Quarry, Elandsfontein) in
different South African karst environments. The
study was designed to test the value of
geoarchaeological techniques for identifying and
characterising environments of deposition and
diagenetic processes involved in site formation
within different mediums and different karst
environments. The traditional petrographic
method is weighed against two relatively new
methodological contributions to site formation
and diagenesis: Computed Tomography (CT) and
automated Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals
using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (QEM-EDS),
employing QEMSCAN® technology. An integrated
micro-sampling approach is outlined for
successful cross-correlation between techniques.
The study demonstrates that different analyses
vary in their ability to visualise different
types of process – primary and secondary. Thin
section petrography remains the ‘gold standard’
for analyses conducted at the micro-scale, while
QEM-EDS and CT offer exciting potential to
perform meso-scale analyses and are best
utilised as complementary rather than
alternative techniques to petrography. |
Acoustic scientist sounds
off about the location of cave paintings,
June 29, 2017
One popular theory
about the Paleolithic cave paintings proposes
that sites were chosen based on the acoustics in
the caves. The originators of the theory
reported a causal connection between the 'points
of resonance' in three French caves and the
position of Paleolithic cave paintings. (...) |
Analysis of Neanderthal
teeth grooves uncovers evidence of prehistoric
A discovery of
multiple toothpick grooves on teeth and signs of
other manipulations by a Neanderthal of 130,000
years ago are evidence of a kind of prehistoric
dentistry, according to a new study led by a
University of Kansas researcher. "As a package,
this fits together as a dental problem that the
Neanderthal was having and was trying to
presumably treat itself, with the toothpick
grooves, the breaks and also with the scratches
on the premolar," said David Frayer, professor
emeritus of Anthropology. "It was an interesting
connection or collection of phenomena that fit
together in a way that we would expect a modern
human to do. Everybody has had dental pain, and
they know what it's like to have a problem with
an impacted tooth." The Bulletin of the
International Association for Paleodontology
recently published the study. The researchers
analyzed four isolated but associated mandibular
teeth on the left side of the Neanderthal's
mouth. Frayer's co-authors are Joseph Gatti, a
Lawrence dentist, Janet Monge, of the University
of Pennsylvania; and, Davorka Radovčić, curator
at the Croatian Natural History Museum. The
teeth were found at Krapina site in Croatia, and
Frayer and Radovčić have made several
discoveries about Neanderthal life there,
including a widely recognized 2015 study
published in PLOS ONE about a set of eagle
talons that included cut marks and were
fashioned into a piece of jewelry. The teeth and
all the Krapina Neanderthal fossils were
discovered more than 100 years ago from the
site, which was originally excavated between
1899-1905. However, Frayer and Radovčić in
recent years have reexamined many items
collected from the site. (...) |
Palaeolithic ceramic
technology: The artistic origins and impacts of
a technological innovation,
di R. Farbstein, W. Davies, "Quaternary
International", Volume 441, Part B, 20 June
2017, Pages 3-11
This paper
analyses the assemblages of Upper Palaeolithic
ceramic figurines and figurine fragments from
Czech Republic (“Pavlovian”) and Croatia, which
are some of the first iterations of this
material and technological innovation in Europe.
Using chaîne opératoire methodology, this paper
compares both the technologies and gestures
involved in the manufacture of these artefacts
as well as the impact of these new materials on
art and society in each context. These analyses
reveal how the introduction of this innovative
material and the associated technologies used to
make ceramic art proved to be an important
catalyst for more experimentation and play in
the production of art, which led to innovations
in artistic expression. Furthermore, this
research highlights the need to study
Palaeolithic ceramic artefacts using
quantitative and nuanced analytical
methodologies that move beyond the traditional
focus on the most iconographically-striking
Palaeolithic art. |
Bones in Israel rewrite Neanderthal history,
15 June 2017
Previously known
only from cave sites, the recent discovery from
about 60,000 years ago of Neanderthal remains
and material culture at an open-air site at Ein
Kashish, on the banks of the Kishon river in
northern Israel, counters the assumption that
Neanderthals were mostly cave-dwellers on the
verge of extinction when Homo sapiens arrived
about 55,000 years ago. It is the first such
discovery in the Levant. Humans are known to
have reached the Levant between 120,000 and
90,000 years ago, but that group evidently died
out. Neanderthals were in the Levant between
about 80,000 and 55,000 years ago. This
discovery of remains from two individuals is the
first in the Levant to be found in an open-air
context and proven to be Neanderthal. Of one,
only a single back tooth was found, in
association with flint tools and animal bones.
The second was a teenager or young man about 164
centimetres tall, who had injuries that would
have caused him to limp. His five lower limb
bones were found with multiple artifacts,
including flint tools, animal bones, a roe deer
antler, a seashell, and some unusual finds for
this period, such as ochre. (...) |
New fossils from Jebel
Irhoud, Morocco and the pan-African origin of
Homo sapiens,
di J. J. Hublin et alii, "Nature" 546,
289–292 (08 June 2017)
Fossil evidence
points to an African origin of Homo sapiens from
a group called either H. heidelbergensis or H.
rhodesiensis. However, the exact place and time
of emergence of H. sapiens remain obscure
because the fossil record is scarce and the
chronological age of many key specimens remains
uncertain. In particular, it is unclear whether
the present day ‘modern’ morphology rapidly
emerged approximately 200 thousand years ago (ka)
among earlier representatives of H. sapiens1 or
evolved gradually over the last 400 thousand
years2. Here we report newly discovered human
fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, and
interpret the affinities of the hominins from
this site with other archaic and recent human
groups. We identified a mosaic of features
including facial, mandibular and dental
morphology that aligns the Jebel Irhoud material
with early or recent anatomically modern humans
and more primitive neurocranial and endocranial
morphology. In combination with an age of
315 ± 34 thousand years (as determined by
thermoluminescence dating)3, this evidence makes
Jebel Irhoud the oldest and richest African
Middle Stone Age hominin site that documents
early stages of the H. sapiens clade in which
key features of modern morphology were
established. Furthermore, it shows that the
evolutionary processes behind the emergence of
H. sapiens involved the whole African continent. |
The age of the hominin fossils from Jebel Irhoud,
Morocco, and the origins of the Middle Stone Age,
di D. Richter et alii, "Nature" 546,
293–296 (08 June 2017)
The timing and
location of the emergence of our species and of
associated behavioural changes are crucial for
our understanding of human evolution. The
earliest fossil attributed to a modern form of
Homo sapiens comes from eastern Africa and is
approximately 195 thousand years old, therefore
the emergence of modern human biology is
commonly placed at around 200 thousand years
ago. The earliest Middle Stone Age assemblages
come from eastern and southern Africa but date
much earlier. Here we report the ages,
determined by thermoluminescence dating, of
fire-heated flint artefacts obtained from new
excavations at the Middle Stone Age site of
Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, which are directly
associated with newly discovered remains of H.
sapiens. A weighted average age places these
Middle Stone Age artefacts and fossils at
315 ± 34 thousand years ago. Support is obtained
through the recalculated uranium series with
electron spin resonance date of 286 ± 32
thousand years ago for a tooth from the Irhoud 3
hominin mandible. These ages are also consistent
with the faunal and microfaunal assemblages and
almost double the previous age estimates for the
lower part of the deposits. The north African
site of Jebel Irhoud contains one of the
earliest directly dated Middle Stone Age
assemblages, and its associated human remains
are the oldest reported for H. sapiens. The
emergence of our species and of the Middle Stone
Age appear to be close in time, and these data
suggest a larger scale, potentially pan-African,
origin for both. |
Oldest Homo sapiens fossil claim rewrites our
species' history,
di E. Callaway, "Nature News", 07 June 2017
Researchers say
that they have found the oldest Homo sapiens
remains on record in an improbable place:
Morocco. At an archaeological site near the
Atlantic coast, finds of skull, face and jaw
bones identified as being from early members of
our species have been dated to about 315,000
years ago. That indicates H. sapiens appeared
more than 100,000 years earlier than thought:
most researchers have placed the origins of our
species in East Africa about 200,000 years ago.
The finds, which are published on 7 June in
Nature1, 2, do not mean that H. sapiens
originated in North Africa. Instead, they
suggest that the species' earliest members
evolved all across the continent, scientists say.
“Until now, the common wisdom was that our
species emerged probably rather quickly
somewhere in a ‘Garden of Eden’ that was located
most likely in sub-Saharan Africa,” says
Jean-Jacques Hublin, an author of the study and
a director at the Max Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.
Now, “I would say the Garden of Eden in Africa
is probably Africa — and it’s a big, big
garden.” Hublin was one of the leaders of the
decade-long excavation at the Moroccan site,
called Jebel Irhoud. (...) |
Technological variability
during the Early Middle Palaeolithic in Western
Europe. Reduction systems and predetermined
products at the Bau de l'Aubesier and Payre (South-East
di L. Carmignani , M. H. Moncel, P. Fernandes,
L. Wilson, June 7, 2017, doi:
- free access -
The study of the
lithic assemblages of two French sites, the Bau
de l’Aubesier and Payre, contributes new
knowledge of the earliest Neanderthal
techno-cultural variability. In this paper we
present the results of a detailed technological
analysis of Early Middle Palaeolithic lithic
assemblages of MIS 8 and 7 age from the two
sites, which are located on opposite sides of
the Rhône Valley in the south-east of France.
The MIS 9–7 period is considered in Europe to be
a time of new behaviours, especially concerning
lithic strategies. The shift from the Lower
Palaeolithic to the Early Middle Palaeolithic is
“classically” defined by an increase in the
number of core technologies, including
standardized ones, which are stabilized in the
full Middle Palaeolithic (MIS 5–3), associated
with the decline of the “Acheulean” biface.
Applying a common technological approach to the
analysis of the two assemblages highlights their
technological variability with respect to
reduction systems and end products. Differences
between Payre and the Bau de l’Aubesier
concerning raw material procurement and faunal
exploitation only partially explain this
multifaceted technological variability, which in
our opinion also reflects the existence of
distinct technological strategies within the
same restricted geographic area, which are
related to distinct traditions, site uses,
and/or as yet unknown parameters. (...) |
Thoracic vertebral count
and thoracolumbar transition in Australopithecus
di C. V. Ward, T. K. Nalley, F. Spoor, P.
Tafforeau, Z. Alemseged, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences", June 6, 2017, vol.
114 no. 23, pp. 6000–6004
The evolution of
the human pattern of axial segmentation has been
the focus of considerable discussion in
paleoanthropology. Although several complete
lumbar vertebral columns are known for early
hominins, to date, no complete cervical or
thoracic series has been recovered. Several
partial skeletons have revealed that the
thoracolumbar transition in early hominins
differed from that of most extant apes and
humans. Australopithecus africanus,
Australopithecus sediba, and Homo erectus all
had zygapophyseal facets that shift from
thoracic-like to lumbar-like at the penultimate
rib-bearing level, rather than the ultimate
rib-bearing level, as in most humans and extant
African apes. What has not been clear is whether
Australopithecus had 12 thoracic vertebrae as in
most humans, or 13 as in most African apes, and
where the position of the thoracolumbar
transitional element was. The discovery,
preparation, and synchrotron scanning of the
Australopithecus afarensis partial skeleton
DIK-1-1, from Dikika, Ethiopia, provides the
only known complete hominin cervical and
thoracic vertebral column before 60,000 years
ago. DIK-1-1 is the only known Australopithecus
skeleton to preserve all seven cervical
vertebrae and provides evidence for 12 thoracic
vertebrae with a transition in facet morphology
at the 11th thoracic level. The location of this
transition, one segment cranial to the ultimate
rib-bearing vertebra, also occurs in all other
early hominins and is higher than in most humans
or extant apes. At 3.3 million years ago, the
DIK-1-1 skeleton is the earliest example of this
distinctive and unusual pattern of axial
segmentation. |
Discovery of obsidian
mines on Mount Chikiani in the Lesser Caucasus
of Georgia,
di P. Biagi, R. Nisbet, B. Gratuze, "Antiquity
Project Gallery", Issue 357, June 2017
The volcanic
Javaketi Range (Lesser Caucasus, Georgia) has
recently aroused the interest of both geologists
and archaeologists on account of its rich
environmental and geological history, the
prehistoric exploitation of its raw materials
and the discovery of archaeological sites
ranging from the Palaeolithic to the Historical
Ages (Gogadze 1980; Kikodze 1983). In 2012 and
2014, two systematic surveys were conducted on
Mount Chikiani (Koyundağ) with the aim of
defining the areas from which obsidian was
obtained during different prehistoric periods,
and to characterise its sources (Biagi & Gratuze
2016). A longer season of archaeological
prospection was carried out in 2016. Among the
many important finds was the discovery of a
large number of obsidian mining pits along the
northern and north-eastern lower slopes of the
volcano (Figure 1), as well as several obsidian
workshops. During the 2016 season, research
focused on the 2417m-high trachyrhyolitic dome—a
source of high-quality obsidian—emerging from
the plain around 300m north-east of Lake
Paravani. |
Populations headed south?
The Gravettian from a palaeodemographic point of
di A. Maier, A. Zimmermann, "Antiquity", Volume
91, Issue 357, June 2017, pp. 573-588
The Gravettian is
known for its technological innovations and
artisanal craftwork. At the same time, continued
climatic deterioration led to the coldest and
driest conditions since the arrival of Homo
sapiens sapiens in Europe. This article examines
the palaeodemographic development and provides
regionally differentiated estimates for both the
densities and the absolute numbers of people. A
dramatic population decline characterises the
later part of the Gravettian, while the
following Last Glacial Maximum experienced
consolidation and renewed growth. The results
suggest that the abandonment of the northern
areas was not a result of migration processes,
but of local population extinctions, coinciding
with a loss of typological and technological
complexity. Extensive networks probably assured
the maintenance of a viable population. |
The Victoria West:
earliest prepared core technology in the
Acheulean at Canteen Kopje and implications for
the cognitive evolution of early hominids,
di H. Li, K. Kuman, M. G. Lotter, G. M. Leader,
R. J. Gibbon, "Royal Society Open Science", June
2017 - free access -
Prepared core
technology illustrates in-depth planning and the
presence of a mental template during the core
reduction process. This technology is, therefore,
a significant indicator in studying the
evolution of abstract thought and the cognitive
abilities of hominids. Here, we report on
Victoria West cores excavated from the Canteen
Kopje site in central South Africa, with a
preliminary age estimate of approximately 1 Ma (million
years ago) for these cores. Technological
analysis shows that the Victoria West cores bear
similarities to the ‘Volumetric Concept’ as
defined for the Levallois, a popular and widely
distributed prepared core technology from at
least 200 ka (thousand years ago). Although
these similarities are present, several notable
differences also occur that make the Victoria
West a unique and distinctive prepared core
technology; these are: elongated and convergent
core shapes, consistent blow directions for
flake removal, a predominance of large
side-struck flakes, and the use of these flakes
to make Acheulean large cutting tools. This
innovative core reduction strategy at Canteen
Kopje extends the roots of prepared core
technology to the latter part of the Early
Acheulean and clearly demonstrates an increase
in the cognitive abilities and complexities of
hominids in this time period. (...) |
Musée national de
Préhistoire aux Eyzies-de-Tayac,
juin 2017
La construction du
Musée de préhistoire des Eyzies a débuté en 1914
et son ouverture officielle eut lieu en 1923.
C’est Denis Peyrony qui acquiert pour le compte
de l’Etat les ruines du Château des Eyzies pour
y installer un dépôt de fouilles et les salles
de présentation de ses découvertes. Ouvertes dès
1918, trois salles présentaient une introduction
à la Préhistoire (des moulages d’œuvres d’art
mobilier), des objets originaux provenant des
fouilles Peyrony (salle Capitan), des études d’ethnographie
comparative. Dès cette époque, le Musée de St
Germain-en-Laye bénéficie également de
nombreuses œuvres d’art mobilier. A partir de
1940, (date de la découverte de Lascaux) et
devant l’engouement du public, l’organisation du
musée montre ses limites : trop de visiteurs...
sans connaissances sur la Préhistoire. Deux
nouvelles salles furent donc ouvertes, en
réaménageant le bureau du conservateur et le
logement de la gardienne ! En 1967, l’extension
de bâtiment « Froideveaux » permet d’ouvrir deux
nouvelles salles : une réserve lithique et un
laboratoire.. En 1972, l’établissement est
rattaché à la Direction des musées de France.
Depuis cette date on assiste à une refonte des
salles, ou à l’inauguration de nouvelles (comme
le dernier étage du donjon). En 1994, la
première pierre pour l’extension du musée est
posée… et il faudra attendre juillet 2004 pour
que le ce dernier s’expose dans son intégralité
! (...) |
The North African Middle
Stone Age and its place in recent human
di E. M. L. Scerri, "Evolutionary Anthropology",
Volume 26, Issue 3, May/June 2017, Pages 119–135
The North African
Middle Stone Age (NAMSA, ∼300-24 thousand years
ago, or ka) features what may be the oldest
fossils of our species as well as extremely
early examples of technological regionalization
and ‘symbolic’ material culture (d'Errico,
Vanhaeren, Barton, Bouzouggar, Mienis, Richter,
Hublin, McPherron, Louzouet, & Klein, 2009;
Scerri, 2013a; Richter, Grün, Joannes-Boyau,
Steele, Amani, Rué, Fernandes, Raynal, Geraads,
Ben-Ncer Hublin, McPherron, 2017). The
geographic situation of North Africa and an
increased understanding of the wet-dry climatic
pulses of the Sahara Desert also show that North
Africa played a strategic role in
continental-scale evolutionary processes by
modulating human dispersal and demographic
structure (Drake, Blench, Armitage, Bristow, &
White, 2011; Blome, Cohen, Tryon, Brooks, &
Russell, 2012). However, current understanding
of the NAMSA remains patchy and subject to a
bewildering array of industrial nomenclatures
that mask underlying variability. These issues
are compounded by a geographic research bias
skewed toward non-desert regions. As a result,
it has been difficult to test long-established
narratives of behavioral and evolutionary change
in North Africa and to resolve debates on their
wider significance. In order to evaluate
existing data and identify future research
directions, this paper provides a critical
overview of the component elements of the NAMSA
and shows that the timing of many key behaviors
has close parallels with others in sub-Saharan
Africa and Southwest Asia. |
Datation par 40Ar/39Ar sur monocristaux de
feldspaths potassiques : exemple d’application
sur le site pléistocène moyen ancien de
Notarchirico (Basilicate, Italie),
di A. Pereira, S. Nomade, J. J. Bahain, M.
Piperno, "Quaternaire", vol. 28/2 | 2017, pp.
149-154 - free access -
La méthode
40Ar/39Ar est une des méthodes de datation
offrant la plus large gamme de temps d’applicabilité.
Utilisée principalement pour la datation de
roches volcaniques, cette méthode
radio-isotopique est applicable sur la
quasi-totalité du Quaternaire. Les
développements méthodologiques et analytiques
liés à la technologie de la spectrométrie de
masse permettent aujourd’hui de dater avec une
grande précision (1-5 %) des monocristaux de
sanidines ou leucites, riches en potassium. Ces
derniers, vieux de parfois moins de 500 ka
peuvent être d’une taille inférieure à 300 µm.
La méthode 40Ar/39Ar permet de dater des dépôts
volcaniques dits « primaires », issus de
retombées volcaniques directes (téphras), mais
également d’analyser des dépôts sédimentaires
remaniant des niveaux enregistrant plusieurs
événements volcaniques grâce à la datation
individuelle des cristaux sélectionnés. Il est
donc possible d’identifier les plus récentes
éruptions enregistrées au sein de ces niveaux
qui donnent alors un âge maximum à ces derniers.
Afin d’illustrer cette double approche et le
potentiel de la méthode 40Ar/39Ar, nous
présentons dans cet article les résultats
obtenus pour le site paléolithique inférieur de
Notarchirico (Bassin de Venosa, Basilicate,
Italie), site clé pour la compréhension de l’évolution
de la lignée pré-néanderthalienne et du
peuplement acheuléen en Europe au cours du
Pléistocène moyen. La séquence de Notarchirico
comprend à la fois des retombées volcaniques
directes liées à l’activité du Mont Vulture
situé seulement à une dizaine de km (i.e. téphra
de Notarchirico) et des niveaux fluviatiles
riches en matériel volcanique remanié s’intégrant
dans la séquence plus vaste et bien connue du
bassin de Venosa. La datation par fusion laser
de monocristaux de sanidine, extraits de
différents niveaux sédimentaires, a permis de
replacer ce site dans un schéma
chronostratigraphique juste et précis. La
séquence de Notarchirico s’est déposée entre 661
± 14 ka (âge du téphra, localisé dans la partie
inférieure de la séquence) et 614 ± 12 ka (plus
jeune population de sanidines retrouvée dans le
niveau 1-6b au sommet de celle-ci) donc entre le
stade glaciaire 16 et le début de la période
interglaciaire 15. Ces nouvelles contraintes
géochronologiques font de ce site le gisement
abritant le plus ancien fossile hominidé d’Italie
et l’un des plus anciens sites acheuléens d’Europe.
(...) |
Analyses polliniques et
parasitologiques préliminaires de coprolithes de
carnivores du site moustérien des Ramandils (Port-la-Nouvelle,
Aude, France),
di A. S. Lartigot‑Campin, H. Mone, "Quaternaire",
vol. 28/2 | 2017, pp. 217-224
- free access -
Les fouilles du
site des Ramandils ont livré une faune abondante
associée à une industrie moustérienne, mais le
remplissage sédimentaire n’a pas été favorable
aux analyses polliniques. La découverte de
nombreux coprolithes offre l’opportunité de
réaliser une nouvelle analyse pollinique pour
obtenir des données sur la composition du
paysage végétal, visité par les prédateurs (carnivores
et hommes) et contemporain du site. Ces tests
mettent en évidence la présence d’ascaridioses,
provoquées par Toxocara sp. et Ascaris sp., qui
n’avaient pas encore été diagnostiquées, à cette
époque du Pléistocène supérieur dans le Sud de
la France. (...) |
ou la poule ? Retour sur le projet Magdatis «Le Magdalénien de la façade atlantique face aux
changements environnementaux»,
di V. Laroulandie, S. Costamagno, M. Langlais,
J. M. Pétillon, "Quaternaire", vol. 28/2 | 2017,
pp. 277-283 - free
access -
L’une des
questions qui anime le débat en archéologie
paléolithique est de comprendre les relations
qui existent entre l’évolution des techniques,
des cultures, ou encore des territoires occupés
par les groupes humains, et les changements du
climat, de la faune et de la flore. Le projet
Magdatis avait pour objectif d’apporter des
éléments de réponse par l’étude d’un cas
privilégié : le Magdalénien moyen et supérieur (vers
19 000-14 000 cal. BP) de l’ouest du Bassin
aquitain. Cette région présente de forts
contrastes écologiques qui en font un
laboratoire idéal pour comparer les
comportements des groupes humains dans des
milieux différents à la fin des temps glaciaires.
Pour cela, un bilan paléoenvironnemental
détaillé, des études archéologiques
multidisciplinaires et des datations
radiocarbone ont été réalisés. Les résultats du
projet ont significativement modifié notre
vision de l’espace ouest-aquitain au
Paléolithique, de ses contraintes
environnementales et de son peuplement humain.
La Gironde qui se présente alors comme une
étendue steppique, semble avoir été désertée
pendant deux millénaires, sans doute à cause de
dégradations environnementales. Dans les Landes,
un désert périglaciaire règne pendant toute la
période. Cela explique sans doute la faiblesse
de la présence humaine dans cet espace
probablement très contraignant pour la vie. En
revanche, les zones côtières étaient plus
souvent fréquentées et plus intensément
exploitées que ce que nous pensions jusqu’ici,
attestant de l’existence d’une économie
littorale. Dans les basses vallées pyrénéennes,
la déglaciation, achevée précocement, libère des
paysages ouverts qui sont rapidement occupés par
les groupes humains. Ce sont ainsi les
variations du milieu qui dessinent la carte des
espaces attractifs et répulsifs. En revanche,
les industries lithique et osseuse montrent l’existence
de réseaux de diffusion dont l’extension n’est
pas conditionnée par les obstacles naturels et
relève de logiques sociales. La dynamique
culturelle observée à cette échelle ne peut pas
être reliée simplement aux changements
environnementaux. (...) |
The association between
mid-facial morphology and climate in northeast
Europe differs from that in north Asia: Implications
for understanding the morphology of Late Pleistocene
Homo sapiens,
di A. A. Evteev, A. A. Movsesian, A. N. Grosheva,
"Journal of Human Evolution", Volume 107, June 2017,
Pages 36–48
climate of northeastern Europe is likely to resemble
in many ways Late Pleistocene periglacial conditions
in Europe, but there have been relatively few
studies exploring the association between climate
and morphology in the mid-face of modern
northeastern European populations. To fill this gap,
we sampled 540 male skulls from 22 European and Near
Eastern groups, including 314 skulls from 11
populations from northeastern Europe, to test for
possible climate-morphology association at the
continental scale. Our results found a moderate and
highly significant association (R = 0.48, p =
0.0013, Mantel test) between sets of 23 mid-facial
measurements and eight climatic variables. A partial
least squares analysis revealed this association to
be mostly driven by differences between groups from
northeastern Europe and populations from the
Mediterranean and the Caucasus. Matrices of
between-group genetic distances based on
Y-chromosome and mtDNA markers, as well as cranial
non-metric and geographic distance matrices, were
used to control for the possible influence of shared
population history. Irrespective of which measure of
neutral between-population distances is taken into
account, the association between cranial variables
and climate remains significant. The pattern of
association between climate and morphology of the
mid-face in western Eurasia was then compared to
that in east and north Asia. Although differences
between the two were found, there were also
similarities that support existing functional
interpretations of morphology for the bony parts of
the upper airways. Last, in a preliminary analysis
using a reduced set of measurements, mid-facial
morphology of several Upper Paleolithic European
Homo sapiens specimens was found to be more similar
to groups from northern and northeastern Europe than
to southern European populations. Thus, the
population of northeastern Europe rather than east
and north Asian groups should be used as a model
when studying climate-mediated mid-facial morphology
of Upper Paleolithic European H. sapiens. |
The Howieson's Poort fauna
from Sibudu Cave: Documenting continuity and change
within Middle Stone Age industries,
di J. L. Clark, "Journal of Human Evolution", Volume
107, June 2017, Pages 49–70
Howieson's Poort (HP; ∼65–59 ka) continues to be a
source of interest to scholars studying human
behavioral evolution during the Late Pleistocene.
This is in large part because the HP preserves
evidence for a suite of innovative technologies and
behaviors (including geometric backed tools and
engraved ostrich eggshell), but also because the
disappearance of the innovative behaviors associated
with this phase is not well understood. Here, I
present taphonomic and taxonomic data on the full
sample of macromammal remains excavated from the HP
deposits at Sibudu Cave under the direction of Lyn
Wadley. With a total number of identified specimens
(NISP) of 5921, Sibudu provides the largest sample
of HP fauna published to date. Taken as a whole, the
data suggest a focus on a diverse range of prey.
Ungulates dominate the assemblage, as do taxa that
preferentially inhabit closed (particularly forested)
environments. Small bovids are common throughout;
blue duiker (Philantomba monticola) alone comprises
∼33% of the total NISP. A diverse smaller game
assemblage is also present. Taphonomic data
implicate humans as the primary contributor to the
fauna; however, low levels of gastric etching (∼1%
of the NISP) suggest that non-human agents may have
played some role in the accumulation of the smaller
game. Despite broad similarities in the fauna, a
number of directional trends are evidenced. Most
notably, the lowermost deposits of the HP contain
the highest frequency of blue duiker and other small
ungulates, taxa which prefer closed environments,
and miscellaneous smaller game. All of these decline
throughout the HP, and these differences are
statistically significant. After considering
possible explanations for these trends, I discuss
the potential implications of the variation
evidenced in the assemblage to our understanding of
the onset—and disappearance—of this important
substage of the MSA. |
Australopithecus sediba and
the emergence of Homo: Questionable evidence from
the cranium of the juvenile holotype MH 1,
di W. H. Kimbel, Y. Rak, "Journal of Human Evolution",
Volume 107, June 2017, Pages 94–106
Malapa Hominin (MH) 1, an immature individual whose
second permanent molars had recently reached
occlusion at the time of death, is the holotype of
Australopithecus sediba, a 2-myr-old South African
taxon that has been hypothesized to link
phylogenetically australopith-grade hominins to the
Homo clade. Given the existence of 2.8 myr-old
fossils of Homo in eastern Africa, this hypothesis
implies a ghost lineage spanning at least 800 kyr.
An alternative hypothesis posits a unique
relationship between A. sediba and Australopithecus
africanus, which predates the Malapa hominins in
southern Africa and whose phylogenetic relationships
remain ambiguous. The craniofacial morphology of MH
1 looms large in the framing of the two hypotheses.
We evaluated these alternatives in two ways. First,
we investigated whether the craniofacial morphology
of MH 1 was ontogenetically stable at death. Based
on data from a late-growth series of chimpanzee,
gorilla, and modern human crania, we found that key
aspects of MH 1's resemblance to Homo can be
accounted for by its immaturity. Second, we studied
MH 1 with an eye to identifying craniofacial
synapomorphies shared with A. africanus. In this
case, MH 1 shows unambiguous affinities in its
zygomaticomaxillary and supraorbital morphology to
crania from Sterkfontein Member 4, which we found to
exhibit unusual derived morphology compared to Homo
and other australopiths. We argue that MH 1 provides
clear evidence that A. sediba was uniquely related
to A. africanus and that the hypothesis of an
extensive ghost lineage connecting A. sediba to the
root of the Homo clade is unwarranted. |
The affinities of Homo
floresiensis based on phylogenetic analyses of
cranial, dental, and postcranial characters,
di D. Argue, C. P. Groves, M. S.Y. Lee, W. L.
Jungers, "Journal of Human Evolution", Volume 107,
June 2017, Pages 107–133 -
free access -
Although the diminutive Homo floresiensis has been
known for a decade, its phylogenetic status remains
highly contentious. A broad range of potential
explanations for the evolution of this species has
been explored. One view is that H. floresiensis is
derived from Asian Homo erectus that arrived on
Flores and subsequently evolved a smaller body size,
perhaps to survive the constrained resources they
faced in a new island environment. Fossil remains of
H. erectus, well known from Java, have not yet been
discovered on Flores. The second hypothesis is that
H. floresiensis is directly descended from an early
Homo lineage with roots in Africa, such as Homo
habilis; the third is that it is Homo sapiens with
pathology. We use parsimony and Bayesian
phylogenetic methods to test these hypotheses. Our
phylogenetic data build upon those characters
previously presented in support of these hypotheses
by broadening the range of traits to include the
crania, mandibles, dentition, and postcrania of Homo
and Australopithecus. The new data and analyses
support the hypothesis that H. floresiensis is an
early Homo lineage: H. floresiensis is sister either
to H. habilis alone or to a clade consisting of at
least H. habilis, H. erectus, Homo ergaster, and H.
sapiens. A close phylogenetic relationship between
H. floresiensis and H. erectus or H. sapiens can be
rejected; furthermore, most of the traits separating
H. floresiensis from H. sapiens are not readily
attributable to pathology (e.g., Down syndrome). The
results suggest H. floresiensis is a long-surviving
relict of an early (>1.75 Ma) hominin lineage and a
hitherto unknown migration out of Africa, and not a
recent derivative of either H. erectus or H.
sapiens. (...) |
Interpretation of footprints
from Site S confirms human-like bipedal biomechanics
in Laetoli hominins,
di D. A. Raichlen, A. D. Gordon, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 107, June 2017, Pages 134–138
recent discovery of additional hominin footprints at
Laetoli (Masao et al., 2016) offers a rare
opportunity to revisit the biomechanics of
bipedalism in early hominins, a trait that was a
defining event in the evolution of the human lineage
(Darwin, 1871). While a great deal of work has
explored how and why this hallmark trait evolved,
recent debates have often focused on how best to
reconstruct hominin biomechanics (Stern and Susman,
1983; Latimer and Lovejoy, 1989; Stern, 2000; Ward,
2002; Lovejoy and McCollum, 2010). Specifically,
researchers have examined whether early hominins
used energetically economical human-like mechanics,
characterized by generally extended hindlimb joints
throughout a step, or whether they used a form of
bipedalism that fell somewhere between human and
more flexed-limb chimpanzee-like bipedal mechanics
(Stern, 2000; Lovejoy and McCollum, 2010). While
much of this debate has revolved around analyses of
fossil skeletal elements, ancient footprints provide
another avenue to test models of hominin locomotion.
(...) |
The Breaking of Ochred Pebble
Tools as Part of Funerary Ritual in the Arene
Candide Epigravettian Cemetery,
di C. Gravel-Miguel et alii, "Cambridge
Archaeological Journal", Volume 27, Issue 2, May
2017, pp. 331-350
present the analysis of 29 human-transported
limestone pebbles found during recent excavations
(2009–11) in the Final Epigravettian levels at the
Caverna delle Arene Candide, Italy. All pebbles are
oblong, most bear traces of red ochre and many
appear intentionally broken. Macroscopic analyses
demonstrate morphological similarity with pebbles
used as grave goods in the Final Epigravettian
necropolis excavated at the site in the 1940s.
Mediterranean beaches are the most plausible source
for the pebbles, which were carefully selected for
their specific shape. Microscopic observation of the
pebbles’ surfaces shows traces of ochre located on
the edges and/or centres of most pebbles. A breakage
experiment suggests that many pebbles were broken
with intentional, direct blows to their centre. We
propose that these pebbles were used to apply ochre
ritually to the individuals buried at the site, and
that some were subsequently ritually ‘killed’. This
study emphasizes the importance of studying
artefacts that are often ignored due to their
similarities to simple broken rocks. It also
provides a method to study pebbles as a distinct
artefact category, and shows that even broken parts
should be studied to understand the story told by
such objects in the context of prehistoric human
social systems. |
Patrimoine et changements
climatiques depuis un million d'années - Troisièmes
Journées Francophones,
"L'Anthropologie", Volume 121, Issues 1–2, Pages
1-214 (May 2017)
Chronologie du Paléolithique ouest africain :
premières datations OSL de la Vallée de la Falémé (Sénégal),
di B. Lebrun et alii
Vers une approche nouvelle de la dosimétrie:
implications pour les méthodes de datation par
luminescence et résonance paramagnétique
électronique, di
N. Mercier
contribution de la luminescence à la datation des
hauts niveaux marins du Pléistocène, di M. Lamothe
Développement de la méthode de datation par
luminescence (TL/OSL) di L. Bejjit
Apports de la datation par la luminescence des sites
du Proche-Orient et résultats préliminaires du site
de Nesher Ramla (Israël), di G. Guérin
Paléocours du delta du Zerafshan (oasis de Boukhara,
Ouzbékistan): premières datations par luminescence,
di A. J. C. Zink et alii
Étude spectrométrique de marbres du Maroc central,
di S. Khrissi et alii
Datation par les méthodes ESR/U-Th combinées de
sites du Pléistocène supérieur: méthodologie et
application en contexte karstique, di M. Richard
Apport des méthodes basées sur le déséquilibre
radioactif (238U-234U-230Th-226Ra-210Pb) aux études
des variations et changements climatiques, di
B. Ghaleb, C. Falguères
Chronologie et enregistrements climatiques dans les
dépôts travertineux du Maroc, di L. Rousseau et
indices climatiques du Pléistocène supérieur et de
l’Holocène des formations quaternaires de la côte
atlantique (Rabat-Témara, Maroc), di L. Boudad et
hauts niveaux marins interglaciaires pléistocènes
enregistrés dans la région d’Agadir: bilan des
données chronologiques, di S. Balescu et alii
Variations des niveaux marins et évolution des
cultures préhistoriques en fonction des changements
climatiques. Exemple des sites en grottes de la
région de Rabat-Témara, di M. Abdeljalil El Hajraoui,
R. Nespoulet
paléo-rivages des formations littorales atlantiques
du Pléistocène moyen – supérieur de Rabat-Témara (Maroc),
di D. Chahid
grands mammifères disparus du Maroc durant l’Holocène,
di B. Ouchaou et alii
Mise en évidence d’un changement climatique dans le
site pléistocène inférieur d’El Kherba (Algérie), et
son possible impact sur les activités des hominidés,
il y a 1,7 Ma, di M. Sahnouni et alii
Climats, paysages et premiers peuplements des îles :
le patrimoine de l’histoire de l’humanité en Asie du
sud-est insulaire, di F. Sémah
plus anciens peuplements de la Péninsule italienne,
di M. Arzarello, C. Peretto
Errayah, un site Acheuléen récent dans la partie
littorale nord-occidentale de l’Algérie (Sidi- Ali,
Mostaganem), di A. Derradji
comportements de subsistance en Afrique du
Nord-Ouest durant la transition Pléistocène
supérieur/Holocène: entre homogénéité et variations
stratégiques, di S. Merzoug
Amas et sites coquilliers du delta du Saloum
(Sénégal): Passé et présent, di A. Camara |
Comparative analysis of
trabecular bone structure and orientation in South
African hominin tali,
di A. Su, K. J. Carlson, "Journal of Human Evolution",
Volume 106, May 2017, Pages 1–18
Tali of several hominin taxa are preserved in the
fossil record and studies of the external morphology
of these often show a mosaic of human-like and
ape-like features. This has contributed to a growing
recognition of variability characterizing locomotor
kinematics of Australopithecus. In contrast,
locomotor kinematics of another Plio-Pleistocene
hominin, Paranthropus, are substantially less
well-documented, in part, because of the paucity of
postcranial fossils securely attributed to the genus.
Since the talus transmits locomotor-based loads
through the ankle and its internal structure is
hypothesized to reflect accommodation to such loads,
it is a cornerstone structure for reconstructing
locomotor kinematics. Here we quantify and
characterize trabecular bone morphology within tali
attributed to Australopithecus africanus (StW 102,
StW 363, StW 486) and Paranthropus robustus (TM
1517), making quantitative comparisons to modern
humans, extant non-human apes, baboons, and a
hominin talus attributed to Paranthropus boisei (KNM-ER
1464). Using high-resolution images of fossil tali
(25 μm voxels), nine trabecular bone subregions of
interest beneath the articular surface of the talar
trochlea were segmented to quantify localized
patterns in distribution and primary strut
orientation. It was found that trabecular strut
orientation and shape, in some cases, can
discriminate amongst species characterized by
different locomotor foot kinematics. Discriminant
function analyses using standard trabecular bone
structural properties align TM 1517 with Pan and
Gorilla, while other hominin tali structurally most
resemble those of baboons. In primary strut
orientation, Paranthropus tali (KNM-ER 1464 and TM
1517) resemble the human condition in the
anterior-medial subregion, where strut orientation
appears positioned to distribute compressive loads
medially and distally toward the talar head. In A.
africanus tali (particularly StW 486), primary strut
orientation in this region resembles that of apes.
These results suggest that Paranthropus may have had
a human-like medial weight shift during the last
half of stance phase but Australopithecus did not. |
Thinking locally:
Environmental reconstruction of Middle and Later
Stone Age archaeological sites in Ethiopia, Kenya,
and Zambia based on ungulate stable isotopes,
di J. R. Robinson, "Journal of Human Evolution",
Volume 106, May 2017, Pages 19–37
knowledge of the Pleistocene environments of Africa
consists primarily of data at a scale too coarse to
capture the full habitat variation important to
hominins ‘on the ground.’ These environments are
complex, highly variable, and poorly understood. As
such, data from individual sites are a needed
addition to our current paleoenvironmental
reconstructions. This study offers a site-based
approach focusing on stable isotope analyses of
fossil faunal tooth enamel from three archaeological
sites in tropical Africa. Carbon and oxygen stable
isotope data are reported from the sites of Porc
Epic, Ethiopia, Lukenya Hill, Kenya, and Kalemba
Rockshelter, Zambia. Stable isotope data from tooth
enamel are used to measure two environmental
variables: (1) aridity based on oxygen isotope
composition and (2) dietary reconstructions of
fossil ungulates based on the relative proportions
of C3 browse and C4 graze in the diet. These data
allow for a preliminary assessment of existing
models that attempt to explain the behavioral and
technological variation characteristic of the
transition between the Middle and Later Stone Ages.
Results indicate spatial and temporal variation in
aridity and phytogeography in tropical Africa during
the Pleistocene, suggesting that no single model is
likely to provide an explanation for the transition
at all sites across Africa. |
Evolutionary anatomy of the
Neandertal ulna and radius in the light of the new
El Sidrón sample,
di L. Pérez-Criado, A. Rosas, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 106, May 2017, Pages 38–53
This paper aims to improve our understanding of the
phylogenetic trait polarity related to hominin
forearm evolution, in particular those traits
traditionally defined as “Neandertal features.” To
this aim, twelve adult and adolescent fragmented
forelimb elements (including ulnae and radii) of
Homo neanderthalensis recovered from the site of El
Sidrón (Asturias, Spain) were examined comparatively
using three-dimensional geometric and traditional
morphometrics. Mean centroid size and shape
comparisons, principal components analysis, and
phylogenetic signal analysis were undertaken. Our
investigations revealed that the proximal region of
the ulna discriminated best between Neandertals and
modern humans, with fewer taxonomically-informative
features in the distal ulna and radius. Compared to
modern humans, the divergent features in the
Neandertal ulna are an increase in olecranon breadth
(a derived trait), lower coronoid length
(primitive), and anterior orientation of the
trochlear notch (primitive). In the Neandertal
radius, we observe a larger neck length (primitive),
medial orientation of the radial tubercle (secondarily
primitive), and a curved diaphysis (secondarily
primitive). Anatomically, we identified three units
of evolutionary change: 1) the olecranon and its
fossa, 2) the coronoid–radius neck complex, and 3)
the tubercle and radial diaphysis. Based on our
data, forearm evolution followed a mosaic pattern in
which some features were inherited from a pre-Homo
ancestor, others originated in some post-ergaster
and pre-antecessor populations, and other characters
emerged in the specific Homo sapiens and H.
neanderthalensis lineages, sometimes appearing as
secondarily primitive. Future investigations might
consider the diverse phylogenetic origin of
apomorphies while at the same time seeking to
elucidate their functional meaning. |
The Neandertal vertebral
column 2: The lumbar spine,
di A. Gómez-Olivencia, M. Arlegi, A. Barash, J. T.
Stock, E. Been, "Journal of Human Evolution", Volume
106, May 2017, Pages 84–101
Here we provide the most extensive metric and
morphological analysis performed to date on the
Neandertal lumbar spine. Neandertal lumbar vertebrae
show differences from modern humans in both the
vertebral body and in the neural arch, although not
all Neandertal lumbar vertebrae differ from modern
humans in the same way. Differences in the vertebral
foramen are restricted to the lowermost lumbar
vertebrae (L4 and L5), differences in the
orientation of the upper articular facets appear in
the uppermost lumbar vertebrae (probably in L1 and
L2–L3), and differences in the horizontal angle of
the transverse process appear in L2–L4. Neandertals,
when compared to modern humans, show a smaller
degree of lumbar lordosis. Based on a still limited
fossil sample, early hominins (australopiths and
Homo erectus) had a lumbar lordosis that was similar
to but below the mean of modern humans. Here, we
hypothesize that from this ancestral degree of
lumbar lordosis, the Neandertal lineage decreased
their lumbar lordosis and Homo sapiens slightly
increased theirs. From a postural point of view, the
lower degree of lordosis is related to a more
vertical position of the sacrum, which is also
positioned more ventrally with respect to the dorsal
end of the pelvis. This results in a spino-pelvic
alignment that, though different from modern humans,
maintained an economic postural equilibrium. Some
features, such as a lower degree of lumbar lordosis,
were already present in the middle Pleistocene
populations ancestral to Neandertals. However, these
middle Pleistocene populations do not show the full
suite of Neandertal lumbar morphologies, which
probably means that the characteristic features of
the Neandertal lumbar spine did not arise all at
once. |
Substantial biases affecting
Combe-Grenal faunal record cast doubts on previous
models of Neanderthal subsistence and environmental
di E. Discamps, J. P. Faivre, "Journal of
Archaeological Science", Volume 81, May 2017, Pages
This short contribution presents faunal data from
new fieldwork at the Middle Palaeolithic site of
Combe-Grenal (Dordogne, France). This important
sequence continues to serve as both a reference
sequence to which other Western European Middle
Palaeolithic sites are often compared and the basis
of several models of Neanderthal subsistence and
environmental context. However, several researchers
have highlighted the likelihood that skeletal part
profiles were biased as a consequence of the
incomplete recovery methods used during previous
excavations at Combe-Grenal. A comparison of faunal
remains recovered during new excavations with data
from the original collections allows recovery bias
induced by previous excavation protocols to be
quantified. The unreliability of the original
skeletal part profiles is confirmed by our study,
while, more importantly and unexpectedly, radical
biases in species frequencies were equally
identified. These results cast doubts on several
interpretive models held to account for variability
in Mousterian industries, the evolution of
Neanderthal hunting strategies, as well as
Pleistocene environmental changes. Furthermore,
Combe-Grenal provides an instructive example to
archaeologists working on sites with less than ideal
recovery methods of faunal material. In such cases,
recovery biases may be so substantial than even
basic faunal data, such as species lists, prove
unreliable. |
Early Upper Paleolithic
colonization across Europe: Time and mode of the
Gravettian diffusion,
di N. Bicho , J. Cascalheira, C. Gonçalves, May 24,
- free access -
This study presents new models on the origin, speed
and mode of the wave-of-advance leading to the
definitive occupation of Europe’s outskirts by
Anatomically Modern Humans, during the Gravettian,
between c. 37 and 30 ka ago. These models provide
the estimation for possible demic dispersal routes
for AMH at a stable spread rate of c. 0.7 km/year,
with the likely origin in Central Europe at the site
of Geissenklosterle in Germany and reaching all
areas of the European landscape. The results imply
that: 1. The arrival of the Gravettian populations
into the far eastern European plains and to southern
Iberia found regions with very low human occupation
or even devoid of hominins; 2. Human demography was
likely lower than previous estimates for the Upper
Paleolithic; 3. The likely early AMH paths across
Europe followed the European central plains and the
Mediterranean coast to reach to the ends of the
Italian and Iberian peninsulas. (...) |
Patterns of change and
continuity in ochre use during the late Middle Stone
Age of the Horn of Africa: The Porc-Epic Cave record,
di D. E. Rosso, F. d’Errico, A. Queffelec, May 24,
- free access -
Ochre is found at numerous Middle Stone Age (MSA)
sites and plays a key role in early modern human
archaeology. Here we analyse the largest known East
African MSA ochre assemblage, comprising 40 kg of
ochre, found at Porc-Epic Cave, Ethiopia, spanning a
period of at least 4,500 years. Visual
characterisation of ochre types, microscopic
identification of traces of modification,
morphological and morphometric analysis of ochre
pieces and modified areas, experimental reproduction
of grinding processes, surface texture analysis of
archaeological and experimentally ground ochre
facets, laser granulometry of ochre powder produced
experimentally on different grindstones and by Hamar
and Ovahimba women from Ethiopia and Namibia
respectively, were, for the first time, combined to
explore diachronic shifts in ochre processing
technology. Our results identify patterns of
continuity in ochre acquisition, treatment and use
reflecting both persistent use of the same
geological resources and similar uses of iron-rich
rocks by late MSA Porc-Epic inhabitants. Considering
the large amount of ochre processed at the site,
this continuity can be interpreted as the expression
of a cohesive cultural adaptation, largely shared by
all community members and consistently transmitted
through time. A gradual shift in preferred
processing techniques and motions is interpreted as
reflecting cultural drift within this practice.
Evidence for the grinding of ochre to produce small
quantities of powder throughout the sequence is
consistent with a use in symbolic activities for at
least part of the ochre assemblage from Porc-Epic
Cave. (...) |
Potential hominin affinities
of Graecopithecus from the Late Miocene of Europe,
di J. Fuss, N. Spassov, D. R. Begun, M. Böhme, May
22, 2017,
- free access -
split of our own clade from the Panini is
undocumented in the fossil record. To fill this gap
we investigated the dentognathic morphology of
Graecopithecus freybergi from Pyrgos Vassilissis (Greece)
and cf. Graecopithecus sp. from Azmaka (Bulgaria),
using new μCT and 3D reconstructions of the two
known specimens. Pyrgos Vassilissis and Azmaka are
currently dated to the early Messinian at 7.175 Ma
and 7.24 Ma. Mainly based on its external
preservation and the previously vague dating,
Graecopithecus is often referred to as nomen dubium.
The examination of its previously unknown dental
root and pulp canal morphology confirms the
taxonomic distinction from the significantly older
northern Greek hominine Ouranopithecus. Furthermore,
it shows features that point to a possible
phylogenetic affinity with hominins. G. freybergi
uniquely shares p4 partial root fusion and a
possible canine root reduction with this tribe and
therefore, provides intriguing evidence of what
could be the oldest known hominin. (...) |
Thoracic vertebral count and
thoracolumbar transition in Australopithecus
di C. V. Ward, T. K. Nalley, F. Spoor, P. Tafforeau,
Z. Alemseged, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences - Early Edition", May
22, 2017, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1702229114
evolution of the human pattern of axial segmentation
has been the focus of considerable discussion in
paleoanthropology. Although several complete lumbar
vertebral columns are known for early hominins, to
date, no complete cervical or thoracic series has
been recovered. Several partial skeletons have
revealed that the thoracolumbar transition in early
hominins differed from that of most extant apes and
humans. Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus
sediba, and Homo erectus all had zygapophyseal
facets that shift from thoracic-like to lumbar-like
at the penultimate rib-bearing level, rather than
the ultimate rib-bearing level, as in most humans
and extant African apes. What has not been clear is
whether Australopithecus had 12 thoracic vertebrae
as in most humans, or 13 as in most African apes,
and where the position of the thoracolumbar
transitional element was. The discovery, preparation,
and synchrotron scanning of the Australopithecus
afarensis partial skeleton DIK-1-1, from Dikika,
Ethiopia, provides the only known complete hominin
cervical and thoracic vertebral column before 60,000
years ago. DIK-1-1 is the only known
Australopithecus skeleton to preserve all seven
cervical vertebrae and provides evidence for 12
thoracic vertebrae with a transition in facet
morphology at the 11th thoracic level. The location
of this transition, one segment cranial to the
ultimate rib-bearing vertebra, also occurs in all
other early hominins and is higher than in most
humans or extant apes. At 3.3 million years ago, the
DIK-1-1 skeleton is the earliest example of this
distinctive and unusual pattern of axial
segmentation. |
Innovation in the production
and use of equipment in hard animal materials:
Origins and consequences in prehistoric societies,
from the Palaeolithic to the Mesolithic,
di A. Averbouh et alii, "Quaternary
International", Volume 438, Part B, 18 May 2017,
Pages 11–14
Since the earliest stages of prehistory, humans have
struggled to adapt to changing environments through
the use of many different materials. Amongst these,
bone and hard animal material in general played an
important role, along with stone and probably other
perishable materials as well, such as wood, which
have not survived to the present day. Particularly
during the Upper Palaeolithic, various osseous
materials (bone, antler, ivory, tooth …) were used
as raw material for making equipment used for
processing, hunting and personal or “symbolic”
ornaments, mainly because the economic and
technological basis of Pleistocene hunter-gatherers
revolved around the use of the entire faunal
spectrum. (...) |
Intertidal shellfish as a
source of protein and energy for the Middle Stone
Age inhabitants of the southwestern Cape and
northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa,
di K. Kyriacou, "Quaternary International", Volume
438, Part B, 18 May 2017, Pages 30–39
Intertidal mussels, limpets and oysters have been
utilized as food by the prehistoric inhabitants of
South African coastal regions since at least the
Last Interglacial (130 ka). There is, however,
little current information on their macronutrient
content and nutritional value. In this paper, I
present new, quantitative information on the protein,
fat and energy content of two limpet and one mussel
species from the Atlantic west coast (Cymbula
granatina, Scutellastra granularis and Choromytilus
meridionalis) and one mussel, one oyster and one
limpet species from the northern coast of
KwaZulu-Natal (Perna perna, Saccostrea culcullata
and Patella concolor). The results of nutrient
analyses show that many of these shellfish contain
relatively large amounts of protein, fat and energy.
When discussed alongside patterns in the
archaeological record, these findings have important
implications for our understanding of coastal
foraging during the Middle Stone Age. Nutritional
information and archaeological evidence indicate
that simple marine molluscs were a significant
source of protein and, to a lesser extent, energy,
for the prehistoric inhabitants of the Atlantic west
coast. In contrast, despite the good macronutrient
returns of some species, shellfish were not a
significant source of protein or energy for the
Middle Stone Age occupants of Sibudu Cave in
KwaZulu-Natal. |
A novel multidisciplinary bio-
and geo-chronological approach for age determination
of Palaeolithic bone artifacts in volcanic settings:
An example from eastern Sabatini, Latium, Italy,
di C. Petronio et alii, "Quaternary
International", Volume 438, Part B, 18 May 2017,
Pages 81–89
this study, we provide combined biochronologic and
chronostratigraphic constraints to the
fluvial-lacustrine succession cropping out near the
village of Rignano Flaminio, 35 km north of Rome,
where two bone instruments have been recovered along
with several vertebrate fossil remains. The presence
of bone tools is characteristic of the Latium region,
whereas it is rare in the rest of Italy, but very
few sites in which such artifacts occur have precise
geochronological constraints. In the investigated
site, the presence of Cervus elaphus eostephanoceros,
among other taxa, indicates a time interval limited
to Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 13 and MIS 11. The
occurrence of the Tufo Rosso a Scorie Nere
pyroclastic-flow deposit, dated 449 ± 2 ka, at the
base of the sedimentary deposits hosting the faunal
assemblage allows us at restricting the interval to
MIS 11. Moreover, applying a recently validated
conceptual model accounting for an aggradational
mechanism linked with sea-level rise during glacial
termination for the sedimentary successions of the
Tiber River and its tributaries in a relatively
wider area around Rome, we further constrain the age
to 430–405 ka. Following this approach, we present a
review of the archaeological sites of Latium
yielding bone instruments, remarking that only other
four sites have been recently provided with
geochronological constraints, through the
application of the multidisciplinary methodology
applied here. |
Eemian paleoclimate zones and
Neanderthal landscape-use: A GIS model of settlement
patterning during the last interglacial,
di C. M. Nicholson, "Quaternary International",
Volume 438, Part B, 18 May 2017, Pages 144–157
Obstacles to our understanding of Neanderthal
land-use patterns during the Last Interglacial
(130kya-116kya, Marine Isotope Stage 5e) include not
only the scarcity of sites in Europe but also a lack
of knowing what the landscape may have looked like
during this time. This research explores the
influence of climate on Neanderthal land-use.
Recently developed global climate models are capable
of simulating past climate variables (e.g.,
precipitation and temperature), and geographic
information system (GIS) tools can then be used to
interpolate these data to model the niches of past
organisms into paleoclimate zones. This study uses
Maximum Likelihood Classification analysis in GIS to
create a mosaic landscape of 22 paleoclimate zones
to reconstruct what Europe may have looked like
during the Last Interglacial Eemian. When overlain
with the location of Last Interglacial
archaeological sites, it is possible to visualize
Neanderthal landscape use with respect to these
climate zones. The modeled paleoclimate zones show
there was a preference for site locations in Warm
Temperate and Mesic climates. It also shows that
Neanderthals did not commonly live near climate zone
margins, preferring to stay in their “home” climate
zone. The Warm Temperate and Mesic climate regime
may have been preferred as a more climatically
stable region, resulting in less biological stress
related to thermoregulation. |
Magdalenian settlement on the edge of the loess
island: A case study from the northern foreland of
the Carpathians (SE Poland),
di D. Bobak et alii, "Quaternary
International", Volume 438, Part B, 18 May 2017,
Pages 158–173
subject of interdisciplinary studies was the
Magdalenian archaeological site and its vicinity
situated in the SE part of Kolbuszowa Plateau (Sandomierz
Basin, SE Poland). The results of geoarchaeological
analysis were not limited only to the area of
archaeological excavations, but also include a wider
background. From palaeogeographical point of view
very important was the geomorphical location of the
camp on the periphery of unique loess island close
to valley of San River (tributary of Vistula).
Analyzed soil profiles – with cultural layer very
attractive for archaeologists – represent facies of
sandy-silty deposits mainly formed by deluvial and
aeolian processes active in the margin of a quite
large, morphologically diversified loess island. The
lower part of the studied sediments was deposited
simultaneously with the youngest loesses, which were
accumulated in the close proximity. The deposition
of sandy-silty deposits continued during Late
Glacial and ended in Younger Dryas when in the
adjacent loess zone there were formed stratified
silty deposits of deluvial-aeolian origin. This
spatial variability of deposits, which were
accumulated in a small area, resulted undoubtedly
from local conditions and favoured the development
of different plant communities at the time when the
camp was functioning. Geological research carried
out in the Kolbuszowa Plateau provided an answer to
the question about the time and conditions of the
stay of Magdalenian hunters. This stay coincided
with the period of stopped activity of aeolian-slope
processes and stabilization of ground surface by
grass vegetation when the big meandering river
functioned in the deepened valley. Place for the
camp was undoubtedly selected on account of its
geomorphological qualities – location on the slope
sheltered from westerly winds and with extensive
view over the surrounding area, at the confluence of
two rivers. According to presented data, small
groups of Magdalenian hunters appeared on the loess
island and in its immediate surroundings in the
Allerød. Advantages of this area were as follows:
geographical situation near the main migration route,
the proximity to the junction of ecological
corridors, diversified relief with good observation
points and safe places for camp location, access to
water and diverse vegetation cover with forests as
well as grass areas attracting the game. Finally,
despite the peripheral nature of settlement and
generally poor traces of stay of the Magdalenian
groups in SE Poland, both the features of lithic
inventories and settlement strategies fit perfectly
with the picture of the Magdalenian complex in
Central Europe. |
L’ambiente del primo individuo
del genere “Homo” 2,8 milioni di anni fa,
17 maggio 2017
scienziati hanno a lungo ipotizzato che la
transizione dall’Australopiteco all’Homo, in Africa
orientale, fosse collegata al passaggio da un
ambiente caratterizzato da umide foreste a pianure
erbose più aride. Ora un nuovo studio ha analizzato
alcuni fossili animali per ricostruire l’ambiente in
questa regione tra i 3,5 e 1 milione di anni fa,
confermando la teoria. I dati sono stati incrociati
con l’analisi dei denti fossilizzati del più antico
appartenente al genere Homo mai trovato: un
individuo scoperto nel 2013 a Ledi-Geraru (Etiopia)
e risalente a 2,8 milioni di anni fa. La sua dieta,
tuttavia, era simile a quella dell’Australopiteco,
implicando che un cambiamento della dieta non
coincise con l’origine del genere Homo. La ricerca
si base sul ritrovamento di una mascella (LD 350-1)
con ancora alcuni denti attaccati. Appartenenteva a
un individuo del genere Homo, la cui specie non è
stata però ancora definita con certezza. La mascella
era di 400.000 anni più antica dei fossili
precedentemente noti, e ha spinto i ricercatori a
studiare Ledi-Geraru (nella bassa valle dell’Awash,
Etiopia) per rispondere a due domande fondamentali:
Perché lì? E perché allora? (...)
· Il paesaggio che vide la nascita di Homo, "Le
Scienze", 17 maggio 2017 |
High handaxe symmetry at the
beginning of the European Acheulian: The data from
la Noira (France) in context,
di R. Iovita , I. Tuvi-Arad, M. H. Moncel, J.
Despriée, P. Voinchet, J. J. Bahain, May 17,
- free access -
the last few decades, new discoveries have pushed
the beginning of the biface-rich European Acheulian
from 500 thousand years (ka) ago back to at least
700 ka, and possibly to 1 million years (Ma) ago. It
remains, however, unclear to date if handaxes
arrived in Europe as a fully developed technology or
if they evolved locally from core-and-flake
industries. This issue is also linked with another
long-standing debate on the existence and behavioral,
cognitive, and social meaning of a possibly
chronological trend for increased handaxe symmetry
throughout the Lower Paleolithic. The newly
discovered sites can provide a link between the much
older Acheulian in Africa and the Levant and the
well-known assemblages from the later European
Acheulian, enabling a rigorous testing of these
hypotheses using modern morphometric methods. Here
we use the Continuous Symmetry Measure (CSM) method
to quantify handaxe symmetry at la Noira, a newly
excavated site in central France, which features two
archaeological levels, respectively ca. 700 ka and
500 ka old. In order to provide a context for the
new data, we use a large aggregate from the
well-known 500 ka old site of Boxgrove, England. We
show that handaxes from the oldest layer at la Noira,
although on average less symmetric than both those
from the younger layers at the same site and than
those from Boxgrove, are nevertheless much more
symmetric than other early Acheulian specimens
evaluated using the CSM method. We also correlate
trends in symmetry to degree of reduction,
demonstrating that raw material availability and
discard patterns may affect observed symmetry values.
We conclude that it is likely that, by the time the
Acheulian arrived in Europe, its makers were, from a
cognitive and motor-control point of view, already
capable of producing the symmetric variant of this
technology. (...) |
beginning for earliest Homo,
2013, an ASU research team found the oldest known
evidence of our own genus, Homo, at Ledi-Geraru in
the lower Awash Valley of Ethiopia. A jawbone with
teeth was dated to 2.8 million years ago, about
400,000 years earlier than previously known fossils
of Homo. After the discovery, attention turned to
reconstructing the environment of this ancient human
ancestor to understand why there and why then. But
how do you re-create specific environments from
millions of years ago to understand where our
ancient ancestors lived? Paleoanthropologists use
animal fossils like proxy time machines to re-create
what past environments were like. If animal fossils
indicate browsing on tree leaves, like giraffes and
monkeys do, then they know that the environment was
characterized by woody trees and significant
rainfall. If the fossils suggest grazing on grass,
as many antelopes do, then the environments would
have been open and arid with grassy plains.
Scientists have long suggested that global cooling
and the spread of grassy environments set the stage
for the beginnings of Homo. (...) |
L'enigma di H. naledi e i
dubbi sull'evoluzione umana,
13 maggio 2017
2015 la scoperta in Sudafrica di oltre 1500 fossili
umani appartenenti a circa 15 individui di ogni
sesso ed età, ha provocato una notevole sensazione.
Era un tesoro inimmaginabile, una delle più ricche
associazioni di fossili umani mai trovate,
recuperata da una camera all'interno di un sistema
sotterraneo di grotte vicino a Johannesburg chiamato
Rising Star. I ricercatori hanno stabilto che le
ossa appartenevano a una nuova specie, Homo naledi,
che aveva una curiosa mescolanza di tratti primitivi
– come un piccolo cervello, e caratteristiche
moderne – tra cui le gambe lunghe – e ne hanno
concluso che era un abile arrampicatore, un
camminatore sulle lunghe distanze, e un probabile
creatore di utensili. Suggerendo inoltre che questo
nostro singolare cugino doveva essersi dato una gran
pena per sistemare i suoi morti nelle scure e
profonde cavità di Rising Star, così difficili da
raggiungere. Eppure, nonostante tutto ciò che il
team di studioso aveva potuto stabilire dall'analisi
delle ossa, la scoperta è forse più conosciuta per
quello che non erano riusciti ad accertare: la loro
età. (...) |
Neandertal and Denisovan DNA
from Pleistocene sediments,
di V. Slon et alii, Science 12 May 2017, Vol.
356, Issue 6338, pp. 605-608
Although a rich record of Pleistocene
human-associated archaeological assemblages exists,
the scarcity of hominin fossils often impedes the
understanding of which hominins occupied a site.
Using targeted enrichment of mitochondrial DNA, we
show that cave sediments represent a rich source of
ancient mammalian DNA that often includes traces of
hominin DNA, even at sites and in layers where no
hominin remains have been discovered. By
automation-assisted screening of numerous sediment
samples, we detected Neandertal DNA in eight
archaeological layers from four caves in Eurasia. In
Denisova Cave, we retrieved Denisovan DNA in a
Middle Pleistocene layer near the bottom of the
stratigraphy. Our work opens the possibility of
detecting the presence of hominin groups at sites
and in areas where no skeletal remains are found. |
Ecco ‘Neo’, il più completo
scheletro di Homo naledi mai trovato,
10 maggio 2017
Quando due anni fa i cacciatori di fossili svelarono
i resti di una misteriosa e arcaica nuova specie
umana, nelle profondità di una grotta in Sudafrica,
la comunità scientifica rimase sbalordita. Da
allora, i corpi dei membri della famiglia a lungo
dimenticata si sono moltiplicati. Nello studio
pubblicato sulla rivista eLife si parla dei resti di
almeno 18 Homo naledi. L’ultimo ritrovamento di
ossa, scoperte in una grotta a 100 metri dal primo,
include un cranio adulto quasi completo. I test
hanno datato le ossa tra i 335.000 e i 236.000 anni
fa, rendendole molto più recenti di quanto molti
scienziati si aspettassero. «Significa che questa
primitiva specie di ominide coesistette con l’Homo
sapiens“, ha detto Lee Berger, scienziato
dell’Università di Witwatersrand a Johannesburg. Le
ossa, incredibilmente, mostrano pochi segni di
malattia o stress da scarso sviluppo, suggerendo che
l’Homo naledi potrebbe essere stata la specie
dominante nella zona all’epoca. “Sono i morti più
sani che si possano vedere”, ha detto Berger.
(...) |
Small-brained early human lived more recently than
expected, di S.
Wild, "Nature News", 9 maggio 2017
early human species with a curious mix of archaic
and modern features lived in South Africa just a few
hundred thousand years ago, researchers have found.
Dubbed Homo naledi, the species had a small,
fist-sized brain similar to that of ancient hominin
species that lived millions of years earlier. But it
may also have overlapped with ancestors of Homo
sapiens, and, its discoverers contend, might even
have made tools. H. naledi was uncovered in the
Rising Star cave system in South Africa in 2013,
where a team led by palaeoanthropologist Lee Berger,
at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg,
found a huge trove of ancient human bones and teeth.
Now, Berger and his colleagues say that they have
dated those remains to between 335,000 and 236,000
years ago, and that they have since discovered more
of the species’ skeletons. Their findings are
detailed in three papers published in eLife1, 2, 3
on 9 May. The date is “astonishingly young for a
species that still displays primitive
characteristics found in fossils about 2 million
years old”, says Chris Stringer, an anthropologist
at the Natural History Museum in London. The brain
of H. naledi came close in size to that of very
early members of the Homo genus, and of ancient
australopiths — and was only slightly larger than
that of a chimpanzee. Its curved fingers and its
shoulder, trunk and hip joints also seem ancient,
Stringer says. “Yet the wrist, hands, legs and feet
look more like those of Neanderthals and modern
humans, and the teeth are relatively small and
simple, and set in lightly built jawbones.” (...) |
Le grotte funerarie di Homo
9 maggio 2017
Nuovi importanti fossili di Homo naledi sono stati
scoperti in una profonda camera del sistema di
caverne sudafricano di Rising Star, un vero
labirinto sotterraneo in cui nel 2013 erano stati
trovati numerosi resti fossili di una enigmatica
specie ominide.Solo nel 2015, dopo un attenta
analisi dei reperti, la specie - capace di andatura
perfettamente bipede, ma con alcune caratteristiche
che ricordano l’australopiteco – è stata attribuita
al nostro genere, con il nome di H. naledi.
L'estrema difficoltà di accesso al luogo in cui sono
stati ritrovati i nuovi resti suffraga l'idea che H.
naledi conservasse i propri morti, un comportamento
sorprendente che suggerisce una notevole
intelligenza e il possibile sviluppo di una forma
iniziale di cultura. I fossili - descritti in un
articolo su "eLife" - appartengono ad almeno tre
individui (due adulti e un bambino di età
presumibilmente inferiore ai cinque anni) e
comprendono un "cranio meravigliosamente completo",
come ha detto John Hawks, antropologo all'Università
di Wisconsin-Madison e coautore dello studio.
(...) |
Changes in Early Stone Age
tool production have 'musical' ties,
research suggests that advances in the production of
Early Stone Age tools had less to do with the
evolution of language and more to do with the brain
networks involved in modern piano playing. Around
1.75 million years ago there was a revolutionary
innovation in stone tool technology, when early
humans moved from making simple Oldowan flake and
pebble tools to producing two-sided, shaped tools,
such as Acheulian hand axes and cleavers. This
advance is thought to reflect an evolutionary change
in intelligence and language abilities.
Understanding the link between brain evolution and
cognition is a challenge, however, because it is
impossible to observe the brain activity of extinct
humans. An innovative approach to this challenge is
to bring together modern neuroscience methods and
material artefacts from the archaeological record.
To understand the brain changes that might have
co-evolved with the advance in tool use, researchers
in the field of neuroarcheology - from the
University of East Anglia's (UEA) School of
Psychology, The Stone Age Institute at Indiana
University, and the Department of Anthropology at
the University of Iowa - have been examining the
brain activity of modern humans as they learn to
make Oldowan and Acheulian stone tools. (...) |
On the relationship between
climate and Neandertal fire use during the Last
Glacial in south-west France,
di A. C. Sorensen, "Quaternary International",
Volume 436, Part A, 29 April 2017, Pages 114–128
Both environmental and cultural factors dictate how,
when and where hunter-gatherers use fire in the
landscape, as well as how well evidence for any one
fire will preserve in the archaeological record.
Variability in the production and preservation of
anthropogenic fire traces can potentially skew our
perception of fire use in the past. With this in
mind, the research presented in this article weighs
in on the debate concerning Neandertal fire use and
fire making, specifically, the assertion that
Neandertals were unable to produce fire for
themselves (Sandgathe et al., 2011a, 2011b). This
hypothesis is based on the inferred correlation
between climatic deterioration, concurrent lowering
of lightning-ignited fire frequencies, and reduced
signals for fire use in layers presumably deposited
during the Lower Pleniglacial (Marine Isotope Stage
4) at the Middle Palaeolithic sites of Roc de Marsal
and Pech de l’Azé IV (Aquitaine Basin, southwestern
France), the logic being that if Neandertals could
produce fire at will, fire use signals would remain
largely consistent throughout the deposits despite
there being limited access to natural fires in the
landscape during this colder period. This review
challenges these assertions at multiple scales by
looking at regional lightning and fire regime
dynamics, comparing the fire signals observed at Roc
de Marsal and Pech de l’Azé IV to those of other
sites nearby and around France, and exploring the
various environmental and cultural factors likely
influencing these signals. Ultimately, the data
suggests that estimated reductions in lightning
frequencies and fire regime during the Lower
Pleniglacial (and colder stadial periods, in general)
were not adequate to severely limit Neandertal
access to natural fire, while possible artefactual
evidence for Neandertal fire making challenges the
assumption that they were at all reliant on
lightning-ignited fire. Moreover, at the nearby
Neandertal site of Combe Grenal, the majority of the
layers exhibiting evidence of fire use have cold
climatic signals, suggesting the fire use trends
observed at Roc de Marsal and Pech de l’Azé IV are
potentially local expressions of changes in regional
site use patterns, possibly brought on by increased
reliance on highly mobile, migratory reindeer prey
species and reductions in local woodfuel
availability during cold periods. Other factors
potentially reducing the archaeological visibility
of cold climate fire use are discussed. |
Middle Pleistocene genesis of Neanderthal technology
in Western Europe: The case of Payre site (south-east
France), di J.
Baena, M. H. Moncel, F. Cuartero, M. G. Chacón
Navarro, D. Rubio, "Quaternary International",
Volume 436, Part A, 29 April 2017, Pages 212–238
Technological changes during the second part of the
Middle Pleistocene in Europe are crucial sources of
information as they are considered to be evidence of
the transition between two distinct periods; the
Lower Palaeolithic and the Middle Palaeolithic. The
application of experimental technical (mode of
percussion) and technological (core technology)
analyses contributes to a more accurate appraisal of
these technological changes and renews traditional
approaches to the study of Early Middle Palaeolithic
lithic assemblages. In this paper, the analysis of
the level Ga assemblage from Payre, dated to the end
of isotopic stage 8 – beginning of stage 7, based on
the technological analysis of the archaeological
assemblage and experimental methodologies, indicates
that Pre-Neanderthals adopted a variety of
technological solutions during the earliest
occupations of this site. At Orgnac 3, the reduction
process in level 1 was mainly based on Levallois
core technology (even if different methods were
applied) and a ramified process (with many
core-flakes), whereas the débitage in level Ga at
Payre was generally unifacial on flakes and
orthogonal, but primarily reveals technical and
technological strategies related to both Quina,
discoid and Levallois débitage concepts. Early
Middle Palaeolithic assemblages, as represented by
level Ga at Payre, could attest to the presence of a
technical and technological “pool of knowledge” for
some hominin groups as early as MIS 8–7, with
sequential applications of different methods on the
same core. This technological behavior would thus
represent a phase of transition observed in some
assemblages between the Lower Palaeolithic and the
Late Middle Palaeolithic strategies. This behavior
differs from standardized technology during the Late
Middle Palaeolithic, as documented in Western Europe,
before the outbreak of technological variability
which occurred at roughly the same time as the
arrival of the first modern humans during MIS 3.
Hypotheses for explaining this transitional phase
are discussed in relation to other examples of
assemblages. |
Lagomorph predation
represented in a middle Palaeolithic level of the
Navalmaíllo Rock Shelter site (Pinilla del Valle,
Spain), as inferred via a new use of classical
taphonomic criteria,
di M. C. Arriaza, "Quaternary International", Volume
436, Part A, 29 April 2017, Pages 294–306
Lagomorph remains at Pleistocene sites may
accumulate through the action of hominins, raptors
or carnivores. Actualistic studies have described
reliable taphonomic indicators that allow human and
non-human involvement in such accumulations to be
distinguished. However, discriminating between
possible animal predators is not easy, because the
prey remnants they leave may undergo the same kinds
of taphonomic transformation. The main aim of the
present work was to identify the agent, human or
non-human, that accumulated the lagomorph remains at
the Navalmaíllo Rock Shelter site (Pinilla del
Valle, Madrid). For this, 1) established taphonomic
criteria, such as anatomical representation, were
taken into account, 2) the presence of infant
lagomorphs was examined by determining the age of
the individual animals, 3) and coprolite remains
adhered to fossils were identified. This new use of
the latter two criteria aided in the identification
of the predator responsible for the accumulation of
remains. The results suggest that this was a small
carnivore, probably an Iberian lynx. |
Ancient-human genomes plucked from cave dirt,
di E. Callaway, "Nature News", 27/4/2017
Bones and teeth aren’t the only ways to learn about
extinct human relatives. For the first time,
researchers have recovered ancient-human DNA without
having obvious remains — just dirt from the caves
the hominins lived in. The technique opens up a new
way to probe prehistory. From sediments in European
and Asian caves, a team led by geneticist Viviane
Slon and molecular biologist Matthias Meyer, both at
the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, sequenced genomes
of cell structures called mitochondria from
Neanderthals and another hominin group, the
Denisovans. Their work is published in Science.
“It’s exciting to see that you can end up with a
whole pile of ancient-human DNA from just dirt,”
says Michael Bunce, an evolutionary biologist at
Curtin University in Perth, Australia. Slon and
Meyer are not the first to decode ancient dirt.
Palaeogeneticist Eske Willerslev of the Natural
History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen pioneered
the approach in 2003, to find out about the plants
and animals that populated prehistoric environments.
Using the technique, he and his team revealed that
Greenland was once richly forested4 But Slon and
Meyer are the first to use the technique on hominin
DNA. (...) |
people used ochre at Rose Cottage Cave, South
Africa: Sixty thousand years of evidence from the
Middle Stone Age,
di T. Hodgskiss, L. Wadley, April 26, 2017,
- free access -
describe colour, hardness, grain size, geological
type and surface modifications of ochre pieces
excavated, first by Malan and later by Harper, from
the Middle Stone Age (MSA) of Rose Cottage Cave, 96,
000 to 30, 000 years ago. Soft, bright-red shales
are abundant, and most ochre has clayey or silty
grain sizes. The post-Howiesons Poort layers contain
the most ochre pieces, but the Howiesons Poort
layers have the highest frequency of ochre per
sediment volume. The pre-Howiesons Poort layers have
the highest utilization rate. Use-traces include
rubbing, grinding, combined grinding and rubbing,
and rare instances of scoring. The processing
techniques are proxies for ochre use. Rubbing
transfers red ochre powder directly onto soft
surfaces, such as human skin, or animal hide. This
is appropriate when skin colouring and marking or
skin protection (for example from sun, insects or
bacteria) is the purpose. Grinding produces ochre
powder that can be used for a variety of tasks. It
can be mixed with water or other products to create
paint, cosmetics or adhesives. Multiple uses of
ochre powder and ochre pieces are therefore implied
at Rose Cottage and changes through time are
apparent. (...) |
Pressure flaking to serrate
bifacial points for the hunt during the MIS5 at
Sibudu Cave (South Africa),
di V. Rots, C. Lentfer, V. C. Schmid, G. Porraz, N.
J. Conard, April 26, 2017,
- free access -
Projectile technology is considered to appear early
in the southern African Middle Stone Age (MSA) and
the rich and high resolution MSA sequence of Sibudu
Cave in KwaZulu-Natal has provided many new insights
about the use and hafting of various projectile
forms. We present the results of a functional and
technological analysis on a series of unpublished
serrated bifacial points recently recovered from the
basal deposits of Sibudu Cave. These serrated tools,
which only find equivalents in the neighbouring site
of Umhlatuzana, precede the Still Bay techno-complex
and are older than 77 ka BP. Independent residue and
use-wear analyses were performed in a phased
procedure involving two separate analysts, which
allowed the engagement between two separate lines of
functional evidence. Thanks to the excellent
preservation at Sibudu Cave, a wide range of animal,
plant and mineral residues were observed in direct
relation with diagnostic wear patterns. The
combination of technological, wear and residue
evidence allowed us to confirm that the serration
was manufactured with bone compressors and that the
serrated points were mounted with a composite
adhesive as the tips of projectiles used in hunting
activities. The suite of technological and
functional data pushes back the evidence for the use
of pressure flaking during the MSA and highlights
the diversity of the technical innovations adopted
by southern African MSA populations. We suggest the
serrated points from the stratigraphic units Adam to
Darya of Sibudu illustrate one important
technological adaptation of the southern African MSA
and provide another example of the variability of
MSA bifacial technologies. (...) |
A famous 'ancestor' may be
ousted from the human family,
di A. Gibbons, "Science News", Apr. 23, 2017
remarkably complete skeleton introduced in 2010 as
“the best candidate” for the immediate ancestor of
our genus Homo may just be a pretender. Instead of
belonging to the human lineage, the new species of
Australopithecus sediba is more closely related to
other hominins from South Africa that are on a side
branch of the human family tree, according to a new
analysis of the fossil presented here last week at
the annual meeting of the American Association of
Physical Anthropologists. When fossils from several
individuals’ skeletons were found in a collapsed
cave in Malapa, South Africa, in 2008, their
discoverer, paleoanthropologist Lee Berger of the
University of the Witwatersrand, noted that they
helped fill a key gap in the fossil record 2 million
to 3 million years ago when some upright-walking
australopithecine evolved into the earliest member
of our genus, Homo. But the oldest Homo fossils, at
2.4 million to 2.9 million years, are scrappy, and a
half dozen more primitive hominins may have been
walking around Africa at roughly the right time to
be the ancestor. Researchers have hotly debated
whether their direct ancestor was the famous
3.2-million-year-old fossil Lucy and her kind,
Australopithecus afarensis from Ethiopia, or another
australopithecine. (...) |
Neanderthal behaviour, diet, and disease inferred
from ancient DNA in dental calculus,
di L. S. Weyrich et alii, "Nature" 544, pp. 357–361
(20 April 2017)
Recent genomic data have revealed multiple
interactions between Neanderthals and modern humans,
but there is currently little genetic evidence
regarding Neanderthal behaviour, diet, or disease.
Here we describe the shotgun-sequencing of ancient
DNA from five specimens of Neanderthal calcified
dental plaque (calculus) and the characterization of
regional differences in Neanderthal ecology. At Spy
cave, Belgium, Neanderthal diet was heavily meat
based and included woolly rhinoceros and wild sheep
(mouflon), characteristic of a steppe environment.
In contrast, no meat was detected in the diet of
Neanderthals from El Sidrón cave, Spain, and dietary
components of mushrooms, pine nuts, and moss
reflected forest gathering. Differences in diet were
also linked to an overall shift in the oral
bacterial community (microbiota) and suggested that
meat consumption contributed to substantial
variation within Neanderthal microbiota. Evidence
for self-medication was detected in an El Sidrón
Neanderthal with a dental abscess and a chronic
gastrointestinal pathogen (Enterocytozoon bieneusi).
Metagenomic data from this individual also contained
a nearly complete genome of the archaeal commensal
Methanobrevibacter oralis (10.2× depth of coverage)—the
oldest draft microbial genome generated to date, at
around 48,000 years old. DNA preserved within dental
calculus represents a notable source of information
about the behaviour and health of ancient hominin
specimens, as well as a unique system that is useful
for the study of long-term microbial evolution. |
Anterior dental microwear
textures show habitat-driven variability in
Neandertal behavior,
di K. L. Krueger et alii, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 105, April 2017, Pages 13–23
causes of Neandertal anterior tooth wear patterns,
including labial rounding, labial scratches, and
differential anterior-posterior wear, have been
debated for decades. The most common explanation is
the “stuff-and-cut” hypothesis, which describes
Neandertals clamping down on a piece of meat and
slicing a portion close to their lips.
“Stuff-and-cut” has been accepted as a general
aspect of Neandertal behavior without fully
assessing its variability. This study analyzes
anterior dental microwear textures across habitats,
locations, and time intervals to discern possible
variation in Neandertal anterior tooth-use behavior.
Forty-five Neandertals from 24 sites were analyzed,
represented by high-resolution replicas of permanent
anterior teeth. The labial surface was scanned for
antemortem microwear using a white-light confocal
profiler. The resultant 3D-point clouds,
representing 204 × 276 μm for each specimen, were
uploaded into SSFA software packages for texture
characterization. Statistical analyses, including
MANOVAs, ANOVAs, and pairwise comparisons, were
completed on ranked microwear data. Neandertal
descriptive statistics were also compared to 10
bioarchaeological samples of known or inferred
dietary and behavioral regimes. The Neandertal
sample varied significantly by habitat, suggesting
this factor was a principal driving force for
differences in Neandertal anterior tooth-use
behaviors. The Neandertals from open habitats showed
significantly lower anisotropy and higher textural
fill volume than those inhabiting more closed,
forested environments. The texture signature from
the open-habitat Neandertals was most similar to
that of the Ipiutak and Nunavut, who used their
anterior teeth for intense clamping and grasping
behaviors related to hide preparation. Those in more
closed habitats were most similar to the Arikara,
who did not participate in non-dietary behaviors.
These Neandertal individuals had a broad range of
texture values consistent with non-dietary and
dietary behaviors, suggesting they varied more in
anterior tooth-use behaviors and exploited a wider
variety of plant and animal resources than did those
from open habitats. |
The chronostratigraphy of the
Haua Fteah cave (Cyrenaica, northeast Libya) —
Optical dating of early human occupation during
Marine Isotope Stages 4, 5 and 6,
di Z. Jacobs et alii, "Journal of Human
Evolution", Volume 105, April 2017, Pages 69–88
paper presents the results of optical dating of
potassium-rich feldspar grains obtained from the
Haua Fteah cave in Cyrenaica, northeast Libya,
focussing on the chronology of the Deep Sounding
excavated by Charles McBurney in the 1950s and
re-excavated recently. Samples were also collected
from a 1.25 m-deep trench (Trench S) excavated
during the present project below the basal level of
the Deep Sounding. Optically stimulated luminescence
(OSL) data sets for multi-grain, single aliquots of
quartz for samples from the Middle Trench were
previously published. Re-analyses of these OSL data
confirm significant variation in the dose saturation
levels of the quartz signal, but allow the most
robust OSL ages to be determined for comparison with
previous age estimates and with those obtained in
this study for potassium-rich feldspars from the
Deep Sounding. The latter indicate that humans may
have started to visit the cave as early as ∼150 ka
ago, but that major use of the cave occurred during
MIS 5, with the accumulation of the Deep Sounding
sediments. Correlations between optical ages and
episodes of “Pre-Aurignacian” artefact discard
indicate that human use of the cave during MIS 5 was
highly intermittent. The earliest phases of human
activity appear to have occurred during interstadial
conditions (5e and 5c), with a later phase of lithic
discard associated with more stadial conditions,
possibly MIS 5b. We argue that the “Pre-Aurignacian”
assemblage can probably be linked with modern humans,
like the succeeding “Levalloiso-Mousterian”
assemblage; two modern human mandibles associated
with the latter are associated with a modelled age
of 73–65 ka. If this attribution is correct, then
the new chronology implies that modern humans using
“Pre-Aurignacian” technologies were in Cyrenaica as
early as modern humans equipped with “Aterian”
technologies were in the Maghreb, raising new
questions about variability among lithic
technologies during the initial phases of modern
human dispersals into North Africa. |
Evidence of toothpick groove formation in Neandertal
anterior and posterior teeth,
di A. Estalrrich, J. A. Alarcón, A. Rosas, "American
Journal of Physical Anthropology", April 2017,
Volume 162, Issue 4, Pages 747–756
During the microscopic examination of the Neandertal
dentitions from El Sidrón (Spain) and Hortus
(France), we found unusual fine parallel
microstriations on the mesial and distal sides of
all tooth types, near the cervix. As its appearance
was similar to toothpick grooves described in other
Homo species, it could correspond to early stages on
its formation. To test this hypothesis we developed
an experimental replication of a groove using grass
Comparisons between 204 isolated Neandertal teeth
and the two experimental dental specimens
corroborate that the marks correspond to initial
stages of toothpick groove formation, and we propose
a five-grade recording scale that summarized the
groove formation process.
Using this new recording procedure, we found that
Hortus individuals have higher incidence of this
trait (eight individuals out of nine) than the El
Sidrón individuals (nine out of 11). Toothpick
grooves from El Sidrón show the earliest stages of
development, whereas the grooves found on Hortus
Neandertals were well-developed. Toothpick grooves
were also found in 21 incisors and canines.
These differences could be due to the more advanced
occlusal dental wear in Hortus individuals, maybe
age-related and with a more meat-based diet maybe
favoring the inclusion of food debris and thus
probing as the cleaning methodology. Our results
allow the identification and characterization of
incipient toothpick grooves on the human fossil
record and contribute to increase our knowledge on
Neandertals behavioral and oral care habits. |
first evidence of Middle Palaeolithic Nubian
technology in north-central Oman,
di A. Beshkani, T. Beuzen-Waller, S. Bonilauri & G.
Gernez, "Antiquity Project Gallery", Issue 356,
April 2017
Since 2012, the French Mission in Oman has
discovered several Palaeolithic sites in the
south-eastern foothills of the Sufrat Dishshah (a
hill of the Sufrat Valley/Wādī al-Сufrāt), in the
Adam region of north-central Oman. These sites are
attributed to the Lower through to the Late
Palaeolithic (Bonilauri et al. 2015). The 2016 field
season was dedicated to further investigation of the
previously identified sites of the Sufrat Dishshah
area. A number of additional artefacts were located
and studied on site; four artefacts—two bifaces and
two Nubian cores—were retained for further study.
These finds have particular importance for the
understanding of Middle Palaeolithic variability and
cultural diffusion in Oman, and they represent one
of the most significant results of the 2016 Adam
expedition. |
earliest directly dated rock paintings from southern
Africa: new AMS radiocarbon dates,
di A. Bonneau et alii, "Antiquity", Volume 91, Issue
356 April 2017, pp. 322-333
Rock art worldwide has proved extremely difficult to
date directly. Here, the first radiocarbon dates for
rock paintings in Botswana and Lesotho are presented,
along with additional dates for Later Stone Age rock
art in South Africa. The samples selected for dating
were identified as carbon-blacks from short-lived
organic materials, meaning that the sampled pigments
and the paintings that they were used to produce
must be of similar age. The results reveal that
southern African hunter-gatherers were creating
paintings on rockshelter walls as long ago as
5723–4420 cal BP in south-eastern Botswana: the
oldest such evidence yet found in southern Africa. |
Maritime hominin dispersals in
the Pleistocene: advancing the debate,
di T. P. Leppard, C. Runnels, "Antiquity", Volume
91, Issue 356 April 2017, pp. 510-519
what extent is there spatial and temporal patterning
in the spread of our genus around the planet, and
what environmental and behavioural factors specify
this patterning? The prevailing model of Pleistocene
dispersals of Homo holds that this process was
essentially terrestrial, with oceans and seas
inhibiting and directing the movement of hominins
out of Africa (e.g. Mellars 2006; Dennell &
Petraglia 2012; Gamble 2013), although some scholars
propose short-range maritime hops at both the Strait
of Gibraltar and Bab-el-Mandeb (Lambeck et al. 2011;
Rolland 2013). The relatively recent discovery of
stone tools with apparently Lower and Middle
Palaeolithic characteristics on islands in the
eastern Mediterranean and in Island Southeast Asia (ISEA)
has, however, been used by some scholars to
challenge this terrestrial model. |
migration of Late Pleistocene reindeer: isotopic
evidence from northern Europe,
di T. D. Price, D. Meiggs, M. J. Weber, A. Pike-Tay,
"Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences", April
2017, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 371–394
Questions concerning the timing and direction of
reindeer herd movements in northern Europe during
the Late Pleistocene are examined with methods for
isotopic proveniencing to study the faunal remains
of reindeer from archaeological sites in northern
Germany. Late Upper Paleolithic and Late Paleolithic
reindeer hunters in this region belong to the
Hamburgian and Ahrensburgian culture groups that
exploited these herds between ca. 14,950 and 14,050
cal b2k and between ca. 12,800 and 11,400 cal b2k,
respectively. The direction and timing of herd
migration would have played a major role in the
livelihood of these people and the success of their
adaptation to this changing environment across
southern Scandinavia and the North European Plain.
Results of the isotopic analysis suggest that the
herds for the most part moved east-west through this
region, probably wintering in the east. |
What killed the Neanderthals?
Understanding environmental change during the Middle
to Upper Palaeolithic transition in northern Spain,
di J. R. Jones, A. B. Marín-Arroyo, "Past-The
newsletter of the Prehistoric Society"", April 2017,
n. 85, pp. 6-7
extinction of the Neanderthals and their subsequent
replacement by Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH)
during the Middle–Upper Palaeolithic transition
(c. 40,000 years ago) shaped the course of evolution
forever. Neanderthals are the close relatives of AMH,
and their demise enabled the human race to develop
and thrive. But why did Neanderthals become extinct?
A host of factors have been proposed, including
dietary differences between Neanderthals and AMH,
technological inefficiency of Neanderthals,
imbalances in demography, competition between the
species, cognitive differences, declines in genetic
diversity and environmental shifts. The extinction
of the late Neanderthal populations coincides with
several global-scale changes in environment,
including a series of warming and cooling events
during the Middle–Upper Palaeolithic transition,
which may have been a contributing factor. (...) |
Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and
Middle Stone Age,
"Quaternary International", Volume 435, Part A,
Pages 1-246 (12 April 2017). Edited by M. Gema
Chacón, Knut Bretzke, Florent Rivals and Nicholas J.
Conard UISPP
Foreword, di L. Oosterbeek
Current research on
the settlement dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic
and the Middle Stone Age, di M. Gema Chacón, Knut
Bretzke, Florent Rivals, Nicholas J. Conard
microlithic tool production and use, the case of
Tata (Hungary), di A. Borel, V. Dobosi, M. H. Moncel
Mousterian in Balzi
Rossi (Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy): New insights
and old collections, di E. Rossoni-Notter, O. Notter,
P. Simon
GIS analysis of the
spatial distribution of Middle Palaeolithic
artefacts in Kůlna Cave (Czech Republic), di P.
Nubian technology
in northern Arabia: Impact on interregional
variability of Middle Paleolithic industries, di Y.
H. Hilbert, R. Crassard, G. Charloux, R. Loreto
The effect of
terrain on Neanderthal ecology in the Levant, di D.
O. Henry, M. Belmaker, S. M. Bergin
The Middle
Paleolithic sequence of Wadi Mushkuna Rockshelter
and its implications for hominin settlement dynamics
in western Syria, di K. Bretzke, A. W. Kandel, N. J.
San Quirce (Palencia,
Spain). A Neanderthal open air campsite with short
term-occupation patterns, di M. Terradillos-Bernal
et alii
highlanders: Las Callejuelas (Monteagudo del
Castillo, Teruel, Spain), a high-altitude site
occupied during MIS 5, di R. Domingo, J. L.
Peña-Monné, T. de Torres, J. Eugenio Ortiz, P.
Did stones speak
about people? Flint catchment and Neanderthal
behavior from Area 3 (Cañaveral, Madrid-Spain), di
I. Ortiz Nieto-Márquez, J. Baena Preysler
variation in the Middle Paleolithic settlement of
Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Spain), di V.
Villaverde et alii
occupational models: Bone refits in Level I of Abric
Romaní, di M. Modolo, J. Rosell
A resilient
landscape at Teixoneres Cave (MIS 3; Moià, Barcelona,
Spain): The Neanderthals as disrupting agent, di J.
Rosell et alii
Neanderthals of
Crimea – Creative generalists of the late Middle
Paleolithic. Contextualizing the leaf point industry
Buran-Kaya III, Level C, di G. Bataille
Bears in the scene:
Pleistocene complex interactions with implications
concerning the study of Neanderthal behavior, di E.
Camarós, M. Cueto, L. Teira, Susanne C. Münzel, F.
Plassard, P. Arias, F. Rivals |
Characterization and supply of raw materials in the
Neanderthal groups of Prado Vargas Cave (Cornejo,
Burgos, Spain),
di S. Vallejo Rodríguez, K. Urtiaga Greaves,
M. Navazo Ruiz, "Quaternary International", Volume
435, Part B, 12 April 2017, Pages 35–48
systematic archaeological field survey has been
undertaken in the area around Prado Vargas Cave (Cornejo,
Burgos, Spain), which shows evidence of human
occupation in the Middle Paleolithic. The aim of the
study is to locate outcrops of raw materials which
could have been used for the fabrication of tools by
these Neanderthal groups. An archeological field
survey of 46.6 km2 in 94 different locations was
undertaken, in which flint and other materials of
archaeological and ethnographic interest were
recovered. Different analytic techniques were
employed (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy [FTIR],
X-Ray Diffraction [XRD], and Inductively Coupled
Plasma Mass Spectrometry [ICP-MS]) with the aim of
typifying the lithic materials found in ten selected
samples of flint on primary position in limestone
and ten samples selected from flint on secondary
position in clay. We have also undertaken the
analysis of nine samples of archaeological flakes
derived from the cave excavations. The flint samples
were typified and the results of the data from the
FTIR, XRD and ICP-MS were interpreted taking into
account the similarity between samples of natural
and archaeological origin, and the localization of
possible areas of gathering of the lithic resources. |
Quartzite selection in fluvial
deposits: The N12 level of Roca dels Bous (Middle
Palaeolithic, southeastern Pyrenees),
di M. Roy Sunyer et alii, "Quaternary
International", Volume 435, Part B, 12 April 2017,
Pages 49–60
exploitation of rocks from secondary deposits is
attested widely in the European Middle Palaeolithic.
However, few studies have focused on analysing the
implications derived from the management of these
deposits. The fluvial terraces near the Mousterian
site of Roca dels Bous have been sampled to
determine their lithological composition and cobble
morphology. Comparison with artefacts recovered from
level N12 indicate selection patterns in the fluvial
deposits of black quartzite, as well as preferential
management of blanks with specific morphological and
volumetric characteristics. This approach reveals
behaviours involved in the acquisition, transport,
transformation and discard of stone tools necessary
for Neanderthal subsistence, and indicates interest
in the study of secondary deposits and local raw
materials in Middle Palaeolithic contexts. |
Dead wood gathering among Neanderthal groups:
Charcoal evidence from Abric del Pastor and El Salt
(Eastern Iberia),
di P. Vidal-Matutano, A. Henry, I. Théry-Parisot,
"Journal of Archaeological Science", Volume 80,
April 2017, Pages 109–121
We present here a new
approach combining the microscopic characterization
of fungal decay features and the fragmentation
degree of the charcoal remains from Middle
Palaeolithic combustion structures: features H4 and
H11 from Abric del Pastor, unit IV (>75 ka BP) and
features H50 and H57 from El Salt, unit Xb (ca. 52
ka BP), Eastern Iberia. The observation of wood
degradation patterns that occurred prior to charring
followed by their quantitative analysis according to
previous experimental studies revealed differences
between the alteration degrees of the firewood used
in the hearths, highlighting the existence of
firewood acquisition criteria based on dead wood
gathering and also suggesting smoke-related
functions. Coupled with fragmentation analyses, this
method highlighted possible post-depositional
processes affecting the higher degraded charcoals.
These results lead us to propose a quantitative
analysis of the fungal decay patterns on Middle
Palaeolithic charcoal reinforcing the previous
hypotheses about dead wood gathering among
Neanderthal groups as an accessible and available
resource in the surroundings. These data have
significant implications for the interpretation of
firewood use and management by Palaeolithic
hunter-gatherers which was traditionally defined as
an opportunistic activity according to the absence
of selection criteria based on specific taxa. |
and Nonlocal Procurement of Raw Material in Amud
Cave, Israel: The Complex Mobility of Late Middle
Paleolithic Groups,
di R. Ekshtain, S. Ilani, I. Segal, E. Hovers,
Geoarchaeology", Volume 32, Issue 2, March/April
2017, Pages 189–214 - free
access -
Studying the distribution of lithic raw materials
around prehistoric sites, their procurement,
transport, and use, are important for understanding
organizational decisions of hunter-gatherers. Here
we examine lithic technological organization in two
stratigraphic subunits B4 and B1 (dated ~ 68 and ~
55 ka, respectively) at the Neanderthal site of Amud
Cave. The lithic assemblages are made exclusively of
flint. An ArcGIS model is used to create a
predictive model for daily exploitation territories
(DETs) around the site. Using a battery of
statistical methods (ANOVA, principal component
analysis, and cluster analysis), we link flint
visual types with geochemical characteristics (obtained
through inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass
spectrometry and ICP atomic emission spectrometry)
of both geological and archaeological flints.
Results indicate that local materials are abundant
in both subunits. Nonlocal raw materials (from areas
beyond the modeled DET) amount to 30–40% across all
technological categories, suggesting long-distance
transport. The technological patterns of the
nonlocal raw material differ between the two
subunits. Pending results of additional work, we
suggest that nonlocal flint types were likely
obtained from distances >60 km. Mobility patterns
inferred from this study suggest that Amud Cave was
a focal location within its settlement system during
both occupation periods, but the manner of site use
and mobility patterns changed through time. (...) |
Geochemical Characterization
of Four Quaternary Obsidian Sources and Provenance
of Obsidian Artifacts from the Middle Stone Age Site
of Gademotta,
Main Ethiopian Rift, di M. S. Shackley, Y. Sahle, "Geoarchaeology",
Volume 32, Issue 2, March/April 2017, Pages 302–310
Twenty-six Middle Stone Age obsidian artifacts from
the Gademotta Formation were instrumentally
characterized by energy dispersive X-ray
fluorescence. Analysis of artifacts from the type
locality enabled sampling of a greater time depth
while avoiding the uncertainties in previous results
on artifacts sampled from a “disturbed” context at
Kulkuletti. Moreover, the analysis here of source
samples from Alutu, Worja, and the previously
unstudied Bora and Ficke sources in the broader
region offers a better understanding of prehistoric
lithic raw material procurement. The local Worja
source, an aphyric obsidian excellent for tool
production, substantially dominates the assemblage.
Bora, another aphyric obsidian in the wider region,
is also present, but not common. The vitrophyric
Ficke and Alutu obsidian sources with abundant
sanidine phenocrysts were not present in the
archaeological assemblage, and likely did not
compete with Worja and Bora for tool production. At
least one artifact appears to be from an as yet
unknown source, thus confirming results of previous
studies. A few artifacts share similar geochemical
composition with the Worja and Bora sources, thus
highlighting the complexity of obsidian source
studies in this part of the rift where multiple
geographically close sources may share similar
crustal material. |
Lithic technological responses to Late Pleistocene
glacial cycling at Pinnacle Point Site 5-6, South
di J. Wilkins , K. S. Brown, S. Oestmo, T. Pereira,
K. L. Ranhorn, B. J. Schoville, C. W. Marean, March
29, 2017, doi:
- free access -
There are multiple
hypotheses for human responses to glacial cycling in
the Late Pleistocene, including changes in
population size, interconnectedness, and mobility.
Lithic technological analysis informs us of human
responses to environmental change because lithic
assemblage characteristics are a reflection of raw
material transport, reduction, and discard behaviors
that depend on hunter-gatherer social and economic
decisions. Pinnacle Point Site 5–6 (PP5-6), Western
Cape, South Africa is an ideal locality for
examining the influence of glacial cycling on early
modern human behaviors because it preserves a long
sequence spanning marine isotope stages (MIS) 5, 4,
and 3 and is associated with robust records of
paleoenvironmental change. The analysis presented
here addresses the question, what, if any, lithic
assemblage traits at PP5-6 represent changing
behavioral responses to the MIS 5-4-3
interglacial-glacial cycle? It statistically
evaluates changes in 93 traits with no a priori
assumptions about which traits may significantly
associate with MIS. In contrast to other studies
that claim that there is little relationship between
broad-scale patterns of climate change and lithic
technology, we identified the following
characteristics that are associated with MIS 4:
increased use of quartz, increased evidence for
outcrop sources of quartzite and silcrete, increased
evidence for earlier stages of reduction in silcrete,
evidence for increased flaking efficiency in all raw
material types, and changes in tool types and
function for silcrete. Based on these results, we
suggest that foragers responded to MIS 4 glacial
environmental conditions at PP5-6 with increased
population or group sizes, ‘place provisioning’,
longer and/or more intense site occupations, and
decreased residential mobility. Several other traits,
including silcrete frequency, do not exhibit an
association with MIS. Backed pieces, once they
appear in the PP5-6 record during MIS 4, persist
through MIS 3. Changing paleoenvironments explain
some, but not all temporal technological variability
at PP5-6. (...) |
A decorated raven bone from the Zaskalnaya VI (Kolosovskaya)
Neanderthal site, Crimea,
di A. Majkić, S. Evans, V. Stepanchuk, A. Tsvelykh,
F. d’Errico, March 29, 2017, doi:
- free access
We analyze a radius
bone fragment of a raven (Corvus corax) from
Zaskalnaya VI rock shelter, Crimea. The object bears
seven notches and comes from an archaeological level
attributed to a Micoquian industry dated to between
38 and 43 cal kyr BP. Our study aims to examine the
degree of regularity and intentionality of this set
of notches through their technological and
morphometric analysis, complemented by comparative
experimental work. Microscopic analysis of the
notches indicate that they were produced by the
to-and-fro movement of a lithic cutting edge and
that two notches were added to fill in the gap left
between previously cut notches, probably to increase
the visual consistency of the pattern. Multivariate
analysis of morphometric data recorded on the
archaeological notches and sets of notches cut by
nine modern experimenters on radii of domestic
turkeys shows that the variations recorded on the
Zaskalnaya set are comparable to experimental sets
made with the aim of producing similar, parallel,
equidistant notches. Identification of the Weber
Fraction, the constant that accounts for error in
human perception, for equidistant notches cut on
bone rods and its application to the Zaskalnaya set
of notches and thirty-six sets of notches incised on
seventeen Upper Palaeolithic bone objects from seven
sites indicate that the Zaskalnaya set falls within
the range of variation of regularly spaced
experimental and Upper Palaeolithic sets of notches.
This suggests that even if the production of the
notches may have had a utilitarian reason the
notches were made with the goal of producing a
visually consistent pattern. This object represents
the first instance of a bird bone from a Neanderthal
site bearing modifications that cannot be explained
as the result of butchery activities and for which a
symbolic argument can be built on direct rather than
circumstantial evidence. (...) |
Middle Pleistocene hominin cranium from Gruta da
Aroeira (Portugal),
di J. Daura et alii, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences", March 28, 2017, vol.
114 no. 13, pp. 3397–3402
- free access -
The Middle Pleistocene
is a crucial time period for studying human
evolution in Europe, because it marks the appearance
of both fossil hominins ancestral to the later
Neandertals and the Acheulean technology.
Nevertheless, European sites containing well-dated
human remains associated with an Acheulean toolkit
remain scarce. The earliest European hominin crania
associated with Acheulean handaxes are at the sites
of Arago, Atapuerca Sima de los Huesos (SH), and
Swanscombe, dating to 400–500 ka (Marine Isotope
Stage 11–12). The Atapuerca (SH) fossils and the
Swanscombe cranium belong to the Neandertal clade,
whereas the Arago hominins have been attributed to
an incipient stage of Neandertal evolution, to Homo
heidelbergensis, or to a subspecies of Homo erectus.
A recently discovered cranium (Aroeira 3) from the
Gruta da Aroeira (Almonda karst system, Portugal)
dating to 390–436 ka provides important evidence on
the earliest European Acheulean-bearing hominins.
This cranium is represented by most of the right
half of a calvarium (with the exception of the
missing occipital bone) and a fragmentary right
maxilla preserving part of the nasal floor and two
fragmentary molars. The combination of traits in the
Aroeira 3 cranium augments the previously documented
diversity in the European Middle Pleistocene fossil
record. (...) |
Origins of house mice in ecological niches created
by settled hunter-gatherers in the Levant 15,000 y
ago, di L.
Weissbrod et alii, "Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences-Early Edition", March
27, 2017, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1619137114
Reductions in hunter-gatherer mobility during the
Late Pleistocene influenced settlement ecologies,
altered human relations with animal communities, and
played a pivotal role in domestication. The
influence of variability in human mobility on
selection dynamics and ecological interactions in
human settlements has not been extensively explored,
however. This study of mice in modern African
villages and changing mice molar shapes in a
200,000-y-long sequence from the Levant demonstrates
competitive advantages for commensal mice in
long-term settlements. Mice from African pastoral
households provide a referential model for habitat
partitioning among mice taxa in settlements of
varying durations. The data reveal the earliest
known commensal niche for house mice in long-term
forager settlements 15,000 y ago. Competitive
dynamics and the presence and abundance of mice
continued to fluctuate with human mobility through
the terminal Pleistocene. At the Natufian site of
Ain Mallaha, house mice displaced less commensal
wild mice during periods of heavy occupational
pressure but were outcompeted when mobility
increased. Changing food webs and ecological
dynamics in long-term settlements allowed house mice
to establish durable commensal populations that
expanded with human societies. This study
demonstrates the changing magnitude of cultural
niche construction with varying human mobility and
the extent of environmental influence before the
advent of farming. |
Cleaning up a Messy Mousterian: How to describe and
interpret Late Middle Palaeolithic chrono-cultural
variability in Atlantic Europe,
"Quaternary International", Volume 433, Part B,
Pages 1-156 (17 March 2017). Edited by Jean-Philippe
Faivre, Emmanuel Discamps, Brad Gravina, Alain Turq
and Laurence Bourguignon
Cleaning up a Messy
Mousterian: How to describe and interpret Late
Middle Palaeolithic chrono-cultural variability in
Atlantic Europe, di J. P. Faivre, E. Discamps, B.
Gravina, A. Turq, L. Bourguignon
Neanderthals in the
Outermost West: Technological adaptation in the Late
Middle Palaeolithic (re)-colonization of Britain,
Marine Isotope Stage 4/3, di R. M. Wragg Sykes
Late Middle
Palaeolithic assemblages with flake cleavers in the
western Pyrenees: The Vasconian reconsidered, di M.
A new chronological
and technological synthesis for Late Middle
Paleolithic of the Eastern Cantabrian Region, di J.
palaeoenvironmental conditions faced by Mousterian
hunters during MIS 5 to 3 in southwestern France: A
multi-scale approach using data from large and small
mammal communities, di E. Discamps, A. Royer
Building models of
Neanderthal territories from raw material transports
in the Aquitaine Basin (southwestern France), di A.
Turq, J. P. Faivre, B. Gravina, L. Bourguignon
The complementarity
of luminescence dating methods illustrated on the
Mousterian sequence of the Roc de Marsal: A series
of reindeer-dominated, Quina Mousterian layers dated
to MIS 3, di G. Guérin et alii
Late Middle
Palaeolithic lithic technocomplexes (MIS 5–3) in the
northeastern Aquitaine Basin: Advances and
challenges, di J.-Ph. Faivre, B. Gravina, L.
Bourguignon, E. Discamps, A. Turq
technological change and its implications for
Mousterian assemblage variability. The example of Le
Moustier, layer G, di B. Gravina
subsistence strategies during the Quina Mousterian
at Roc de Marsal (France), di J. C. Castel et
alii |
Neanderthal behaviour, diet, and disease inferred
from ancient DNA in dental calculus,
di L. S. Weyrich et alii, Nature (2017), 08
March 2017, doi:10.1038/nature21674
Recent genomic data have revealed multiple
interactions between Neanderthals and modern
humans1, but there is currently little genetic
evidence regarding Neanderthal behaviour, diet, or
disease. Here we describe the shotgun-sequencing of
ancient DNA from five specimens of Neanderthal
calcified dental plaque (calculus) and the
characterization of regional differences in
Neanderthal ecology. At Spy cave, Belgium,
Neanderthal diet was heavily meat based and included
woolly rhinoceros and wild sheep (mouflon),
characteristic of a steppe environment. In contrast,
no meat was detected in the diet of Neanderthals
from El Sidrón cave, Spain, and dietary components
of mushrooms, pine nuts, and moss reflected forest
gathering2, 3. Differences in diet were also linked
to an overall shift in the oral bacterial community
(microbiota) and suggested that meat consumption
contributed to substantial variation within
Neanderthal microbiota. Evidence for self-medication
was detected in an El Sidrón Neanderthal with a
dental abscess4 and a chronic gastrointestinal
pathogen (Enterocytozoon bieneusi). Metagenomic data
from this individual also contained a nearly
complete genome of the archaeal commensal
Methanobrevibacter oralis (10.2× depth of coverage)—the
oldest draft microbial genome generated to date, at
around 48,000 years old. DNA preserved within dental
calculus represents a notable source of information
about the behaviour and health of ancient hominin
specimens, as well as a unique system that is useful
for the study of long-term microbial evolution.
· Neanderthal tooth plaque hints at meals — and
kisses, di Ewen Callaway, "Nature news", 08 March
· Regione che vai, dieta Neanderthal che trovi, "Le
Scienze", 09 marzo 2017 |
The Chronology of Palaeolithic Cave art: new data,
new debates,
"Quaternary International", Volume 432, Part B,
Pages 1-100 (8 March 2017). Edited by Roberto
Ontañón and Pilar Utrilla
The Chronology of
Palaeolithic cave art: New data, new debates.
Preface to the volume, di R. Ontañon, P. Utrilla
The chronology of
human and animal presence in the decorated and
sepulchral cave of Cussac (France), di J. Jaubert
et alii
New evidence of
Palaeolithic rock art at the Cova del Comte (Pedreguer,
Spain): Results of the first surveys, di J. Casabó
et alii
Dating Palaeolithic
cave art: Why U–Th is the way to go, di A. W.G. Pike,
D. L. Hoffmann, P. B. Pettitt, M. García-Diez, J.
U-series dating of
Palaeolithic rock art at Fuente del Trucho (Aragón,
Spain), di D. L. Hoffmann et alii
The role of the
cave in the expression of prehistoric societies, di
E. Robert
Back to the past:
Symbolism and archaeology in Altxerri B (Gipuzkoa,
Northern Spain), di A. Ruiz-Redondo, C.
González-Sainz, D. Garate-Maidagan
La Viña rock
shelter (La Manzaneda, Oviedo, Asturias): Relation
between stratigraphy and parietal engravings, di M.
González-Pumariega et alii
Uranium–thorium dating method and Palaeolithic rock
art, di G. Sauvet et alii
Comment on:
“Uranium–thorium dating method and Palaeolithic rock
art” by Sauvet et al. (2015, in press), di E.
Pons-Branchu et alii
Answer to “Comment
on Uranium-thorium dating method and Palaeolithic
rock art” by Sauvet et al. (2015, in press) by
Pons-Branchu E. et al., di G. Sauvet et alii
Further comment on:
“Uranium–thorium dating method and Palaeolithic rock
art” by Sauvet et al. (2015, in press), di M. Aubert |
L'enigma dell'antenato arcaico
ritrovato in Cina,
"Le Scienze", 03 marzo 2017
crani parziali di Homo rinvenuti in Cina e risalenti
a 100.000 anni fa circa mostrano una singolare
miscela di tratti. Solo nuove scoperte diranno se si
tratta di un nuovo membro del nostro genere, di una
variante orientale dei Neanderthal mescolatasi a
umani moderni oppure dei resti dello sfuggente uomo
di Denisova. (...) |
Divergence in the evolution of
Paleolithic symbolic and technological systems: The
shining bull and engraved tablets of Rocher de
di N. Naudinot et alii, March 3, 2017,
The development of the Azilian in Western Europe
14,000 years ago is considered a “revolution” in
Upper Paleolithic Archaeology. One of the main
elements of this rapid social restructuring is the
abandonment of naturalistic figurative art on
portable pieces or on cave walls in the Magdalenian
in favor of abstract expression on small pebbles.
Recent work shows that the transformation of human
societies between the Magdalenian and the Azilian
was more gradual. The discovery of a new Early
Azilian site with decorated stones in France
supports this hypothesis. While major changes in
stone tool technology between the Magdalenian and
Azilian clearly mark important adaptive changes, the
discovery of 45 engraved schist tablets from
archaeological layers at Le Rocher de l’Impératrice
attests to iconographic continuity together with
special valorization of aurochs as shown by a
“shining” bull depiction. This evidence suggests
that some cultural features such as iconography may
lag far behind technological changes. We also argue
that eventual change in symbolic expression, which
includes the later disappearance of figurative art,
provides new insight into the probable restructuring
of the societies. (...)
Divergence in the evolution of Paleolithic symbolic
and technological systems: The shining bull and
engraved tablets of Rocher de
l’Impératrice,September 18,
2018 |
Pointillist technique on engravings discovered in
France, 2 March
Aurignacian artists who decorated several newly
rediscovered limestone blocks 38,000 years ago used
small dots to create the illusion of a larger image
- the same technique employed by Pointillist
painters in the late 19th century. Images on the
stones include mammoths and horses, adding to
previous isolated discoveries from the Grotte
Chauvet, such as a rhinoceros formed by the
application of dozens of dots first painted on the
palm of the hand and then transferred to the cave
wall. Earlier this year, excavation team leader and
New York University anthropologist Randall White and
his colleagues reported finding the image of an
aurochs - some of the earliest known graphic imagery
found in Western Eurasia. Now they have found a
woolly mammoth in the same style in a rock shelter
of the same period known as Abri Cellier, near the
previous find-site of Abri Blanchard. (...) |
Structural organization and
tooth development in a Homo aff. erectus juvenile
mandible from the Early Pleistocene site of Garba IV
at Melka Kunture, Ethiopian highlands,
di C. Zanolli et alii, "American Journal of
Physical Anthropology", Volume 162, Issue 3, March
2017, Pages 533–549
immature partial mandible GAR IVE from the c. 1.7 Ma
old Garba IV site at Melka Kunture (Upper Awash
Basin, Ethiopia), the earliest human representative
from a mountain-like environment, represents one of
the oldest early Homo specimens bearing a mixed
dentition. Following its first description (Condemi,
2004), we extended the analytical and comparative
record of this specimen by providing unreported
details about its inner morphology, tooth
maturational pattern and age at death, crown size,
and tooth tissue proportions.
Compared to the extant human condition and to some
fossil representatives of comparable individual age,
the GAR IVE mandible reveals absolutely and
relatively thick cortical bone. Crown size of the
permanent lateral incisor and the canine fit the
estimates of H. erectus s.l., while the dm2 and the
M1 more closely approach those of H.
habilis-rudolfensis. Molar crown pulp volumes are
lower than reported in other fossil specimens and in
extant humans. The mineralization sequence of the
permanent tooth elements is represented four times
in our reference sample of extant immature
individuals (N = 795).
The tooth developmental pattern displayed by the
immature individual from Garba IV falls within the
range of variation of extant human populations and
is also comparable with that of other very young
early fossil hominins. Taken together, the evidence
presented here for mandibular morphology and dental
development suggest GAR IVE is a robust 2.5- to
3.5-year old early Homo specimen. |
Neanderthal use of plants and
past vegetation reconstruction at the Middle
Paleolithic site of Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva,
Valencia, Spain),
di I. Esteban, R. M. Albert, A. Eixea, J. Zilhão, V.
Villaverde, "Archaeological and Anthropological
Sciences", March 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp 265–278
Despite phytoliths having been used to understand
past human use of plants and palaeoenvironment in
Middle Paleolithic sites, little is known on this
aspect in the well-documented central region of
Mediterranean Iberia. This paper presents the first
phytolith and mineralogical study conducted at
Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Valencia). Forty-one
samples were analyzed through phytoliths and Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) from
different areas, stratigraphic levels, and
archeological contexts (hearth, hearth-related, and
non-hearth-related sediments) of the shelter. The
results obtained point towards a different pattern
of preservation in the site depending firstly on the
stratigraphy and secondly on the area where the
samples were collected. Postdepositional processes
that may have chemically affected phytolith
preservation are discussed. Grasses are the main
plant component identified in all the samples while
woody plants are scarce. The abundance of grasses in
the non-hearth-related sediments might be related,
at least partially, to the dispersion of ashes from
hearths, as indicated by the FTIR results. The
results are indicative of an occupation of the site
during the spring-autumn season. At this time, the
area would be dominated by a semi-open environment
with supramediterranean vegetation. |
Efficiency of gathering and its archaeological
implications for an European Early Palaeolithic
population, di
O. Prado-Nóvoa et alii, "Journal of
Anthropological Archaeology", Volume 45, March 2017,
Pages 131–141
evaluate the efficiency of acorn gathering as a
foraging method for a middle Pleistocene human
population living in mid-latitude European territory.
An innovative experimental approach measures how
much energy an average female spends gathering nuts
in a natural environment, comparing this value with
the caloric return of this vegetable resource. The
gathering activities were performed by 9 volunteers
and showed that gathering 3 kg of acorns in 1 h
represents a moderate activity in energetic terms,
consuming not more than 300 kcal. Thus, due to their
high energetic content, gathering nuts is a highly
efficient foraging method. The energetic return
obtained by gathering acorns, one of the more
abundant nuts in the Mediterranean landscape, is
favourably compared with the return provided by
hunting. Acorns were a seasonally abundant resource
at these ecosystems 300 kya and were rich in
nutrients and relatively easy to store, making them
a highly attractive food for the Palaeolithic
inhabitants of this landscape. |
Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 104, Pages 1-204
(March 2017):
Adaptation to suspensory locomotion in
Australopithecus sediba,
di Thomas R. Rein et alii
Dietary reconstruction of the
El Sidrón Neandertal familial group (Spain) in the
context of other Neandertal and modern
hunter-gatherer groups. A molar microwear texture
di Almudena Estalrrich
et alii
Chimpanzee and human midfoot
motion during bipedal walking and the evolution of
the longitudinal arch of the foot,
di Nicholas B. Holowka
et alii
The cervical spine of
Australopithecus sediba,
di Marc R. Meyer et
Skull 5 from Dmanisi:
Descriptive anatomy, comparative studies, and
evolutionary significance,
di G. Philip Rightmire
et alii
The role of allometry and
posture in the evolution of the hominin subaxial
cervical spine,
di Mikel Arlegi et
skull of Homo naledi,
di Myra F. Laird et
Skull diversity in the Homo
lineage and the relative position of Homo naledi,
di Lauren
Schroeder et alii
The vertebrae and ribs of Homo
di Scott A. Williams et alii
The upper limb of Homo naledi,
di Elen M.
Feuerriegel et alii
The thigh and leg of Homo
di Damiano Marchi et alii |
Diet and environment 1.2
million years ago revealed through analysis of
dental calculus from Europe’s oldest hominin at Sima
del Elefante, Spain,
di K. Hardy et alii, "The Science of Nature",
February 2017, 104:2 - free
access -
Sima del Elefante, Atapuerca, Spain contains one of
the earliest hominin fragments yet known in Europe,
dating to 1.2 Ma. Dental calculus from a hominin
molar was removed, degraded and analysed to recover
entrapped remains. Evidence for plant use at this
time is very limited and this study has revealed the
earliest direct evidence for foods consumed in the
genus Homo. This comprises starchy carbohydrates
from two plants, including a species of grass from
the Triticeae or Bromideae tribe, meat and plant
fibres. All food was eaten raw, and there is no
evidence for processing of the starch granules which
are intact and undamaged. Additional biographical
detail includes fragments of non-edible wood found
adjacent to an interproximal groove suggesting oral
hygiene activities, while plant fibres may be linked
to raw material processing. Environmental evidence
comprises spores, insect fragments and conifer
pollen grains which are consistent with a forested
environment. (...) |
Fuel exploitation among Neanderthals based on the
anthracological record from Abric Romaní (Capellades,
NE Spain),
di E. Allué, A. Solé, A. Burguet-Coca, "Quaternary
International", Volume 431, Part A, 28 February
2017, Pages 6–15
Fuel is a basic
resource enabling energy production, and its
exploitation was a major activity in Neanderthal
daily life. In this work we present charcoal results
obtained from the Abric Romaní site in order to
evaluate fuel use among the human groups occupying
this rock shelter from 40 to 70 ka BP. The Abric
Romaní, a Middle Palaeolithic site, has yielded
evidence of a well-preserved sequence of Neanderthal
occupations. The results of this taxonomic and
taphonomic study have allowed us to characterise the
charcoal assemblage as mainly comprising Pinus
sylvestris type. This assemblage gives us an
understanding of Neanderthal fuel acquisition
strategies, mobility and occupation patterns. |
Phytolith and FTIR studies applied to combustion
structures: The case of the Middle Paleolithic site
of El Salt (Alcoy, Alicante),
di Á. Rodríguez-Cintas, D. Cabanes, "Quaternary
International", Volume 431, Part A, 28 February
2017, Pages 16–26
The combination of
phytolith and FTIR analyses is a powerful tool to
investigate the use of fire by past human
populations. Here, we apply these methods to study
the hearths of the subunit Xb at the Middle
Palaeolithic site of El Salt, in Alcoi. El Salt is
characterized by recurrent Neanderthal occupations
that produced a succession of combustion structures
and other anthropogenic remains. Using FTIR analysis
we have been able to detect the presence of ashes,
thermally altered clay, and phosphatic minerals in
the sediments. Phytolith results point to the use of
wood as fuel in subunit Xb. However, most of the
phytoliths have been deposited in the site by
natural agents, probably in the form of bird guano
characterized by the presence of distinctive
phytoliths of seed coats from Celtis sp.
Differentiating between natural and anthropogenic
deposited phytoliths is essential to evaluate the
impact produced by human activities in the
archaeological sediments. |
Seaward dispersals to the NE Mediterranean islands
in the Pleistocene. The lithic evidence in
retrospect, di
C. Papoulia, "Quaternary International", Volume 431,
Part B, 28 February 2017, Pages 64–87
Paleolithic artifacts collected in the course of
archaeological and geological surveys at particular
islands of the NE Mediterranean have given birth to
arguments for seaward Pleistocene dispersals. The
consecutive implications for the seafaring abilities
of archaic hominins have inevitably provoked an
ongoing debate. The total lack of
paleoanthropological evidence and, in most cases,
the absence of a secure stratigraphic context leaves
us with the only other pertinent tool of analysis,
the stone tools. Preliminary reports presenting
lithic collections from the islands have been
published since at least the middle of the previous
century, yet a coherent and critical review of the
evidence has hitherto not been attempted. In the
light of new paleogeographic reconstructions of the
Aegean region, the already published collections are
in this paper reviewed and evaluated in terms of
their classifications and proposed cultural and
chronological attributions and discussed in relation
to the arguments for or against Pleistocene
sea-crossings. Despite the scarcity of the evidence
and the many problems associated with their
documentation, context or interpretations, the
lithic collections do provide specific information
regarding the earliest sea-crossings in the region.
Based on the available evidence, the majority of the
artifacts collected from sites on islands that were
most likely insular during parts of the Pleistocene
have Middle Paleolithic technological and
typological affinities, therefore an association
with the Neanderthals is implied and the possible
marine routes are proposed. Yet further research is
needed in order to better appreciate the Greek Lower
Paleolithic record, thus reevaluate the arguments
for Lower Paleolithic sea-crossings in the Aegean. |
Investigating Neanderthal dispersal above 55°N in
Europe during the Last Interglacial Complex,
di T. Kellberg Nielsen et alii, "Quaternary
International", Volume 431, Part B, 28 February
2017, Pages 88–103
When dealing with the northern boundary of
Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) and the
question of whether or not they dispersed into
Southern Scandinavia, two contradictory hypotheses
can be identified. The first, and also the most
widely endorsed, hereafter, hypothesis A, argues
primarily that Neanderthals did not occupy regions
above 55°N because of 1) climatic constraints and 2)
dispersal barriers. The second, hypothesis B, argues
that they possibly occasionally dispersed above
55°N, but that factors such as 1) research- and/or
2) taphonomic bias are responsible for their
archaeological invisibility. Here, we report an
evaluation of these competing hypotheses. To this
end, we reconstruct the environment for the time
period and region of interest (the Last Interglacial
Complex and Northern Germany and Southern
Scandinavia), based on three lines of evidence:
palaeoenvironmental reconstruction combined with a
novel habitat modelling approach, a review of
relevant archaeological localities, and a discussion
of the possible impacts of both research biases and
the taphonomic effects on the archaeological data.
We focus particularly on the climatic and geological
explanatory factors relevant to the two hypotheses.
Our results are inconsistent with the claim that
climatic constraint and/or a lack of suitable
habitats can fully explain the absence of
Neanderthals in Southern Scandinavia during the
Eemian Interglacial and Early Weichselian Glaciation.
We do, however, find evidence that a geographic
barrier may have impeded northerly migrations during
the Eemian. The evidence reviewed here suggests that
both research bias and taphonomy – consistent with
hypothesis B – could account for the archaeological
invisibility of Neanderthals in Southern
Scandinavia, highlighting the need for further
strategic survey and/or excavation efforts in the
region. |
The human settlement of
Central Iberia during MIS 2: New technological,
chronological and environmental data from the
Solutrean workshop of Las Delicias (Manzanares River
valley, Spain),
di M. Alcaraz-Castaño et alii, "Quaternary
International", Volume 431, Part B, 28 February
2017, Pages 104–124
recent excavations (2008–2009) conducted at the
open-air site of Las Delicias, located in the
Manzanares River valley (Madrid), have revealed new
important data for the understanding of the human
settlement of Central Iberia during Solutrean times.
In this paper, we present a geomorphological and
taphonomic study of the Pleistocene deposits of Las
Delicias, a technological analysis focused on the
bifacial lithic reduction processes documented at
the site, new Optically Stimulated Luminescence
dates, and new palynological data. Together with the
existence of numerous Solutrean lithic assemblages
from the early 20th century excavations of the
Manzanares terraces, these new data highlight the
importance of the Manzanares valley as a focus of
Solutrean settlement, not only related to flint
procurement but also to foraging activities.
Moreover, they require reconsideration of Central
Iberia as a virtually unpopulated region during the
Late Pleniglacial (MIS 2), and of the associated
idea of its cultural dependence on the coastal areas
of the Iberian Peninsula. We propose new avenues of
research aimed at approaching the central region of
Iberia in its own cultural and ecological terms. |
Were Neanderthals responsible
for their own extinction?,
di J. Agustí, X. Rubio-Campillo, "Quaternary
International", Volume 431, Part B, 28 February
2017, Pages 232–237
After more than 100,000 years of evolutionary
success in Western Eurasia, Neanderthals rapidly
went extinct between 40,000 and 30,000 years ago,
almost coinciding with the spread of Anatomically
Modern Homo sapiens (AMHS) in Europe. Several
scenarios relate their extinction to competition
with AMHS, climatic changes during the last glacial
period or a combination of both. Here we propose a
much simpler scenario, in which the cannibalistic
behaviour of Neanderthals may have played a major
role in their eventual extinction. We show that this
trait was selected as a common behaviour at moments
of environmental or population stress. However, as
soon as Neanderthals had to compete with another
species that consumed the same resources (AMHS in
this case) cannibalism had a negative impact,
leading, in the end, to their extinction. To test
this hypothesis, we used an agent-based model
computer simulation. The model is simple, with only
traits, behaviours and landscape features defined
and with no attempt to re-create the exact landscape
in which Neanderthals lived or their cultural
characteristics. The basic agent of our system is a
group of individuals that form a community. The most
important state variable of our model is the
location of the group, coupled with a defined home
range and two additional factors: cannibalism and
the chance of fission. The result of the simulation
shows that cannibalistic behaviour is always
selected when resources are scarce and clustered.
However, when a non-cannibalistic species (late
Pleistocene AMHS) is introduced into the same
environment, the cannibalistic species retreats and
the new species grows until it has reached the
carrying capacity of the system. The cannibalistic
populations that still survive are displaced from
the richest areas, and live on the borders with arid
zones, a situation which is remarkably similar to
what we know about the end of the Neanderthals. |
The diet of the first
Europeans from Atapuerca,
di A. Pérez-Pérez et alii, "Scientific
Reports" 7, Article number: 43319 (2017), 27
February 2017, doi:10.1038/srep43319
- free access -
Hominin dietary specialization is crucial to
understanding the evolutionary changes of
craniofacial biomechanics and the interaction of
food processing methods’ effects on teeth. However,
the diet-related dental wear processes of the
earliest European hominins remain unknown because
most of the academic attention has focused on
Neandertals. Non-occlusal dental microwear provides
direct evidence of the effect of chewed food
particles on tooth enamel surfaces and reflects
dietary signals over time. Here, we report for the
first time the direct effect of dietary abrasiveness
as evidenced by the buccal microwear patterns on the
teeth of the Sima del Elefante-TE9 and Gran
Dolina-TD6 Atapuerca hominins (1.2–0.8 million years
ago − Myr) as compared with other Lower and Middle
Pleistocene populations. A unique buccal microwear
pattern that is found in Homo antecessor (0.96–0.8 Myr),
a well-known cannibal species, indicates dietary
practices that are consistent with the consumption
of hard and brittle foods. Our findings confirm that
the oldest European inhabitants ingested more
mechanically-demanding diets than later populations
because they were confronted with harsh, fluctuating
environmental conditions. Furthermore, the influence
of grit-laden food suggests that a high-quality meat
diet from butchering processes could have fueled
evolutionary changes in brain size. (...) |
L'effetto dei geni dei Neanderthal sulla nostra
salute, "Le
Scienze", 23 febbraio 2017
sequenze di DNA ereditate dai Neanderthal - che sono
presenti, sia pure in numero ridotto, nella maggior
parte delle persone - influenzano il livello di
attivazione dei nostri geni contribuendo così a
diversi tratti: dall'altezza all'efficienza del
sistema immunitario, fino alla suscettibilità a
varie malattie. (...) |
Sharpening our knowledge of prehistory on East
Africa’s bone harpoons,
20 Feb 2017
East Africa is the epicentre of human evolution and
its archaeological remains offer the potential to
fill gaps in our understanding of early modern
humans from their earliest origins, around 200,000
years ago, through to the most ‘recent’ prehistory
of the last 10,000 years. The In Africa project,
directed by Dr Marta Mirazón Lahr, co-founder of the
Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies at
the University of Cambridge, is seeking to do
exactly that. The group believes that, in East
Africa, key ecological and cultural conditions
converged, which allowed modern humans to evolve new
behaviours and technologies to better exploit the
natural resources that they found around them. For
the past five years, they has been working on the
palaeoshores of Lake Turkana in Kenya, which has
offered significant insights into how people there
made use of aquatic resources such as fish or
shellfish, something which is seen as a marker of
human modernity. Dr Alex Wilshaw, in Cambridge's
Department of Biological Anthropology and a fellow
of St John’s College, is a Research Associate on the
project. “Looking at prehistoric tools and
technology is a key way of exploring when and how
the cultural and behavioural traits associated with
modern humans were developed,” he explains. “The
area around Lake Turkana is extraordinarily rich not
just in fossils, but also in artefacts used to
exploit the ecology of the area. In the case of
aquatic resources from the lake, these artefacts are
often harpoons or points made from bone. While
previous archaeological projects have led to pockets
of harpoon discovery, the extent of this project has
afforded us the opportunity to collect unprecedented
numbers of bone harpoons – to date, we have over 500
from 20 different sites.” (...) |
With the back to the art. Context of Pleistocene
cave art,
"Quaternary International", Volume 430, Part A,
Pages 1-162 (12 February 2017).Edited by Andreas
Pastoors, Tilman Lenssen-Erz, Roberto Ontañón and
Gerd-Christian Weniger
Simulation of tallow
lamp light within the 3D model of the Ardales Cave,
Spain, di Dirk Hoffmeister
Cussac Cave (Dordogne,
France): The role of the rock support in the
parietal art distribution, technical choices, and
intentional and unintentional marks on the cave
walls, di C. Ferrier et alii
The Palaeolithic
art of Tito Bustillo cave (Asturias, Spain) in its
archaeological context, di R. de Balbín-Behrmann,
J.J. Alcolea-González, M. Alcaraz-Castaño
The social
dimension of human depiction in Magdalenian rock art
(16,500 cal. BP–12,000 cal. BP): The case of the
Roc-aux-Sorciers rock-shelter, di O. Fuentes
contribution to the integrated study of European
Palaeolithic rock art: The issue of the audience and
the perceptibility of Roc-aux-Sorciers rock art (Angles-sur-l'Anglin,
France), di C. Bourdier, O. Fuentes, G. Pinçon,
collaboration of F. Baleux
Looking through
past records: The use of historical documents in
cave art spatial studies and its application to La
Pasiega (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain), di B.
Ochoa, D. Garrido-Pimentel, M. García-Diez
Traces of human and
animal activity (TrAcs) in Cussac Cave (Le
Buisson-de-Cadouin, Dordogne, France): Preliminary
results and perspectives, di L. Ledoux et alii
Experience based
reading of Pleistocene human footprints in
Pech-Merle, di A. Pastoors, T. Lenssen-Erz, B.
Breuckmann, T. Ciqae, U. Kxunta, D. Rieke-Zapp, T.
Thao |
Le site du pléistocène
inférieur de Lunery-Rosières, la Terre-des-Sablons
(France, région Centre, Cher): unités sédimentaires,
datations ESR, études géoarchéologiques, préhistoire,
di J. Despriée et alii, "Quaternaire", Volume 28
Numéro 1
Situé près du site paléontologique de Rosières, le
site préhistorique de « la Terre-des-Sablons » à
Lunery (Cher) a été découvert dans les années 1980
et environ 50 pièces taillées préhistoriques
typologiquement attribuables à un Paléolithique très
ancien (Mode 1) y avaient alors été récoltées dans
une sablière exploitant des formations alluviales
fossiles du Cher. A partir de 2003, des études
pluridisciplinaires y ont été organisées en vue de
mieux comprendre la situation géologique et
structurale du site et de préciser le mode de dépôt
et la position des formations sédimentaires qui y
sont observées afin de les replacer dans le système
fluviatile du Cher. Trois formations fluviatiles
fossiles superposées ont ainsi été reconnues et leur
datation par la méthode ESR sur quartz fluviatile
optiquement blanchis a montré qu’elles avaient été
toutes trois déposées par le Cher au cours du
Pléistocène inférieur entre 1,1 et 0,8 Ma. Lors des
prélèvements associés à cette étude géochronologique,
des pièces d’industrie préhistorique furent de
nouveau récoltées à la base de la formation
fluviatile la plus ancienne (1,166 ± 0,140 Ma), à 12
m de profondeur sous la surface topographique
initiale. Les fouilles menées entre 2006 et 2012
dans cette formation ont révélé la présence de
quatre niveaux archéologiques associés à deux
cailloutis stratifiés déposés sur le plancher d’incision
et recouverts par cet ensemble fluviatile inférieur.
Les techniques de débitage utilisées dans ces
assemblages d’artefacts préhistoriques (blocs
débités et éclats) rentrent dans la variabilité des
techniques de Mode 1 reconnues dans les sites
préhistoriques du Pléistocène inférieur européen.
Une étude géoarchéologique de cette unité grossière
a permis de déterminer les matériaux siliceux,
essentiellement des chailles jurassiques et des
meulières, récoltés sur place par les homininés et
de caractériser la situation des artefacts dans des
cellules de cryoturbation ou sur des surfaces d’érosion. |
Le site pléistocène moyen de
la Noira à Brinay (Cher, région Centre, France):
contexte morphosédimentaire, géochronologie et
données archéologique,
di J. Despriée et alii, "Quaternaire", Volume 28
Numéro 1 En
amont de Vierzon, le système fluviatile fossile du
Cher est composé de sept nappes alluviales, quatre
formations sableuses étagées sur le versant ouest de
la vallée et trois formations emboîtées dans le
fossé tectonique dans lequel coule actuellement la
rivière. D’après les données géochronologiques (ESR)
disponibles, ces formations se sont déposées entre
environ 1 Ma et 60 ka. Le site acheuléen de la Noira
(Brinay, Cher) est situé à mi-hauteur du versant
ouest, à la base de la nappe alluviale de la
formation des Fougères. À la Noira, l’unité
grossière de base (Unité a), déposée près du versant
et recouverte par la Formation des Fougères,
correspondrait à une phase de transition
interglaciaire-glaciaire. Les hommes y ont exploité
les plaques de meulières contenues dans des
sédiments grossiers déposés par solifluxion sur le
substratum après l’incision du Cher. Les fragments
des plaques qu’ils ont brisées ont été façonnés en
bifaces et ont servi au débitage d’éclats. Cette
Unité a et les ateliers qu’elle renfermait ont
ensuite été recouverts par des colluvions, puis
partiellement cryoturbés avant le recouvrement par
la puissante formation fluviatile sableuse des
Fougères. À la Noira, est constituée, sur plus de 6
m d’épaisseur, de trois unités sableuses (Unités b,
c et d) recoupés par plusieurs discontinuités,
recouvertes par des dépôts pente, des débris
cryoclastés, ou soulignées par des fentes de gel. D’après
les dates ESR (âge moyen pondéré de 665 ± 55 ka), la
formation se serait déposée après l’unité de base a,
dans la première partie du MIS 16. |
Etude géoarchéologique du site
acheuléen ancien de « la Noira », (Brinay, Cher,
région Centre, France),
di J. Despriée et alii, "Quaternaire", Volume 28
Numéro 1
Dans la vallée du Cher (région Centre-Val de Loire,
France), les recherches menées depuis 2003 ont
permis d’élaborer un cadre géologique, chronologique
et paléoenvironnemental pour les systèmes
fluviatiles et les sites préhistoriques associés. A
Brinay (Cher), les alluvions sableuses de la nappe
des Fougères qui ont recouvert le site acheuléen de
la Noira ont été datées par la méthode ESR de 665 ±
55 ka (MIS 16/15). Sur ce site, les études
géoarchéologiques et les fouilles montrent que les
homininés ont prospecté des amas contenant des
matériaux variés issus d’une formation
plio-pléistocène plus ancienne et descendus depuis
l’interfluve sur le versant (Sous-unité a1/Unité a).
Leur stratégie d’approvisionnement semble avoir
consisté à récupérer, après tri, des plaques de
meulière en éliminant celles qui étaient altérées ou
gelées antérieurement. Les plaques ont été brisées
et les fragments utilisés comme supports pour le
débitage d’éclats et le façonnage de bifaces. Les
fouilles ont confirmé la position primaire de ces
artefacts dont l’état de fraîcheur est remarquable.La
présence des hommes près de la rivière serait donc
en partie liée à ces matériaux accessibles. Les
meulières recherchées sont des silicifications qui
ont été mises au jour lors de la phase d’incision du
Cher puis sont descendues dans des coulées sur la
pente. Ces phénomènes liés à la cyclicité climatique
quaternaire correspondent à une phase de transition
en début glaciaire, avant le pléniglaciaire durant
lequel les zones non protégées de l’Unité a et du
plancher d’incision ont été cryoturbées. |
Les alluvions anciennes de la
Loire en orléanais (France, Loiret), une relecture à
l’aune de travaux d’archéologie préventive et d’un
programme de datations ESR,
di M. Liard, H. Tissoux, S. Deschamps, "Quaternaire",
Volume 28 Numéro 1
Dans le secteur d’Orléans, plusieurs diagnostics
archéologiques en contexte d’alluvions anciennes de
Loire ont été menés entre 2012 et 2015 dans le cadre
de l’activité d’archéologie préventive et de celle
du groupe de travail « Le Pléistocène de la région
Centre : élaboration d’un cadre
chronostratigraphique ». Les séquences alluviales
anciennes correspondant aux terrasses cartographiées
Fv, Fw et Fx, révélées par les sondages profonds,
ont fait l’objet de relevés stratigraphiques
incluant une approche macroscopique fine des
caractéristiques paléopédologiques et sédimentaires.
Les alluvions ont par ailleurs été échantillonnées
et datées par Résonance de Spin Electronique (ESR),
sept résultats ont été obtenus sur trois sites
prélevés dans Fx et Fw. Cette double approche, ainsi
que la découverte de matériels lithiques taillés sur
le site de Saint-Cyr-en-Val, ont permis de
renouveler la connaissance des formations alluviales
et de réinterroger leurs attributions chronologiques.
Ainsi, les datations ESR permettent de proposer un
âge MIS 12 (Elstérien) pour Fw et MIS 7-8 (Saalien)
pour Fx. Si les datations ESR sont à l’origine de la
définition d’un nouveau cadre géochronologique pour
Fw et Fx tout particulièrement, les relevés et
observations de terrain réinterrogent également l’apport
de la paléopédologie et de l’étude de la morphologie
et géométrie des ensembles sédimentaires à la
définition de marqueurs chronostratigraphiques
régionaux fiables. |
Bifacial tools
Mid-Palaeolithic W Eurasia,
"Quaternary International", Volume 428, Part A,
Pages 1-170 (15 January 2017). Edited by Árpád
Analysis of bifacial elements from Grotte de la
Verpillière I and II (Germolles, France), di Jens
Axel Frick, Harald Floss
The dynamics of stone industry transformation at the
interface of lower and Middle Paleolithic in the
Northwestern Caucasus, di L.V. Golovanova, V.B.
Bifacial scraper-knives in the Micoquian sites in
the North-Western Caucasus: Typology, technology,
and reduction, di L.V. Golovanova, E.V. Doronicheva,
V.B. Doronichev, I.G. Shirobokov
Bifacial and unifacial technology: A real difference
or a problem of typo–technological approach? The
example of the Ehringsdorf assemblage, di Małgorzata
Handaxes and leafpoints of eastern France: Spatial
patterns and role of the raw materials, di Agnès
Lamotte, Jean-Marie Chanson, Georges Willemann,
Frédéric Galtier
Technology of Moravian Early Szeletian leaf point
shaping: A case study of refittings from Moravský
Krumlov IV open-air site (Czech Republic), di Zdeňka
Nerudová, Petr Neruda
The Mousterian with bifacial retouch in Europe: The
fundamental historical error, di Marcel Otte
Handaxe manufacture and re-sharpening throughout the
Lower Paleolithic sequence of Tabun Cave, di Ron
Shimelmitz, Michael Bisson, Mina Weinstein-Evron,
Steven L. Kuhn
The last Neanderthals of Eastern Europe: Micoquian
layers IIIa and III of the site of Zaskalnaya VI (Kolosovskaya),
anthropological records and context, di Vadim N.
Stepanchuk, Sergei V. Vasilyev, Natalia I. Khaldeeva,
Natalia V. Kharlamova, Svetlana B. Borutskaya
The function and role of bifaces in the Late Middle
Paleolithic of southwestern France: Examples from
the Charente and Dordogne to the Basque Country, di
Michel Brenet, Jean Pierre Chadelle, Émilie Claud,
David Colonge, Anne Delagnes, Marianne Deschamps,
Mila Folgado, Brad Gravina, Ewen Ihuel |
Dopaminergic systems expansion and the advent of
Homo erectus,
di A. M. DeLouize, F. L. Coolidge, T.
Wynn,"Quaternary International", Volume 427, Part B,
12 January 2017, Pages 245–252
is well accepted that a grade shift occurred in
hominin evolution approximately 1.9 million years
ago with the appearance of Homo erectus. With the
challenges of complete terrestrial life, new
cognitive abilities were selected for that allowed
this species to thrive for the next million and a
half years. It has also long been recognized that
there was a change in diet with the advent of Homo
erectus, that is, a greater reliance on meat.
However, the relationship between additional meat
and the cognitive abilities of Homo erectus has
mostly remained unclear. The present paper proposes
that an increase in dietary meat protein and fats
may have led to an increase in dopamine and
dopaminergic systems, a critical chemical
neurotransmitter in the brain. This purported change
in dopaminergic systems may have played a key role
in many of the traits and abilities exhibited by
Homo erectus at that time, including increases in
body and brain size, dispersion, and a greater
aptitude for spatial and social cognitions. |
Evaluating the performance of
the cutting edge of Neanderthal shell tools: A new
experimental approach. Use, mode of operation, and
strength of Callista chione from a behavioural,
Quina perspective,
di F. Romagnoli, J. Baena, A. I. Pardo Naranjo,
Lucia Sarti"Quaternary International", Volume 427,
Part A, 5 January 2017, Pages 216–228
During Prehistory, shells have been used for
subsistence, ornamentation, symbolic behaviour and
tools. The investigation of shell tools has been
mainly carried out from the viewpoint of functional
analysis by investigating use-wear traces to
reconstruct the functional value of these artefacts.
Little attention has been devoted to investigating
the mode of operation of shell tools. The aim of
this study was to interpret the “potential of use”
of shell tools from a socio-economic perspective. We
used an innovative experimental approach to analyse
Neanderthal tools made of Callista chione, to this
end. Shell technology is well documented along the
Mediterranean basin between MIS 5 and MIS 3. We
designed and performed functional experiments to
analyse the technical performance of the cutting
edge of Callista chione tools during use,
reproducing the artefacts with comparable procedures
and technical gestures identified by previous
studies. The experiments have allowed us to create a
reference collection for the implementation of
use-wear analysis on shell tool assemblages. Our
results showed that the mode of operation of shell
tools was related to (i) the strength and the
microstructure of the shell; (ii) the geometry of
the cutting edge; (iii) the ergonomics and the
kinetics of the tools; and (iv) the social
organisation of tasks. The implications of results
for the socio-economic and functional interpretation
of Quina scrapers are discussed. This study
contributed to the comprehension of the variability
of behaviours expressed within Neanderthal
techno-complexes. This approach is promising to
improve the interpretation of raw material selection
and tool design. |
Aggiornamento 11 febbraio |
A Neanderthal deciduous human molar with incipient
carious infection from the Middle Palaeolithic De
Nadale cave, Italy,
di J. Arnaud, S. Benazzi, M. Romandini, A. Livraghi,
D. Panetta, P. A. Salvadori, L. Volpe, M. Peresani,
"American Journal of Physical Anthropology", Volume
162, Issue 2, February 2017, Pages 370–376
The aim of the study
is the assessment of Nadale 1, a Neanderthal
deciduous tooth recently discovered in Northeastern
Italy in the De Nadale cave (Middle Palaeolithic).
Together with the clear archaeological context of
the site, this study brings new insight on
Neanderthal behavior and dental morphological
We used microCT data to provide a morphological
description and morphometric analysis (diameter
measurements and dental tissue volumes) of the
Nadale 1 human tooth. Microwear analysis,
taphonomical investigation and caries identification
were performed using a stereomicroscope and Scanning
Electron Microscope.
In terms of morphology (i.e., incipient tuberculum
molare, marked mesial marginal ridge and
well-developed mid-trigonid crest connecting the
protoconid and the metaconid, deep anterior fovea)
and size, Nadale 1 presents features frequently
observed in Neanderthal lower first deciduous molars.
Microscope investigations reveal the presence of a
small pit which could be correlated to an incipient
Nadale 1 expands the Italian Middle Palaeolithic
fossil record and provides further information on
Neanderthal dm1s in terms of dimensional and
morphological variability. Furthermore, the presence
of an incipient caries brings further data on
Neanderthal diet. |
Tools Identify Key Evolutionary Advantages from
Ancient Hominid Interbreeding,
di J. Caspermeyer, "Molecular Biology and Evolution",
Volume 34, Issue 2, February 2017
Denisovans. Homo sapiens. Around 50,000 years ago,
these hominids not only interbred, but in some cases,
modern humans may have also received a special
evolutionary advantage from doing so. As more and
more data from archaic genomes are becoming
available, scientists have become keenly interested
in pinpointing these regions to better understand
the potential benefits that may have been bestowed
to us. One of the most striking recent examples is
the EPAS1 gene, which confers a selective advantage
in Tibetans by making them less prone to hypoxia at
high altitudes. We now know that the Denisovans
introduced it into the human gene pool. Inspired by
this example, in a new study published in the
advanced online edition of Molecular Biology and
Evolution, computational biologists Racimo et al.
(2016) have developed statistical tools and
simulations to successfully identify the signatures
of these interbred genomic regions. |
earliest long-distance obsidian transport: Evidence
from the ~200 ka Middle Stone Age Sibilo School Road
Site, Baringo, Kenya,
di N. Blegen, "Journal of Human Evolution", Volume
103, February 2017, Pages 1–19
This study presents the earliest evidence of
long-distance obsidian transport at the ~200 ka
Sibilo School Road Site (SSRS), an early Middle
Stone Age site in the Kapthurin Formation, Kenya.
The later Middle Pleistocene of East Africa (130–400
ka) spans significant and interrelated behavioral
and biological changes in human evolution including
the first appearance of Homo sapiens. Despite the
importance of the later Middle Pleistocene, there
are relatively few archaeological sites in
well-dated contexts (n < 10) that document hominin
behavior from this time period. In particular,
geochemically informed evidence of long-distance
obsidian transport, important for investigating
expansion of intergroup interactions in hominin
evolution, is rare from the Middle Pleistocene
record of Africa. The SSRS offers a unique
contribution to this small but growing dataset.
Tephrostratigraphic analysis of tuffs encasing the
SSRS provides a minimum age of ∼200 ka for the site.
Levallois points and methods of core preparation
demonstrate characteristic Middle Stone Age lithic
technologies present at the SSRS. A significant
portion (43%) of the lithic assemblage is obsidian.
The SSRS obsidian comes from three different sources
located at distances of 25 km, 140 km and 166 km
from the site. The majority of obsidian derives from
the farthest source, 166 km to the south of the
site. The SSRS thus provides important new evidence
that long-distance raw material transport, and the
expansion of hominin intergroup interactions that
this entails, was a significant feature of hominin
behavior ∼200 ka, the time of the first appearance
of H. sapiens, and ∼150,000 years before similar
behaviors were previously documented in the region. |
morphology of the enamel–dentine junction in
Neanderthal molars: Gross morphology, non-metric
traits, and temporal trends,
di R. M. G. Martin, J. J. Hublin, P. Gunz, M. M.
Skinner, "Journal of Human Evolution", Volume 103,
February 2017, Pages 20–44
This study explores the morphological differences
between the enamel–dentine junction (EDJ) of
maxillary and mandibular molars of Neanderthals (n =
150) and recent modern humans (n = 106), and between
an earlier Neanderthal sample (consisting of
Pre-Eemian and Eemian Neanderthals dating to before
115 ka) and a later Neanderthal sample (consisting
of Post-Eemian Neanderthals dating to after 115 ka).
The EDJ was visualised by segmenting
microtomographic scans of each molar. A geometric
morphometric methodology compared the positioning of
the dentine horns, the shape of the marginal ridge
between the dentine horns, and the shape of the
cervix. We also examined the manifestation of
non-metric traits at the EDJ including the crista
obliqua, cusp 5, and post-paracone tubercle.
Furthermore, we report on additional morphological
features including centrally placed dentine horn
tips and twinned dentine horns. Our results indicate
that EDJ morphology can discriminate with a high
degree of reliability between Neanderthals and
recent modern humans at every molar position, and
discriminate between the earlier and the later
Neanderthal samples at every molar position, except
for the M3 in shape space. The cervix in isolation
can also discriminate between Neanderthals and
recent modern humans, except at the M3 in form space,
and is effective at discriminating between the
earlier and the later Neanderthal samples, except at
the M2/M2 in form space. In addition to
demonstrating the taxonomic valence of the EDJ, our
analysis reveals unique manifestations of dental
traits in Neanderthals and expanded levels of trait
variation that have implications for trait
definitions and scoring. |
Middle Stone Age human fossil record from Klasies
River Main Site,
di F. E. Grine, S. Wurz, C. W. Marean, "Journal of
Human Evolution", Volume 103, February 2017, Pages
paleoanthropological significance of Klasies River
Main Site derives from its abundant Middle Stone Age
(MSA) archaeological debris and the hominin fossils
that have featured in discussions about modern human
emergence. Despite their significance, the human
remains have yet to be contextualized within the
spatial, stratigraphic and geochronological
framework of the site. We provide an updated
overview of the stratigraphy and geochronology of
the site, and review the human fossil record in this
context. We also provide the first anatomical
interpretations of many of the cranial vault
fragments. Five hominin specimens derive from the
Upper Member and six from the lowermost LBS Member.
The vast majority – nearly 40 cataloged specimens –
come from the SAS Member; many of these are from a
single stratigraphic horizon in a relatively small
area in Cave 1. There is a strong cranial bias to
the sample; just over 70% of skeletal remains are
from the skull. The postcranial skeleton is poorly
represented. Excluding the three metatarsals, there
are only three long bones in the sample – a clavicle,
a proximal radius, and a proximal ulna. Remarkably,
humeral, femoral and tibial diaphyses, which are the
most durable elements in terms of cortical bone
thickness and density, are absent. However, the
proportional representation of hominin remains is
reminiscent of the “Klasies Pattern” shown by the
MSA large bovid skeletal parts. To some degree, this
may reflect the excavation and recovery methods that
were employed. The vast bulk of the human fossils
represent adults. Only three undoubted juvenile
individuals are represented – each by a deciduous
tooth. This contrasts with other MSA sites along the
southern coast of South Africa, where human remains
are predominantly juvenile, usually in the form of (possibly
exfoliated) deciduous teeth. However, this apparent
dissimilarity may also reflect different excavation
techniques. |
Evidence for chronic omega-3 fatty acids and
ascorbic acid deficiency in Palaeolithic hominins in
Europe at the emergence of cannibalism,
di J.L. Guil-Guerrero, "Quaternary Science Reviews",
Volume 157, 1 February 2017, Pages 176–187
At the Middle-Upper
Palaeolithic (M/UP) transition in Western Europe,
hominins depended mostly on terrestrial mammals for
subsistence, being pointed out that reliance on
reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) would have promoted
declines in human population densities during that
period. Food-composition tables have been compiled
for hominins at the M/UP transition, listing protein,
fat, energy, different omega-3 fatty acids and
ascorbic acid concentrations. These data were used
to compute the regular relations between fatty and
lean tissues of the main hunted food-animals to meet
hominin energy needs. Then, with daily protein
intake considered critical, the optimal contribution
of the different omega-3 fatty acids from different
hunted species to hominin diets were computed.
Several faunal assemblages from different human
sites at different M/UP periods were used to assess
the overall daily intake of the various omega-3
fatty acid classes. The results of the calculations
made in this work are quite clear; hominins at the
M/UP transition had a deficit of both omega-3 fatty
acids and ascorbic acid. Data on human organs
summarized here are also conclusive: these contain
such nutrients in amounts much higher than reached
in the corresponding mammal organs consumed, and
thus could have been alternative sources of those
nutrients for Palaeolithic hominins. Therefore,
nutritional cannibalism detected at such times could
have had the function of alleviating these deficits.
The evolutionary advantages gained by the
consumption of the various omega-3 fatty acids of
human origin are also discussed. |
Aggradational Successions of the Aniene River Valley
in Rome: Age Constraints to Early Neanderthal
Presence in Europe,
di F. Marra , P. Ceruleo, L. Pandolfi, C. Petronio,
M. F. Rolfo, L. Salari, January 26, 2017, DOI:
- free access -
We revise the chronostratigraphy of several
sedimentary successions cropping out along a 5
km-long tract of the Aniene River Valley in Rome
(Italy), which yielded six hominin remains
previously attributed to proto- or archaic
Neanderthal individuals, as well as a large number
of lithic artefacts showing intermediate
characteristics somewhere between the local
Acheulean and Mousterian cultures. Through a method
of correlation of aggradational successions with
post-glacial sea-level rises, relying on a large set
of published 40Ar/39Ar ages of interbedded volcanic
deposits, we demonstrate that deposition of the
sediments hosting the human remains spans the
interval 295–220 ka. This is consistent with other
well constrained ages for lithic industries
recovered in England, displaying transitional
features from Lower to Middle Paleolithic,
suggesting the appearance of Mode 3 during the MIS
9-MIS 8 transition. Moreover, the six human bone
fragments recovered in the Aniene Valley should be
regarded as the most precisely dated and oldest
hominin remains ascribable to Neanderthal-type
individuals in Europe, discovered to date. The
chronostratigraphic study presented here constitutes
the groundwork for addressing re-analysis of these
remains and of their associated lithic industries,
in the light of their well-constrained chronological
picture. (...) |
enlargement and dental reduction were not linked in
hominin evolution,
di A. Gómez-Robles et alii, "Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences", January 17, 2017,
vol. 114, no. 3, pp. 468–473
large brain and small postcanine teeth of modern
humans are among our most distinctive features, and
trends in their evolution are well studied within
the hominin clade. Classic accounts hypothesize that
larger brains and smaller teeth coevolved because
behavioral changes associated with increased brain
size allowed a subsequent dental reduction. However,
recent studies have found mismatches between trends
in brain enlargement and posterior tooth size
reduction in some hominin species. We use a
multiple-variance Brownian motion approach in
association with evolutionary simulations to measure
the tempo and mode of the evolution of endocranial
and dental size and shape within the hominin clade.
We show that hominin postcanine teeth have evolved
at a relatively consistent neutral rate, whereas
brain size evolved at comparatively more
heterogeneous rates that cannot be explained by a
neutral model, with rapid pulses in the branches
leading to later Homo species. Brain reorganization
shows evidence of elevated rates only much later in
hominin evolution, suggesting that fast-evolving
traits such as the acquisition of a globular shape
may be the result of direct or indirect selection
for functional or structural traits typical of
modern humans. |
Discovery adds rock collecting to Neanderthal's
An international group that includes a University of
Kansas researcher has discovered a brownish piece of
split limestone in a site in Croatia that suggests
Neanderthals 130,000 years ago collected the rock
that stands out among all other items in the cave. "If
we were walking and picked up this rock, we would
have taken it home," said David Frayer, a professor
emeritus of anthropology who was part of the study.
"It is an interesting rock." The finding is
important, he said, because it adds to other recent
evidence that Neanderthals were capable -- on their
own -- of incorporating symbolic objects into their
culture. The rock was collected more than 100 years
ago from the Krapina Neanderthal site, which has
items preserved in the Croatian Natural History
Museum in Zagreb, where in recent years the research
team has re-examined them. (...) |
The ecological niche and distribution of
Neanderthals during the Last Interglacial,
di B. M. Benito et alii, "Journal of
Biogeography", Volume 44, Issue 1, January 2017,
Pages 51–61
In this paper, we investigate the role of climate
and topography in shaping the distribution of
Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) at different
spatial scales. To this end, we compiled the most
comprehensive data set on the distribution of this
species during the Last Interglacial optimum (MIS
5e) available to date. This was used to calibrate a
palaeo-species distribution model, and analyse
variable importance at continental and local scales.
(...) |
Initial micromorphological results from Liang Bua,
Flores (Indonesia): Site formation processes and
hominin activities at the type locality of Homo
di M. W. Morley et alii, "Journal of
Archaeological Science", Volume 77, January 2017,
Pages 125–142
Liang Bua, a karstic
cave located on the island of Flores in eastern
Indonesia, is best known for yielding the holotype
of the diminutive hominin Homo floresiensis from
Late Pleistocene sediments. Modern human remains
have also been recovered from the Holocene deposits,
and abundant archaeological and faunal remains occur
throughout the sequence. The cave, the catchment in
which it is located and the gross aggradational
phases of the sediment sequence have all been
subject to a great deal of scientific scrutiny since
the discovery of the holotype of H. floresiensis in
2003. A recent program of geoarchaeological research
has extended analyses of the site’s deposits to the
microstratigraphic (micromorphological) level. The
stratigraphic sequence in the cave is well defined
but complex, comprising interstratified sediments of
diverse lithologies and polygenetic origins,
including volcanic tephras, fine-grained colluvium,
coarse autogenic limestone gravels, speleothems and
anthropogenic sediments, such as combustion features.
The sedimentological and chemical heterogeneity
suggest that processes of site formation and
diagenesis varied markedly through time, both
laterally and vertically. We present initial results
from samples collected in 2014 from an excavation
area near the rear of the cave, which yielded
radiocarbon ages from charcoal that fill an
important temporal gap in the chrono-stratigraphic
sequence of previously excavated areas of the site.
The results indicate marked changes in site
environment and hominin activity during the Late
Pleistocene, relating primarily to the degree to
which the cave was connected to the hydrogeological
system and to the varying intensities of use of the
cave by hominins. Importantly, we identify
anthropogenic signs of fire-use at the site between
41 and 24 thousand years ago, most likely related to
the presence of modern humans. |
Acheuleans, two humankinds: From 1.5 to 0.85 Ma at
Melka Kunture (Upper Awash, Ethiopian highlands),
di R. Gallotti, M. Mussi, "JASs Reports-Journal of
Anthropological Sciences", Vol. 95 (2017), pp. 1-46
The Acheulean is the
longest-lasting human cultural record, spanning
approximately 1.5 Ma and three continents. The most
comprehensive sequences are found in East Africa,
where, in largescale syntheses, the Lower
Pleistocene Acheulean (LPA) has often been
considered a uniform cultural entity. Furthermore,
the emergence and development of Acheulean
technology are seen as linked to the emergence and
evolution of Homo ergaster/erectus. The criterion
for grouping together different lithic assemblages
scattered over space and time is the presence of
large cutting tools (LCTs), more than of any other
component. Their degree of refinement has been used,
in turn, as a parameter for evaluating Acheulean
development and variability. But was the East
African LPA really uniform as regards all components
involved in lithic productions? The aim of this
paper is to evaluate the techno-economic
similarities and differences among LPA productions
in a specific micro-regional and environmental
context, i.e. at Melka Kunture, in the Ethiopian
highlands, and in a specific period of time: between
~1.5 Ma, when some of the earliest Acheulean
complexes appeared, and 1.0-0.85 Ma, when LCTs
productions became intensive and widespread. Our
detailed comparative analyses investigate all
aspects and phases of the chaînes opératoires. Since
hominin fossil remains were discovered at some of
the analyzed sites, we also discuss differences
among lithic productions in relation to the changing
paleoanthropological record. Our studies show that
at Melka Kunture the LPA techno-complexes cannot be
grouped into a single uniform entity. The assembled
evidence points instead to “two Acheuleans”
well-defined by a strong discontinuity in various
aspects of techno-economic behaviors. This
discontinuity is related to a major step in human
evolution: the transition from Homo ergaster/erectus
to Homo heidelbergensis. (...)
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